It's very difficult to push yourself into eating more than what your body is used to. It's very natural to build up habits, but it feels very unnatural to change them, or worse, let them go.
I regrettably used to be confused, and at times, disbelieving when underweight people used to say that it's hard for them to gain weight. I guess I'm somewhat in their shoes now, because I kind of understand the struggle.
I'm not very active, so even though I'm 21.6st, the BMI calculated says that I should be eating around 2,200-2,400 calories. But, I'm struggling with that. Not gonna lie, healthy foods aren't very plentiful in our household. This leads me into my dilemma…
The only way that I can reach the calorie requirement is if I stuff my face with breads or rice. But (refined) carbohydrates are known to cause weight gain. In the end, it's like lose/lose situation, and I'm definitely losing the battle, rather than my weight, haha.
Oh, and also, to tell you the truth, I'm scared of increasing my caloric intake, I think this caused me to gain last week. I was trying so hard to hit the suggested calorie goal. Now I'm back up to 21.6st, when I managed to get down to as low as 21.4¾st last week when I was supposedly under-eating.
I was 22.1st just 5 weeks ago, and eating around 1,800-2,000 calories had the pounds falling off. I'm very proud of what I've achieved thus far, now I think back…
Anyway, I have some questions.
• Has exercise accelerated weight loss for you?
• Do you occasionally eat under the BMI calculator's suggestion? And, how has that worked out for you?
• Do you eat carbs everyday?
P.S. Sorry for the essay! I do ramble a lot. Oh, and I'm sorry for changing my weight into pounds and stones all the time.