I've just got in my late 40's and thought I need to loose weight so I started Monday but I have special K with chopped banana but late morning feel light headed can anyone help where I am going wrong
Hello everyone : I've just got in my... - Weight Loss Support
Hello everyone

Hi Ourbessy
Welcome to the weight loss forum.
Have you tried having a mid morning snack? Have a look in the Topics for recipes/meals/snacks and you may find a more filling breakfast than what your having.
Take a look at the Welcome Newbie post in the Pinned post section at the right hand side or at the bottom if your on a mobile. Have a look at the nhs 12 week plan, many members have had success following this plan. Use the BMI checker to work out your daily calorie allowance.
Below the Pinned posts are the Topics where members share a range of weight related subjects.
Take your measurements at the start together with a photo so you can see the changes on the days the scales don't move.
We have daily weigh ins so why not come along and join us. You can find the weigh ins on the Home page in the Events section on the right. Just click on the post in Events and record your start weight and any loss/gain or maintain for the week.
To get the most of the forum be active, share tips, recipes and experiences. Read some of the posts they are very motivating.
Have a good first week.
Perhaps try something a bit more substantial for breakfast? I find that protein will keep me fuller for longer, usually have eggs in some form. Natural yoghurt can give you a quick protein based meal, or you could try making something like overnight oats.
HI Ourbessy,
I think Penel is absolutely right - try an omlette with knob of coconut oil, and a pile of veg inside - like mushrooms, tomatoes or red peppers and a handful of finely chopped kale. Cook it up and lay it on a bed of fresh green leaves like baby spinach and watercress. I know it takes more time - but it is SO much more tasty and fun. Take your time, smell it, enjoy it and I promise you, it will leave you feeling MUCH more nourished and satisfied and happy with yourself then processed products like Special K.
Protein takes much longer for the body to break down - and so keeps us feeling more satisfied for longer. Protein for breakfast tends to have a roll on effect for the rest of the day.
Good luck!
I save WildlyPrecious and Penel cooked breakfasts for the weekend as I have very little time in the morning, but what I do instead is have cold overnight porridge, it's so easy and very tasty. It also fills me up until lunch time,
1/2 cup porridge oats
1/2 cup milk (I used skimmed)
Pretty much any fruit you like 1/4 cup
Or honey, nuts, cinnamon, mixed spice, Apple sauce
The choices are endless, put it all in a sealed pot shake, then place in the fridge for at least 6 hours,
Absolutely loads of recipe ideas online, I haven't got bored with it yet.
What ever you decide remember breakfast is the most important meal of the day, good luck
Kat xx
Yep agree with wildlyprecious again. You are basically eating two very fast burn high doses of Sugar. The body will burn this up very quickly and it will only give you a small spike in your metabolism. What we call a sugar rush. Now the body likes this feeling and it wants you to do it again and again. However having wildlyprecious Frittata will leave you feeling fuller for longer and the body will take much longer processing it. Don't forget when you wake up you have been asleep for lets say 8 hours, so you have fasted for all that time and the body needs to be replenished. First thing I do every morning is glug down a litre of cold water to rehydrate my body. Then I either have a bowl of Porage made with milk and a measure of Protein powder all zuzzed up and cooked in the microwave. Then when its done I add a nice handful of Walnuts. Another of my faves and a quickie is two slices of wholemeal toast with a three egg scrambled egg. On my leg training days I have been known to have both of these, as leg training day needs a LOT of energy.
You are trying to eat 4 small meals a day so you basically keep topping the body up as it burns the fuel. If you keep feeling light headed check your blood pressure and make sure it is not too low.
Thank you so much