Morning all. Am feeling very bloated, had a boring evening last night as husband gone off away to work again for the week. Daughters were upstairs doing their own thing, so I had a bit of a secret binge. Stupid, as it's only me I'm letting down. We've had several weeks of stress waiting for a travel visa for my husband, but it's finally come through so we're deffo now off on holiday to Canada at the end of July. I'm panicking that I only have 16 weeks to lose some weight, so it's even more stupid that I binged. Am wondering if all the stress and panic will hamper my weight loss too, even without the breadfest last night. It certainly seems to stop me being 'regular' (sorry!) .
Am doing Slimming World, but not really following the diet as it costs too much to buy all the fruit and veg, so using my fitness pal instead. I need to be weighed each week though or I'll start making excuses. By this point in a diet I've always given up. I've lost 1 stone 3, but really really need to lose more as otherwise I'm going to be a sweaty Betty on holiday. Any ideas to get myself going, I need a kick up the backside please.
Sorry for the Monday morning miseries....the weather should be lovely, so I will at least be mowing the lawn today!