A good recipe from PIneapple and even more impressive is the weight loss. I always use passata it seems to have a bit more guts and less water than ordinary tinned tomatoes or am I just deluding myself because I am paying more, what do you all think ?
Tinned Tomatoes versus Passata - Weight Loss Support
Tinned Tomatoes versus Passata

Sorry Sonja, I couldn't say, because I've never used passata! Probably because I always go for the cheapest option!
It depends on the recipe for me - i lean towards passata because it makes a thicker sauce for the likes of pasta, and it's very quick. If i use chopped tomatoes i tend to add puree, and i tend to use them in sauces that need to be cooked for a long time. It really does depend on what I'm cooking...
I don't think passata is a con though - it's a kitchen staple for us!
I only ever use passata, mostly because I don't like the "bits" in chopped tomatoes! I definitely think it is more tomatoey though, more intense flavour, which I prefer and I think it gives a thicker pasta sauce. Definitely my preference. 🍅🍅🍅
I'm with Rocklobster on this one. I don't like cooked tomato, can't be a the bits!
I use tinned tomatoes, Aldi's next up from basics, I often eat them cold from the tin! Therefore a bit more expensive unlike moreless! Passais is good for sauces tho, so use both
Tesco everyday tinned chopped tomatoes works well for me. I used to add tomato puree but I've found if you leave it to simmer it thickens nicely. I like the garlic and herb passata that comes in a carton as a treat, it's like a ready made pasta sauce, just heat up and serve. But I have a surprise for you. If you blend the chopped tomatoes with garlic and a few dried herbs you get a really nice passata

I use both of these things depending on the recipe. Some cheap tinned tomatoes are all water in which case I add tomato puree to thicken it. After many years Ive come to the conclusion you only get what you pay for with some cheap tinned foods , but I always look out for special offers or four-packs etc .