Weigh in tomorrow but don't think I've lost... so this is my rocky bit.. need to reassure myself it's absolutely fine whatever.. all I plan to do is stay on the journey and the rest will happen in due course... so went for a walk with my dogs.. had a light lunch but special... lots of fresh air and even some priceless sunshine...
Accepting it's ok not to lose every we... - Weight Loss Support
Accepting it's ok not to lose every week..
I agree! Don't give up. Nice dog too
Thank you Ella... my goodness 5 stone... well done you.. and if you had one word of advice what would it be ?
I wholeheartedly agree ... Our bodies are complex, but if we are doing the right thing the weight will come off, keep sticking to the plan, drink plenty of water and enjoy the journey! 🌻
It's definitely ok! Especially as we are all aiming to lose weight in a healthy way, with just a little bit every week.
I weigh myself daily so I'm quite used to it going up a bit, down a bit etc. I have an app that shows it as a graph, so when I look at my weight over the last few months I see the trend is clearly downwards
That's a great attitude jpip. It will be 'fine whatever'. Really liking your attitude.
yeah thats me...... i lost 10lbs in london, i am now back to 14 1 from 13 11....and at week 11 of the week 12 course maybe i should do a weekly weigh in now and go back to weightwatchers portion control and lost of excercise is not enough
I reckon... increase the treats you can fit into your plan easily and have more fruit n veggies... it's like prawns are quite a treat and blueberries but easy on the sw plan and try not to worry... I think it feels a tad like a panic when you gain or don't lose but it is better to chill and spoil yourself in other ways to bring it back into perspective and avoid the deprivation/binge feeling... so this week gonna be a tougher one for me but am convinced the most important thing is keeping on the journey of change to more useful thinking and eating habits.... and not throwing caution to the wind.. I have a little saying on my wall... When you feel like quitting ... just think about why you started...
when i was at weight watchers, they said make sure you measure yourself... if you have a gain... you may be surprised, I was making sure of two satsumas every night in london, but then read they were not compatible when eaten with other food... when i am feeling like a bing, i just have a sweet drink, but use sweeteners now and the ribena i had today was sugar free
hey ho? should i or should i not weigh in on weds and break my rule of a 2 weekly weigh in? in the wk11 guide of the nhs choices weight plan... it says this can easily be the plateau point..... it was like i over did it yesterday and saturday i had second helpings of mashed potato bu8t i had been excercisisng alot
Totally agree with you I have learnt that aswell, i don't always lose every week. You might surprise yourself tomorrow though I thought i hadn't lost one week and when i weighed in i had lost 2lbs. Good luck for the weigh in tomorrow Beautiful dog aswell
I was looking for surprise but exactly the same... so no gain...and I expect it will show next week... kinda had that bloated feeling all week so felt I might not show any loss.. thank you... that is one of my two dogs... will post cheery pic of my other soon..
Such a cute dog!!! I forgot about everything when I saw this pic. Now my only thought is, "Doooooog, awwwww!" Sorry can't say anything on the topic, totally lost focus made my morning, thank you
Just keep going Jpip , I haven't lost for 2 weeks, I find it frustrating, but I know I feel better and need to use next notch on belt. Good luck for next week.
not loosing is a lot better lucie than gaining!
Absolutely 😊
hello again 1382 on saturday and probably about 700 sunday i just had sunday lunch coffee a cake and donut all at lunch time then lots of excercise!
davidrob5541 , you don't sound as though you are eating enough calories. I'm at work so going to tag moreless , who will be able to advise you. Hope you don't mind moreless
You've checked the NHS BMI calculator and it gave you a range of 2,000 to 2,664, To continually eat less than that, is detrimental to weight loss and your health, davidrob. Not only are you not eating enough, but coffee, cake and a doughnut, can hardly be classed as nutritious.
I'd like you to read this, for a more detailed explanation of the folly of eating too little
i recently had to change the calorie counter i used the last one gave me daily allowance of less than 2000, when i worked it out with the current one with a weekly goal of 1lb a week loss it suggested a limit of 1710, because of my shape like other members of my family the bmi count works against me with an ideal weight 2 stone lower of 12 stone which i never reached............... the counter i use also deducts calories for excercise so today as i was walking round town for 1 1/2 hrs which is 590 calories in future i will report b4 and after excercise calories-
That still doesn't explain why you would eat less than 1400 calories on Saturday and only 700 on Sunday, derived mainly from sugar!
do you regard alchohol and a roast dinner as sugar?
all i did was eat at lunchtime only
davidrob, with no punctuation in your reply, lucigret and I understood you to have consumed less than 1400 calories on Saturday and to have had 700 calories for Sunday lunch, made up of cake, coffee and a doughnut. If this wasn't the case, then I apologise for attempting to help you and please, ignore me.
Me to if I have misunderstood your message davidrob5541 , apologise if I have caused offence.
1690 including two snjacks (satsumas) didnt count drinks thursday come closer! i hope it works........
thank you lucigret and moreless my weigh inn yesterday showed i lost 7lb this week thats 15lb since i started and 2lb since i came here from london
its ok to accept gain/maintain. last 2 weigh ins i know i ate like a pig and told nurse a maintain or gain will b on cards. somehow 1lb each weigh in was good
thats been my issue biscuits are my biggest weakness although my mind wants not to eat them my psyche gets the better of me thats how it was this monday my psyche got the better of me as did it do the same on weds, the only compensation i have tried to follow is having less carb at breakfast but that requires a strong mind and when i am tempted my mind is weak
What about a hearty porridge breakfast.. very filling, nutritious and keeps me going all morning... 1oz goes a long way made up with water and topped with a little fat free yogurt and a piece of fruit..
I doubt very much you have a weak mind... I find it is usually more about organisation and making sure you have something around you can treat yourself with that fits in with your plan.. like dried apricots and nuts out of your points which don't leave you gagging for more like biscuits do... or carrot n celery sticks.. or a banana when others are chomping biscuits... good luck
oh well a 2lb rise to 14 3 shock horror! not so bad as last wek after 2 weeeks it was a 4lb rise but he same rate of increase
Oh that is so disappointing for you... sweetners can have adverse effects for some people with weight, it may be worth looking at John Gabriel Method in terms of how chemicals and different foods interfere with weight loss... a lot on line about it... don't know which plan you are on but Sliming world allows you loads.. I am stuck with my weight this week but can have bacon, eggs, mushroom, sausage slimming world free ones, tomato and a slice of toast (healthy extra allowance) and a banana for pudding all for free without touching a single point... I was feeling deprived and so just had it for brunch!.. if I am plateauing I feel I may as well enjoy myself on the diet! I feel I don't always want something big like that but it's nice to have the choice. Hang on in there buddy..
thks i used weightwatchers twice before now but havent gone back because of the cost.... when you plateaue they not much support, and you deprive yourself of two many essential fats/nutrients
looked it up and the book isnt published here sounds expensive to join
yeah.. expensive to join but they do a free trial... which is very easy to cancel before subscription due and you can download some really useful meditation and access all his talks free during that month... I bought a dvd which was well worth it on amazon... they were scientists.. John Gabriel was about 30 stone and got too hungry on diets so started to research the effects of foods... discovering I think... that three chemicals in diet coke are fed to rat/mice to get them to gain weight.. they give useful foods which help encourage fat burning... but the caution I would offer is avocado... almonds.. etc. great but in moderation but they are still high calorie foods... I don't follow the plan but I have found the knowledge on foods very useful for change... he reduced size and stayed there without following a calorie controlled diet.. very much organic principles..
thanks did u get the book? for a while anyway i have been reading dr patrick holford on optimum health and dr fred pescatore think thin think good he helped me get on top of gut reactions and allergy medications, mo0derating my alchohol has done alot for my mental health....., and i have almost stopped all the nasal steroid-beclomethasone, ventolin-astma related medications- his writing on health is all about focusing on high gl foods and avoiding fastmoving carbohydrates.......day 1 friday 1237 calories!-gone back to ryvita.
Yes I did but to be honest I found the video and online talks more interesting and useful... there is so much information out there about food... you've kinda gotta keep an open mind and go with which parts suit you personally I think... it's finding what works for you