And we're off.....: This is the... - Weight Loss Support

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And we're off.....

Josie101170 profile image
48 Replies

This is the photograph that gave me the biggest shove! However, I feel more positive than I have ever felt as I embark on my first stone goal. I am going to break them down as 5 suddenly seems to be a massive number!

The support from this site has been amazing. But I have a couple of questions....

Is it manners to follow as many people as you can? I have followed those who were kind enough to welcome me but what does that mean!?

Is there a group for people wanting to lose over 5 stone? On MFP I was disconcerted as some people were on there to lose a few pounds so my goal seemed embarrassing and unattainable.

Do people use the site as a diary? How often do you add an entry?

Any advice is greatly appreciated!

Josie x

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Josie101170 profile image
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48 Replies
EllaMidlands profile image

Hi, welcome. I will try to answer your questions but it's only my opinion.

Firstly i follow people I think are interesting. Some people have lots, some not so many. I personally don't think you need to follow people out of politeness. I cetainly don't.

The benefit of following people is that then you see whe they have made a new post so you are less likely to miss it. It doesn't email you when they have just replied to something which is just as well or you would get a million emails.

I agree with you about liking talking to similar people , e.g people with lots of weight to lose. I have lost 4 1/2, it I still weigh 18 stone 6 so have a long way to go. BUT I have really benefitted from hearing from slimmer people that have lost weight and maintain or just slimmer people who have good stories and tips so I wouldn't limit yourself to bigger people.

With regards to how often to post - this is a really personal thing. Some people do loads of posts, some less. I do lots of replies but not so many posts as others. It's really fine as there is room for as many posts as people want. All are welcome. I tend to click like to show I support a post and reply if I have time.

As most people are in U.K. I find early to mid evening is busiest time to post. I feel sorry for some people if they don't get many replies but it does depend on time of day and what's on tv.

Have you joined a weighin? I am on Saturday post for this, it's a great way to keep up with a group of people and we support each other really well!

Good luck!

Josie101170 profile image
Josie101170 in reply to EllaMidlands

This is great, thank you. I am finding my way around and recognising names! I will join a weigh in, I think mid week is best for me as when I have previously lost weight on Friday or Saturday, I think wohoo...then eat too much! You are inspirational with your loss...I am looking forward to seeing mine!

Cuddlygran profile image
Cuddlygran in reply to EllaMidlands

I agree. We are all in the same boat in that on a daily basis we do many mini battles with ourselves. But everyone here has the same goals be it stones or pounds. You can learn and relate to very many people be they new to dieting or old veterans like me, complete with battle scars. Lol.

Fran182716 profile image

Hi Josie, I know this is your motivation photo but it is lovely anyway! There's a whole range of weight loss goals on here ranging from many stone to a few pounds but we're all here to support each other. 😀

Josie101170 profile image
Josie101170 in reply to Fran182716

Thank you! Our son took it and I am used to seeing myself only from the neck up!!! The support here is great.

Cuddlygran profile image
Cuddlygran in reply to Josie101170

Darling, we are our own worse critics. I will be perfectly honest and say that when I looked at your photo l didn't see what you obviously did. I saw a lovely photo of a happy couple having a great time. Learn to love yourself more my dear.

kalahuchi profile image
kalahuchi in reply to Cuddlygran

You took the words right out of my mouth Cuddlygran. That photo is so lovely! I have just spent the last 5 minutes looking for someone who seemed overweight and I have given up. x

lucigret profile image

Hi Josie101170 , how are you doing? I'm here to lose 5 stone. I weigh in on Friday's, just done mine. I was really pleased to have claimed my half stone badge today. That will be you very soon. As you say 5 stone seems a bit daunting, so I break mine down into mini goals, my first was to get to 15 stone, only 3.25lbs to go now, then I will do it in half stones and celebrate each one. I'm like Ella, tend to reply to peoples posts, especially if nobody else has or click a like to show support and then I post if I need help as that really motivates me again. Stick the photo on the fridge if that will help you - it's a lovely 'photo to have up anyway, even if it's your motivational one. Have a good week.:)

Josie101170 profile image
Josie101170 in reply to lucigret

Your reply is spot on, thank you! I will aim at half a stone first being some red nail varnish!!! I will put the photo on the fridge..great idea!

Tiggerr profile image
Tiggerr in reply to lucigret

Congrats on the badge lucigret. Way to go!

lucigret profile image
lucigret in reply to Tiggerr

Thank you Tiggerr can't stop smiling😄

George56 profile image
George56 in reply to lucigret

Well done you. Happy for you. Hope I can do better next Saturday. G🐒

lucigret profile image
lucigret in reply to George56

Just keep trying George, you'll get there:)

George56 profile image
George56 in reply to lucigret

Thankyou. Nt Nt. 🌷G

Cuddlygran profile image
Cuddlygran in reply to lucigret

Go girl. Well done.

Itsbab profile image

Hi and welcome that's a lovely photo but I have so many of them where all I see is me not everything else on them.

Firstly I started last May 19th the day my newjourney began thanks goodness the support and advice on here are amazing that's the reason I am still on track. There are many of us on here. Who need to loose 5st and over and many inspiring stories of people who have lost more than that.

I started at 17.1 the first phase of my journey I put £63 x £1 coins in a jar = 4.5st another empty jar alongside it as each 1lb goes I transfer £1 coin when lol are gone 4.5st lighter and £63 will buy me something to remember my weight loss. Afterwards I should be 12.8 and then I will make a new goal.

For my first 24 weeks I did the 12 week plan twice over using the sheets daily logging calories, steps, exercise, water etc now I use my fit bit to record everything.

It's up to you but I would use some form of recording what you eat it's the little things that add up of you are not careful.

Check you have the right mount of calories using the BMI checker don't go too low and just as you go on. Drink lots of water too.

Good luck make a small first goal say your first half stone, make a date with your partner when you reach it a night out treat for you both can be a reward cinema, theatre whatever you both enjoy that way he will be looking forward to the evening you will be working towards.

Josie101170 profile image
Josie101170 in reply to Itsbab

Good idea with the money! I did it with marbles! Money seems more of an incentive though.

I have still not checked my 'ideal' weight online....I need to bite that bullet. I am logging what I eat on MFP so it does the adding for me!!! Thank you for your message.

Itsbab profile image
Itsbab in reply to Josie101170

The weight range on the NHS checker is vast so I am thinking back to when I felt at my best for my ideal weight, for me I think the lowest range I would look incredibly ill.

For the calories range I go to the lowest as I don't add on my teas during the day so I presume the 200 calorie difference makes the drink counting up.

Cuddlygran profile image
Cuddlygran in reply to Itsbab

My teas add up to 200 cals on average so l just take that as read to. And totally agree with you regarding your personal goal. I am 57 and l know when l loose weight on my upper chest l absolutely hate the ribby look, it's so ageing. So I aim for what makes me feel better about myself in my skin.

Itsbab profile image
Itsbab in reply to Cuddlygran

It's my 57th in June and I would love to get to 12.7st by then but my weight loss is so slow but you never know your luck in a raffle lol

Hope you are managing ok on your new journey. 😊

Cuddlygran profile image
Cuddlygran in reply to Itsbab

Im actually going to be 57 in may, very best of luck then to both of us. We will have birthdays to remember for good reasons. I had a 3lb gain after a meal out last Sunday. I didn't panic and head for chocolate biscuits and l got 2 off within 2 days but the last pesky little blighter stubbornly remained till my weigh in today when it was joined by another pound. So in reality l lost a pound. I was pleased as before l would have caved in at 3 pound gain. But this is the reality of weight. 😠

lucigret profile image
lucigret in reply to Cuddlygran

Oh Cuddlygran , you make me smile:) I bet you loose the pesky little blighter by next week. well done for not going off the rails.

lucigret profile image
lucigret in reply to Itsbab

I agree with you Itsbab , the weight range is vast and I don't think I would look good at 10 stone now. I'm that much older, I want to look well, not gaunt. Although the NHS weight checker says I have 5 stone to loose, I will stop at what i'm comfortable with.

katy9617 profile image

Hi Josie and welcome! I am from US so I don't know how many stone is what but I have about 100 lbs to lose. I have just started following people and posting... again for the 3rd time. It is a lovely place to get advice, recipes, motivation all that and I love this place. everyone is so nice and helpful and never never think your goal is unattainable. we can do this and I do recommend using a food diary and writing down everthin I mean everything you eat as it will help tremendously. I never realized what I was putting in my mouth til I wrote it down. it will show you little ways you can remove calories without hurting too much or even noticing it. I try to exchange an apple or orange for my nightly snack as opposed to the sugar I used to eat. because I have just begun I have no real loss to report but I am feeling better already. Chin up! this can be done!

Josie101170 profile image
Josie101170 in reply to katy9617

Sugar is my nemesis! I love to bake amd feed my boys (husband and son....our daughter lives away, studying) but will do swaps. I love fruit and veg so no excuse really!!!

Thank you for your message, the support here is amazing. A stone is 14lbs...that number may be toooooo big for me to handle! Thank you for your message.

Cuddlygran profile image
Cuddlygran in reply to Josie101170

If you like baking it can be hard. My daughters have both joined weight watchers and slimming world in their towns and I must say some of the recipes are really nice. Make them up as family meals and perhaps add a baked potato etc for your non dieting family members. That's what my girls are doing and it works for them.

Cuddlygran profile image
Cuddlygran in reply to katy9617

Good luck over the pond. We will be routing for you here.

nightmare1 profile image
nightmare11 stone


Ive got 5 stone to loose as well I started out 15.1 and four weeks later im 14.6 its nice to try things on in the wardrobe that you haven't worn for a while and remember the last time you wore it .To go out in the street knowing you feel better and fitter you have to praise yourself for every pound you loose .Good luck

Cuddlygran profile image
Cuddlygran in reply to nightmare1

100 per cent behind you on that one. Keep up the good work. And save for the inevitable new clothes you are going to need in a little while.

nightmare1 profile image
nightmare11 stone in reply to Cuddlygran

Yes can't wait to go shopping ill do that when I hit the stone

Cuddlygran profile image
Cuddlygran in reply to nightmare1

Good for you girl. Xx

lucigret profile image
lucigret in reply to nightmare1

It's great to reach that 7lbs mark isn't it nightmare1 , I too have been doing this for four weeks and have lost 8lbs. I'm really looking forward to going into the 14's, only 3lbs to go. I will also get excited about being able to wear stuff in my wardrobe again.

nightmare1 profile image
nightmare11 stone in reply to lucigret

Hi I've lost 9lb to date i started out at 15.1 and today in 14.6.8 I want to see 13lb.....ASAP but its best to loose 1lb or 2lb a week I started 4 weeks ago today so we will have to encourage each other

Exmoorllent profile image

I'm another newbie who started with five stone to lose, now Got four to go. I feel like I've been trying to lose weight my whole adult life!!!

Cuddlygran profile image
Cuddlygran in reply to Exmoorllent

It is a lifelong battle we all fight and it's also a daily one. Your doing great. Keep it up. Well done on your progress so far.

suzybenj profile image

:-) I follow no one - personal choice. But I do have my favourite posters. I 'like ' those that interest me . From people who have lost stones and stuck at it , to interesting advice etc.

I tend only to post at weekends - because that is what suits me...but i do look most days to see what crops up.

My only other thought - really is engage in as much or as little as you want- the 'good manner' etiquette is if someone does reply to your post - to acknowledge that in someway.

But stay happy and good luck:-)

Hi Josie,

You have had some excellent advice already. You might find it useful to follow us Admin too, so you are notified about any updates from us :-)

Fitforit75 profile image

Hi Josie101170 , I probably need to lose at least that amount.. Lost over 4st before joining the site several years ago and never gained it back. I'm approaching my weight loss bit by bit now as the whole amount is just too daunting..

Good luck :) there is lots of support on here.

Kate x

elliebath profile image

Good luck to all you ladies above. Ha you're only young things 😊 and if you lose slowly there are definite advantages, it will not age you and you're much more likely to keep it off. I did it age 62 ,now past 64, and it can be done, little by little.

kalahuchi profile image

You've had so many lovely replies and the only thing I can add is that losing 5 stone can be done; a bit at a time and day by day. You'll have your ups and downs like all of us, but hang on in there and it's worth the effort. Good luck x

PS lovely pic; I've just spent 5 minutes looking for someone who looks like they could do with losing a bit of weight and have had to admit defeat! Are you absolutely sure you need to lose that much?

AnnTandy profile image
AnnTandy1 stone

Lovely picture! Off to Dubai myself in 6 weeks' time, hoping to shift half a stone before then - first weigh-in on Friday, got nearly 3 to lose in total so that can be my first marker. Think you're absolutely right to break your goal down into manageable proportions, good luck!

Josie101170 profile image
Josie101170 in reply to AnnTandy

Have a wonderful time. Have you been before? We love it as my best friend lives there so we get the best of both worlds.

I hope your weigh in was successful, whatever happens, we are all on the right track!

AnnTandy profile image
AnnTandy1 stone in reply to Josie101170

Yes, been to Dubai a few times & having "done" all the sights am this time planning on vegging in the sunshine, which is a slight concern - too much time available for eating & drinking! Am hoping I can resist the dessert buffets and stick to the lovely fresh food they're always loaded with...and thank you, 2.5lbs down at weigh-in, so definitely on track!

Rosie173 profile image

Hi I also have 5stone to lose and am using MFP to keep track of my calories and it recommended 1640 calories, which is a lot for me as I often eat very little or at all and have reduced mobility.

My weigh is tomorrow, so hoping I will have a loss!!

Be great to support each other along the way!

Josie101170 profile image
Josie101170 in reply to Rosie173

Hi, thank you for your message. MFP is the only way I have found to keep me encouraged and on track as I don't want to be a slave to food but know I must keep a track. My username is the same as here, so feel free to find me!

All the best for tomorrow....we can support one another and build eachother up. This site is great for a sounding board and to honestly say how you feel as someone will have felt that way too. I love it. Take care.

How is it going, are you on track?

Josie101170 profile image
Josie101170 in reply to

Hi Hidden I am a new Tuesday Trimmer! And last week saw a 4lb loss! My first goal is 7lbs so hopefully that will be do-able in the next couple of weeks! Slowly does it. Thank you for asking, much appreciated

in reply to Josie101170

Yes slow is the best way, I am sure you will hit your target.

Good luck.

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