This is on tonight. No idea how good it will be, but might have some ideas to help us.
How to Lose Weight Well - 8.00 pm Chan... - Weight Loss Support
How to Lose Weight Well - 8.00 pm Channel 4 Tonight

Thanks for reminder. Did you see the one last night? Never seen anyone eat so much cheese, I would love it if eating cheese was the answer. Baked Camembert anyone?
Yes I saw that one EllaMidlands and miopus Food Unwrapped Diet special, thought it was quite good. I noticed they said the man that ate 400g of cheese per day had an 80 hour labour intensive job so maybe not for everyone as you say, shame! The advice about low fat is definitely changing though, was interesting. I will watch the one tonight too.
It's amazing how different diets are. The only thing they all agree on is sugar is the enemy and things like white bread, white rice are not nutritious enough to be worth it. Wonder what tonight's will say.

I will be watching it! Xx
Interesting, I'll take a look. Thanks.
I'll be glued....hopefully of some positive vibes and top tips.
Since tonight's is 1/5, the others must be on over the coming weeks. Nonetheless, I've it set to record on series link.

Looking forward to seeing it 😊
This was a really good watch last year. Forgot to record tonight so will catch up. I remember poor Doctor Xand really putting himself through it to test some of the weird and wonderful ideas...

That has really cheered me up as I start Weight Watchers on Thurs Good programme 😀