Started this weight loss journey at the end of October and all that has happened is that I now weigh 4 1/4lbs heavier than when I started thanks to birthday celebrations for myself and my husband. Well seaside and NYC trips done only my family Christmas trip to Durham this weekend to get out of the way and then I will draw the line AGAIN! will weigh on Monday morning and stick to my calorie limit until Christmas Eve it's a plan! Wish me luck please
Line drawing again and again! - Weight Loss Support
Line drawing again and again!

Hi, don't beat yourself up it sounds like you have been a busy bee this past month. Have a nice time in Durham this weekend and good luck with your plan
It's great that you are not giving up, I love your attitude. Countless time I would try to lose weight and instead I would gain some and then I would give up and eat my feelings. I'm happy to see that this is not an issue for you. With all the trips and holidays out of the way I'm sure you'll be able to stick to your limits and reach your goal Good luck!
LouGr I am 60 and remember when I was young 18-40 I never worried about what I ate then the hormones went wonky and it has been a constant battle with food for the past 20 years so I am going back to how I used to eat which was nothing to excess and calorie counted and if I have a bad meal or bad day or even a bad month like this last one I am drawing that mental line. You can do this too have you joined the Monday weigh in it's a great start to the new week x
I sure do hope so. I could say I do the same with the mental line as you call it and I get all excited about healthy eating and such but I always end up lacking motivation to stick to the new lifestyle. I joined this community in hopes that it can help me stay on track
I have indeed had my first weigh-in yesterday and now I'm worried because I'm spending the weekend with my family and my grandma is too good at cooking so usually all the hard work I've done over the week is "compensated" so next weigh-in may not be too successful But hey, it would be worse if I ate loads for the whole week
That's it make sure the weekdays are as balanced as you can then have the weekend treats that's how I used to eat and stayed slim. Show your family this site and they are sure to want to help.
My sister eats like that and is still as slim as she ever was so it can be done also I know I need to get out there and walk more so on that note it is a lovely crisp cold day here in the midlands so I am off out for a walk before lunch.
Walking is my favourite exercise I hope you had a nice one
It's mine too. But didn't make it out in the end as my daughter rang to ask me to go through to her house so she could go shopping without my grandson! He is my other form of exercise!
The past is the past - as you say - line drawn - good luck with going forward
Goodluck but please take your time.
Good luck 😉
Thanks everyone you are all very kind but you have to know my dieting life has had more lines than the London Underground! However with your lovely support I am hoping that this one is the last line thank you. I am going to try very hard watch this space as they say
Thank you concerned I try to follow a French / Mediterranean diet where I can olive oil, butter real cheese fruit and veg hormones harnessed now

Enjoy your trip and good luck drawing that line. Hope you've got a good straight ruler with no bumps in it to help you stay on the straight and narrow . You'll get there and everyone here will cheer you on.🤗