I'm 44 overweight and trying and failing to lose weight this is a constant cycle, I have just had a full hysterectomy so unable to exercise
I would like to lose 7 stone so any tips are welcome please.
Also how do I get the 12 week plan?
I'm 44 overweight and trying and failing to lose weight this is a constant cycle, I have just had a full hysterectomy so unable to exercise
I would like to lose 7 stone so any tips are welcome please.
Also how do I get the 12 week plan?
Hi. Welcome to the forum. If you look at the link below it gives you all the information on being new to the site.
There are also links to the weekly weigh in and other challenges if you would be interested. They are at the bottom of this page or to the right hand side. Follow Lowcal and Moreless for more info and notifications.
You can download the 12 week plan from the NHS website in the Live Well section.
Give yourself time to recover from your hysterectomy. I'm sure you have been given advice on what you can and can't do. Once you are able to gentle walking would be good but I was recommended Pilate's after a double hernia op which is fantastic for recovering your core strength.
The 12 week plan is a great place to start and this forum is fab with lots of lovely people and oodles of support!
Good luck.
Thanks for your help, I have used the link to get the plan , Pilates sound good will give it a try 👍
Hi there!
My advice would be log everything you eat and drink so you can get a real idea of your diet from week to week, and take part in the weigh-in on Monday so you get into a routine.
My only exercise is walking to work and back but I seem to be heading in the right direction weight-wise mostly by getting my food/portion sizes to balance my activity level.
Hello . I just wanted to day "Hi". I have no tips to offer but lots of support.
I'm a seasoned pro at failing to lose weight. Been hard at it for ten years now.
Hi Caravaner1,
Welcome! I hope you're finding your way around the forum ok, and hopefully you've found the NHS 12 week plan now? I can see that TheJuggler has given you a link to our Welcome Newbie post, and the NHS 12 week plan is within that - as well as being on the homepage (right-hand-side) - really good to sign up for E-mail support, as it works really well doing that. That would be my suggestion.
Hope to see you around and about in the forum, and maybe in our Monday group weigh-in if the idea of a weekly weigh-in appeals to you?
Wishing you an excellent week ahead.
Hello and welcome Caravaner1 😊
Firstly, losing weight is far more influenced by what we eat rather than exercise 😊 However, walking is strongly recommended after hysterectomy if you feel able, just 5 minutes 2 or 3 times a day 😊 It is great for abdominal bloating and wind. However, you will probably be feeling very tired so I know this probably doesn't appeal!!
When was your op? I had full hysterectomy 7 weeks ago. Nutrition is particularly important during the healing process 😊 Please feel free to ask if you have any questions. I also recommend The Hysterectomy Association on health unlocked 😊
Best wishes 😊
Thanks for support I had my hysterectomy 1 week ago had a fair few complications but that's life. Walking around ten-fifteen mins a day hope yo do more soon👍