Friday weigh in : Two months ago I was... - Weight Loss Support

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Friday weigh in

15 Replies

Two months ago I was weighing in at 12.5st and today I went to weigh in for the first time since then only to find the battery had died in my scales 😞 I had intended keeping an eye on the weight through the summer but we came home from our lovely holiday to a critically ill dog which took over everything else. This meant we were house bound for the rest of the holidays, no walks and probably abit of comfort eating too! Luckily he is on the mend and we are able to walk again. The sad thing is that the vet bills have wiped us out so my original goal of losing weight and gaining fitness for our skiing holiday in February has now had to be cancelled. However the old eating habits creeping in over the summer made me feel so unhealthy that my goal will continue despite the lack of holiday. Hoping to weigh in with new battery next Friday giving me a little longer to lose the summer excess. I hope everyone else's week is going well ☺

15 Replies
Itsbab profile image

Hi and welcome back to the forum. Firstly don't worry, other things take centre stage when we have a crisis in our lives but I am so glad your dog is on the mend.🐶👍

I know what you mean about the vets bills I lost 2 Labradors one at only 41/2 years old to Lymphoma and the other a chocolate lab at only 2 years old he had been born with poor kidneys and other issues so sad but they are our family so cost doesn't come into it and you just do whatever you can to allow them to see the rest of their lives out in comfort.😥

Just weigh in when you feel confident to do so and now you can focus on yourself a little with the healthier lifestyle. Luckily we are having some nice weather so you will be able to get out and walk the dog to better health.

Good Luck you will soon be back in the swing of it. Bev😊

in reply to Itsbab

Thanks Bev and so sorry to hear about your dogs too. You can't guarantee you are going to pick a healthy one from the litter but sounds like you really were unlucky. My dog got gastrointinitis which turned into pneumonia so the vets referred us to a specialist doggy hospital. The whole thing came to about 5k. Insurance paid for a 10th so been en expensive summer. Luckily he is back better and we are enjoying the autumnal walks. ☺

Itsbab profile image
Itsbab in reply to

Aww, poor thing but so glad he's on the mend and you can enjoy going out again, you actually jogged my memory as I have to claim back for blood tests on my lab/beagle cross, he's ok thank goodness but on a diet to loose weight just like his owner lol.🐶

Oh Juliet I am so sorry your dog has been so poorly. However elated that it's making a good recovery.

Yes anyone that has animals understands that when they are ill its devastating physically emotionally and spiritually and unfortunately becomes an open cheque book for the vets. The important thing is your dog is in recovery. 👏

Don't panic - today is the start of a new day dust yourself down and start again gey back on track.

You can do this.

As you have said you have lost 11lbs but stuck which happens to us all however due to battery failure your not quite sure if you have gained or lost -you may have lost more than you think.

Reading between the lines you may have felt powerless and not in control of things happening around you when your dog became poorly and then having to cancel your holiday and then your potential weight gain - although your not sure.

This is your opportunity to snatch your control back you are now back in control and can do this.

Fresh start today. Good luck☺

in reply to

Thank you. Yes very much a fresh start. Will get a battery for the scales and continue next Friday (maybe a blessing to give myself a week's grace!) We started back though with the healthy eating and walking last Monday so feeling better already. Have a good weekend ☺

Hi Juliet,

So happy to hear your dog is on them mend. Sorry about the hols but vet bills have to take priority I guess {{{{ hug}}}} The positive is by the time you get away on you next holiday you will have reached your target and living a healthy life without a thought😃

I have returned from holiday with a 'pot' on as have broken 3 bones in my foot and not able to weight bare for 6 weeks! I have struggled for some months with the same 3 Ibs on and off!!! Have not been weighed so my plan is to eat as healthy as I can( Mr F said he will not feed me anything unhealthy 😕)

We will get there Juliet and come Christmas we will sparkle like never before 😜

Enjoy your week


in reply to

So sorry to hear about your foot. What a nightmare. Oh dear and only healthy food too! That doesn't sound much like fun! Perhaps the odd treat now and then?? I have gone back to the NHS meal/recipe. There are some lovely meal recipes from there. Anyway yes I think a goal by Christmas is a good idea. Will have to weigh in first but hoping if I am still in the 12's 😯then maybe getting into the 11's sometime. It has been my goal all year so may have to have a rethink this time as to new diet plan! Have a good weekend ☺

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to

Hi Flossie! Welcome back to you too - sorry to hear about your broken bones in your foot - oh no!!! Glad Mr F is looking after you!

You and Hidden will be sparkling away by Christmas - I have no doubt about that!

Lowcal :-)

Iwilldothisthisyear profile image
IwilldothisthisyearRestart Oct 2024Restart Feb 2024

I'm sorry to hear that your dog was critically ill and I'm glad he's getting better. I bet your glad of your pet insurance. I know how expensive & upsetting having a pet can be. Our old cat had two lots of skin cancer ( thought she might lose her leg) & then kidney disease & eventual total kidney failure.We didn't have any pet insurance . Took us quite a while to pay back all the money we'd had to borrow but she was so worth it. We have pet insurance for our two cats now.

Looking back now I also returned to comfort eating so put back on the weight I'd lost at slimming world.

Now your dog is getting better you can now focus on yourself & getting healthier .

Take care & good luck

in reply to Iwilldothisthisyear

Thank you. Unfortunately I took out a very cheap insurance which only paid for a 10th of the cost so have had to take out a loan as well as cancel the skiing. Sorry to hear about your cat though. It is incredibly upsetting but worth the cost. Yes now focusing as I know how much better one feels to be lighter ☺

Iwilldothisthisyear profile image
IwilldothisthisyearRestart Oct 2024Restart Feb 2024 in reply to

Hopefully you can get another trip when your finances are better & show off the new healthier you.

in reply to Iwilldothisthisyear

Absolutely the last skiing holiday was great but I would liked to have been fitter so yes goal is next time I will be healthier ☺

Iwilldothisthisyear profile image
IwilldothisthisyearRestart Oct 2024Restart Feb 2024 in reply to


Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI

Hi Juliet,

Great to see you again!!! Welcome back. :-) Sorry to hear about your dog's ill-health, and really glad to hear he's on the mend and you're able to walk him again. I am also sorry to hear you've had to cancel yoru Skiiing holiday in February, but hopefully there will be a silver lining somewhere that will make up for that, and you'll still enjoy things.

Will look forward to seeing how you get on with the scales when you weigh-in with your new batteries, and good luck!!! Like you say, a bit more time to get rid of any Summer excesses.

Enjoy the weekend, it's nearly here!

I'm doing fine - been away on holiday and trying to get my holiday excesses off now - most of it has gone, and hope to get rid of the remaining few pounds - but back in the 13's again, so really hoping to see those 12's again in the near future! :-)

Lowcal :-)

in reply to Zest

The battery has been ordered so will weigh in next Friday ☺. Am hoping I'm still in 12's but know probably at some point of the holidays I was well into 13's ! It is amazing though how quickly it goes on and comes off if you handle it well! The main thing is not to let weight maintenance spoil life in general! Glad you had a lovely summer and that you are getting closer to the 12's again. Have a good weekend ☺

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