Starting the plan tomorrow - currently 12st with a bmi of 27.9 other diets haven't worked for me - but keep trying!!!! anyone else starting?
Newbe: Starting the plan tomorrow... - Weight Loss Support

Hi, I start today with about 2 stone to lose. Watch this space !!
Yeah, I stated on Monday with about 50lb to lose. It's good to know I'm not the only newbe.
I'm an old timer and just want to wish you all well on this healthy lifestyle journey 😊 Check in often, read the Newbies post and keep us up to date with your progress! Good luck 😊
Hi Slimjim,
I started last week. Lost just over 2lb😊 of the 2 stone I need to lose.
you will find plenty of support and suggestions on this forum. Good luck😊
yes,I have just found this site too
hoping to loose about 2 stone, but keeping an eye on the result too,( too vain to want to look old lol)

Let me be one to encourage you ( and others) YOU CAN DO THIS!
In April 2014 my weight came as a shock to me, I was 12st and 2st overweight, but during the following year I lost all of that 2st and have kept it off since April 2015.
No secret formula , I simply counted calories using the "myfitnespal " app. I did not ban any particular food, still had a small piece of chocolate if i fancied it, a glass of wine, small piece of birthday cake etc, but always counted it into my daily/weekly allowance. AND I ate bigger portions of the healthier options, such as veggies, fish, eggs.
And I walked more, and drove less.
MOST IMPORTANTLY, DO NOT THINK OF THIS AS JUST ANOTHER " DIET" .... IT IS A LIFESTYLE CHANGE, A HEALTHIER WAY OF EATING FOR LIFE. Once you lose the weight you can increase your foods slowly til you find your maintenance level.
The NHS 12 week plan is a good place to start, or simply plan your meals and calorie count using myfitnesspal. Just keep within the recommended maximum calorie allowance for your current age and size ( I was age 62 and 5ft 5in with 2st to lose so I kept under 1400 cals a day for a slow, steady loss) but check your personal BMR guidelines on NHS Bmr checker or on myfitnesspal .
Good luck, you can do this too! ☺
I am like you to-morrowf to do an exercise DVD and watch what I eat in the way of saturated fat and sugar,and no sweeteners. I will let you know how I get on. It,s worth a try!
Hi I agree with everything elliebath said. Its got to be a way of life not a diet. Go with the lower calorie level to loose the weight then once at your goal slowly increase your calories but keep eating the same sorts of things. It doesn't mean you can never have treats but you will learn that they are treats and will build them into your daily meal plan. You will loose the weight this time for sure - this forum is great for motivation and support. Best of luck