Is there any point if I can't work out? - Weight Loss Support

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Is there any point if I can't work out?

17 Replies

I realise that the lull in my diet plan has been due to depression. (Long story). I know too, that walking etc., is good for depression right? However, it is a chicken and egg scenario. I just can't bring myself to doing it.

I think on some level one has to feel slightly good about themselves in order to go out of the front door? I feel so yuk that I don't want to even do that. I reckon its hormones again. :( The worse part for me is my tummy, I am probably making it sound much bigger than it is, but really??? I feel like I am expecting with no end in sight.

Anyway, can I still do this and still be the almost bed ridden slob I have become. If not then my giving up is probably the only way?

I've put back on all the wight I lost, but I do think I lost an inch around my waist (Yay). It's 36 now.

17 Replies
Caz28 profile image

Hi, sorry you are feeling so down at the moment. Your waist size is smaller than mine so I think it may just be the way you are feeling about yourself! Getting out in the fresh air is great for the mind and body but if you don't feel able at the moment, why don't you try a walking video, you can do them inside or on your patio on a nice day, it might give you some motivation? I would recommend Leslie Sansomes 1 mile walks on you tube to begin with, I've found them really helpful, and you definitely get the feel good factor! Hope you feel better soon.

in reply to Caz28

Thank you so much for your reply. I love Leslie Sansome. I did do her work outs for a bit. I will try again even if just for 10 minutes. xx

IndigoBlue61 profile image
IndigoBlue61 in reply to

Another vote from me for Lesley Sansone 😊

I totally get the chicken and egg thing. I have to lay my running kit out so I just put it on and go out before I've properly woken up in the morning. Then once I'm out it all falls into place. Having great music on my ipod helps too. It doesn't have to be upbeat motivational, my favourite running music is Stone Roses, closely followed by Suede and Jesus & Mary Chain, some people would think that's the opposite of running music but it works for me, gets my head in the right zone. I put my headphones on, get the music playing and head out, everyone thinks I'm listening to the Rocky soundtrack or something but no I'm re-living the 90s. Also if you don't want to run or do couch to 5k even a half an hour walk would make a difference, or 10mins exercise at home. Things like strength exercises can even just be done while you're in bed or sitting on the sofa, can be as little as 2 minutes a day, but little and often adds up eventually. I'd say keep trying. But calorie restriction alone will help too. Yay for your inch lost - you must be getting something right! :)

in reply to

The ipod really helps. I need to update mine. I love dance music. So yes, thank you great idea. This is really helping, in fact I just did 10 mins of Leslie Sansome, it may not sound big, but wow, it's a start.

May I ask which strength exercises in bed you speak of. I might do those too.

in reply to

If you look up the "lower back" and "abs" exercises on the NHS pages, you'll see lots of them are done on your back. I often do a few on the bed before going to sleep, especially the back exercises, I think they're core strengthening. That's great you did the Leslie Sansome workout. Hope you find good music to update your ipod with, things that make you want to get outside and walking :)

IndigoBlue61 profile image
IndigoBlue61 in reply to

I was also going to suggest 5 or 10 minutes dancing round the front room 😊 Music really lifts the spirits

in reply to IndigoBlue61

Great idea thank you :)

LessToLose profile image
LessToLose4lbsRestart April 2024

I have suffered with depression for many years and was feeling quite bad when I began my weight loss journey last year. Everything felt really hopeless and I was very much in danger of ending up being shut indoors unable to walk at all.

But I decided to give it a go, with no real hope of success, but after losing a fair amount in the first two weeks and feeling more confident about facing the big wide world in tracksuit bottoms and oversized t-shirts I just went for it!

I can't really say it has cured the depression, because sometimes I still do struggle, but I do have a lot more confidence and feel more positive about my future.

Hopefully, you will too. Just get some music or (as I do) a good Audible book on your mobile, plug in and move about a bit. Doing the 10,000 steps a day thing is a good place to start.

Wishing you all the best - and loads of luck!

Cat33 profile image
Cat33Restart Dec 2023 in reply to LessToLose

I'm glad you are feeling so much better To me walking is the best thing to do once I'm over that step I feel so different

The 10,000 steps too is great

All the very best 😊😊

fleur64 profile image

Another vote for the five minute rule. Anything that's hard tell yourself you'll just do five minutes. If you feel OK after that you may do more but if not you've succeeded in doing five minutes that you wouldn't otherwise have done. Increasing activity (of all sorts) can be important in managing depression, but life is mostly made up of small steps (woman does five minutes of an exercise DVD) not headlines (woman runs marathon). Looking for headlines can help fuel depression; we're aiming to feel OK, amazing isn't sustainable.

My zen like wisdom comes from 25 years of managing my own depression btw.

And good luck x

in reply to fleur64

yes. 5 minutes is better than no minutes, I always say. Thank you.

Cat33 profile image
Cat33Restart Dec 2023

The hardest part is putting that foot over the front step but please try and do it It will make you feel so much better just being out in the fresh air noticing birds singing or sun shining or whatever Tell yourself" I can turn round and go back anytime I want and no one will care "there is no one saying you have to stay out for any length of time it's up to you when you go home

Once you do it you will be so glad you did and want to keep at it

Yes yes yes you can do it Make yourself get up each day dress and put your make up on then you know you are ready to walk out that door anytime

Please don't give up we are all on the forum to give support to each other and know exactly how you feel and you are not alone

Love yourself weight and all I'm sure you have lovely qualities be kind to yourself

You can do it and start to enjoy life just do it one step at a time and put yourself first

Let us know how you get on and we will all be cheering when you start your walks

This is the first day of a new life good luck 😊😊😊

jenwriter profile image

Baby steps. Exercise can help your mood, it releases endorphin which make you feel good. Start by just walking further than normal or doing an exercise you will enjoy even just a few minutes will help. It is hard when you're not feeling very positive, I've had this problem lately too but it's a vicious cycle and when you start doing something to feel better it may spark a change and help you permanently.

How about doing some yoga? It's gentle and is great for relaxing. I guess you can lose weight by diet alone but exercise kicks off your metabolism and is easier, you also tend to eat better.

in reply to jenwriter

I do enjoy yoga, particularly chair yoga (it's easier on the back etc). I've been cleaning a lot which is movement at least. Thank you for your input.

Cat33 profile image
Cat33Restart Dec 2023

Hi I just wanted to check in to see how you are doing today I hope you are feeling brighter and have managed to get out Thinking of you and wishing you well 😊😊

Thank you, that is so kind of you. I haven't got out, although I did walk to the shop the other day (very unusual!). I haven't been sleeping that well is the only reason. I do feel a bit more committed again. I'm watching my carbs and fats. I hope you are having a good week too. xx

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