I've been so good for several weeks ,but have started eating rubbish again in the evenings.So cross with myself for slipping again.Having a battle with DWP for several weeks now ,The stress of that isn't helping.Hoping we get the outcome we need then I might get control again.Thanks for listening .😱
Annoyed: I've been so good for several... - Weight Loss Support

I am exactly in the same boat as so good. Loosing weight and now I am just not interested. I am comfort eating and hoping to get myself sorted out on Thursday.
Good luck! I hope you sort yourself out very soon and we will soon be shedding those pounds and eating healthy again!
Hi Rosie 15 - I can really sympathise - I am having a war about PIP entitlement and like you, stressing out very much and therefore eating all and everything that's bad for me....when will it end but good luck for getting back on track. I am still trying though and will not let 'them' win and that can only mean my eating habits will improve.
Good luck again
Hi rosie15 - yes it is very stressful. I went to see my doctor and was lucky enough to see the younger 'one' who agreed with your doctor. However when I went back for the form, I saw the 'older' one who stated that she had known me since 1996 and I was only "partially epileptic" - among some of her replies. I have been with the surgery for over 30 years and wasn't aware one could be "partially epileptic" - otherwise like before when I stopped taking my medication and had a massive seizure, this would be happening more often than not! Not helped me one bit I feel and now even more stressed!
I have been in touch with CAB who are very helpful and will make another appointment to sort the doctors mess out - well it's what I feel and don't mean to be disrespectful.
Keep me up to date if you can and again, all the best
Yes Rosie15 - we must and "nightmare" is my nick name....My real name is Mary and one night in one of my jobs, someone said "night Mare" when leaving and it stuck!
I am sorry for your troubles too. I suffer from depression and have done so for years - well since God was a boy it seems, my dad has dementia and I used to help him until he went into a residential home - another guilt trip....I have pain nearly 24/7 but there you go, at least I'm still breathing - just about as I have COPD too.....
Speak soon
And I have two Westies - a brother and sister aged just 2, a cat called Missie who was abandoned as a little kitten on Hampstead Heath and apart from family, that's about it!
I've been on meds for years for depression.My mum had dementia and had to go in a home.I'm convinced she was mistreated and I can't stop thinking about her.Its my husband who is disabled and in constant pain.Its him I have to fight for.He is unable to do it himself.We have a Collie who is spoilt rotten.My daughter and grand children are what keeps us going.
Same here really rosie15. I got the dogs because I was staying in bed all day with no motivation at all - but I feel it was a big mistake for me to get 2....it's really hard to exercise them with the COPD but at least now I have to get out of bed otherwise they would starve and they are also spoilt rotten.......nice little doggies..
Flossie20 xxx
Hi,how are you.I did win with PIP but not before we had to buy a car.A week later they said we could have one with benefits.Mutter,mutter.Hope you are feeling better.Xx
You're extremely lucky.....I'm still waiting and its been about 6 weeks since my interview.....trying to think positive but as time goes by, it's getting harder. Can see I have a fight on my hands now.....especially since my doctor stated on the form they need completing that I have "PARTIAL EPILEPSY"......what utter nonsense if I didn't take medication my epilepsy couldn't be controlled.....but happy it's over for you
All the best