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Kaydenmummy profile image
Kaydenmummy2 stone
20 Replies

Hi I'm just starting out. I need to loose 4 -5 stone. An awful long way to go. I've done all types of diets they have all gone terribly wrong. This time I'm going to do it. I look in the mirror and I hate what I have become. F

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Kaydenmummy profile image
2 stone
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20 Replies
DartmoorDumpling profile image
DartmoorDumplingRestart Feb 2024

All those past dieting experiences will have taught you lots; put them down to experience and plan yourself a healthier future.

Look in that mirror and see the potential; learn to love and value your body, as it is the only one you have got, and deserves to be cared for.

Start by planning your next day's meals; keep a count of all your food and drink, and up the activity when-ever you can (use stairs more, walk more, cycle more etc).

Keep in touch and lets us all know how you get on.

Itsbab profile image

Hi! I too need to lose about 5 stone I started the 12 week NHS challenge 2 weeks ago this Thursday and so far so good, I have also tried all diets under the sun but this isn't about dieting it's a change of habit for life, don't deny yourself anything but count it in your allowance you will soon be making better choices about what you eat. Also try to add some exercise even if it is just upping the walking as I am, got myself a fit bit last week to count steps etc but you could just get a pedometer as they are cheaper. Everyone here is in the same boat ask for advice/ encouragement and you will get it also look at the 20,000 leagues post on the right of your screen I have only just joined and added my kms for the last week the mini challenges set look fun too but as yet I have to do one of them. If you are like me you will be the one behind the camera and not in front of it but together we can succeed and indeed will. Keep posting for help and advice the fab5ers (admin team) offer lots of advice to all who need it. Bev

Toffee8 profile image

It can insurmountable at times but small changes do make a difference, I no longer binge snack. I write down every calorie which sounds boring but is a challenge to myself to come under 1400 calories and I allow myself wine and chocolate (not on the same day though!) occasionally. I need to work on exercise though, make way too many excuses! Good luck😀

JaySeeSkinny profile image

It is doable, many people on this forum have managed to lose a lot of weight and maintain. Look at the pinned posts and the tips. There's a weekly weigh in to keep us all accountable and plenty of support on here! Before you reach for the biscuits just come on here and have a rant!

Kenny25 profile image

Well done on making the first few steps. Set yourself small targets. Count everything and be honest with yourself. I have 3 times as much to lose as you so you can definitely achieve your goal. Be positive and reward yourself with non food items when you hit a mini target along the way. You can do it.

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone

Hi and welcome Kaydenmummy :)

Don't despair, we've all been where you are now, but have moved away from those negative feelings and started to enjoy life. I've lost 5.5st, so it is doable and it isn't torturous! :)

Start by reading the Newbie thread

Follow the link to the NHS 12 week plan, download the sheets and sign up for the emails.

Join the re-boot challenge

Join the monday group weigh-in

Read all about our current challenges and join any, or all :)

Become active on the forum and most importantly, have fun! :)

Wishing you all the very best :)

IndigoBlue61 profile image

Nothing else to add but just want to wish you good luck 😊

Seuzan profile image

Just want to echo the comments above and say good luck, you can do it!

Look in the mirror and decide that you are going to do your best to love & take care of this body and then make a plan to show that you mean business (also treat yourself to some none food treats - haircut / paint your nails / body lotion / nice book etc).

It is a long term (lifetime!) project & there is no rush to be perfect - just start now and do something small each day to love yourself. The nhs 12 week plan is really good and it works.

Kaydenmummy profile image
Kaydenmummy2 stone

Arrrrrrrrrrr wow guys. Im amazed by the comments and thank you. With this sort of support I can do this. Thanks again guys. Day 2 starts now!

Really good luck to you. Work on the basis that if what you are about to eat doesn't do you any good then don't eat it because you are too valuable. All the very best.

Venusflytrap profile image

Hi Kaydenmummy , welcome. Good to know you've had lots of rehearsals, so now you are ready for your first night! Great time of year to start, all the lovely soft fruits and salads in the shops. Welcome to a really friendly forum. There seems to be someone posting on here whenever you need them. Lots of great ideas too. Let us know how the first week goes.


Kaydenmummy profile image
Kaydenmummy2 stone in reply to Venusflytrap

I had a good first night. Thanks day 2 so far so good apart from the exercisewhich I posted about earlier. How are you doing have you been doing this a while

Venusflytrap profile image
Venusflytrap in reply to Kaydenmummy

Oh yes. Been a serial dieter all my adult life, after being a skinny child. Have just taken 4 years to lose 5 stone. Just got below goal last week (again!) but had a very off plan weekend. So am probably up for my weigh in tomorrow. I want to get 5lbs below goal so that I have some space in which to practice maintenance. That is the bit I have never learned. In my defence for taking so long to lose the weight, I have to say, the holidays kept getting in the way! And sharing a house with 2 foodie men, didn't help. Especially as they both cook and can eat double what I can. It's their sense of fairness. I just cannot get them to give me smaller portions. My health hasn't been good for the last 2-3 years so that has restricted the exercise. But I am living proof that you can do it just by restricting food intake. Trying to have a good day today, but feeling that I am closing the stable door after the horse has escaped! We'll see.

Kaydenmummy profile image
Kaydenmummy2 stone in reply to Venusflytrap

Wow well done you! That's a lot of weight to loose. It can be done then. I'm day 2 and feels like a lifetime away. Never mind keep plodding on. Don't reach for the goodies. Your an inspiration for people like me on day 2. Good luck

Claire2stone profile image
Claire2stone in reply to Kaydenmummy

Hi kaydenmumy 😀 I have been posting on your other thread but have just seen this one. Just to let you know I've been on the nhs12wk plan for 14 wks (a change for life .. right. Not just 12wks!) and have lost over one and a half stones... only 6lb to go to reach my 2stone target. I use myfitnesspal to log calories and find this helps to stick within calorie limit. I started moving more doing over 6000 steps a day and occasionally doing a work out dvd. Its very rewarding when you see in the mirror a positive change. Good luck and keep posting and reading on this forum as i don't think I would have achieved so much with out it 😀 Good luck. Claire x

Kaydenmummy profile image
Kaydenmummy2 stone in reply to Claire2stone

Thanks claire. I do appreciate all the support. I'm writing this whikst eating berries instead on chocolate. Go me! Ha ha ha

Claire2stone profile image
Claire2stone in reply to Kaydenmummy

Love it .... it's working !!! Stick with it you will feel so much better 😀

Venusflytrap profile image

The absolute secret is, no matter what, not to give up. On the principle that if you keep going in the right direction, no matter how slowly, you will get there in the end. I quite enjoyed the whole process. And it has given me a hobby in retirement plus lots of new friends. What more can you ask of an eating plan!

yatesco profile image

What you have become is somebody actually doing something to lose weight - that's miles better than somebody who wants to change, dives into self pity but does nothing about it!

I attended the NHS 12 week course and all the way throughout the course they repeated that it wasn't about dieting (because nobody sticks to a diet) it was about making better choices through education. Every day you can chose to eat a little better than before.

Have you looked at MyFitnessPal? I used it religiously to track calories and it really helped.

To be completely transparent, at 20 stone I am struggling to lose a bunch of weight as well (I need to lose a bunch more than 4-5 stone according to the BMI which is a load of pants).

Have you considered the c25k program? It is designed exactly for people like us. I completed it a few weeks ago and have been running a 5K every other day (which still amazes me!). Weight hasn't dropped off but it has moved around a bit :-).

My last tip would be to please stop looking in the mirror, it never helps and just becomes a pit of negativity.

I hope this helps - at the very least know that you aren't alone, you aren't unique or any worse than any one of us and yes, you can do something about it. For me, the c25k program and MFPal was the breakthrough.

Kaydenmummy profile image
Kaydenmummy2 stone in reply to yatesco

Thanks I will try the my fitness plan. Thanks for the helpful advice. We can do this! Pound by pound we can do this x

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