A big thank you to everyone who posts on here. It is what has kept me going on my weight loss journey. I really struggle to lose weight. I started out with 2 stone to lose lat October. So far i have lost 1 stone 3 lbs. It is taking forever! I generally keep within my calorie allowance but like a lot of people some of it is madee up of unhealthy small snacks. I walk loads, usually a minimum of 8000 stepss daily of which a good part is brisk walking. I struggle to do other excersizing - working full time doesn't give me much opportunity
Thank you: A big thank you to everyone... - Weight Loss Support
Thank you

Thank you. I'm sure I will. Just off out for a nice long brisk walk. Pity it is such a grey miserable day. Though I am sure it will inspire me to walk faster and get my heart pumping!!

Hi v29let_1,
Congratulations on losing 1 stone 3 pounds - that is fantastic!!! Slow and steady is fine - I think you're doing really well. Great that you're enjoying regular walking too - and achieving 8,000 steps daily is really good. You mentioned brisk walking too, that sounds great.
Hope you're enjoying the weekend.
One stone 3lbs is a great achievement! It's bette to los weight slowly, you have more chance of keeping it off. Enjoy your walk 😊
Well done 😀 sounds like your losing weight nice and steady. Fantastic achievement to be walking 8000 steps a day you should join in with the leagues under sea challenge. Good luck. Claire x
Will have a look at that. 8000 steps is a comfortable amount to achieve. I took a slight detour on my walk today, a bit of retail therapy was needed! so as well as achieving 9000 steps i had a couply of heavy non food shopping vags to carry up hill for the last half a mile
I hope you treated yourself to something nice? 😀
Couldn't resist a new linen shirt I have had my eye on for a while. I also got some storage boxes so I can de-clutter my kitchen - well over due! I will have to get on with that or I will miss out on my walk tomorrow. Can't be doing that! If I am out I won't be able to see the job in hand. Time to put my fèet up with a coffee and the Sunday papers I carried home. Enjoy the rest of your day. x
Hi v29let_1,
I joined on March 17 with 20lb to lose. Like you, I'm a slow loser (this time as I've lost weight before), I've only lost 6lb in roughly 9 weeks. I started at 11 stone and I'm now 10st 8lb and at 5ft 5" that makes me in the healthy weight range, but only by 3 pounds. So my aim is to get down to 9st 8lb and then I'll be comfortably within my healthy weight range. The problem is I am really good at maintaining my weight, unless I'm stressed, but not so good at losing it. I'm extremely active - have 4 kids under 6, so rarely sit down, meals times are nearly always interrupted with toilet trips and a baby and toddler needing to be fed, but I just eat slightly too much lol I find I actually don't need to do any exercise, except walking and running around after the kids,
Anyway the point I'm making is, I know I will lose this last stone even if it takes me another 6 months, I don't mind as long as it's gone! We might be slow losers, but we will all be winners eventually 😊
Good luck - I could really relate to this, thanks 👍