Hi, Im Will. I started this journy a year ago at 322 lbs and smoking a pack a day. Im down to 254 lbs with 55 lbs to go. Im trying to do this the right way. 1-2 lbs a week tops. I havent smoked in almost 5 months. Its still hard. I hope you are all doing well.
A year and its still hard....... - Weight Loss Support
A year and its still hard.......

You're doing really well, it isn't easy but you've persevered, slowly is the best way to learn lifetime habits. Have a look at the Monday weigh in - the chat and support goes on all week long! Hang in there
Kate x
Wow that is an amazing achievement Will, well done! Giving up smoking at the same time too! 😮
That's absolutely fantastic....you've obviously had good and bad days but to have come this far...you must be very proud....best wishes Tess
You deserve a medal Will.! Well done for beating two massive health issues together. ' You are a better man than I Gunga Din'. Really amazing
Yes, you are right, it is hard.
One stands on the scales and they are 1lb lighter and sometimes you think all that pain and I am only 1lb lighter. When that happens I remember what it was like at the beginning what I felt just before I took the 'that's it' decision. I look how far I have come. Short realistic goals. For example I am 12st 9lb so I imagine how happy I will feel when I am 12st 5lb. That is my current goal, when I get there I will change it to 12st 2lb then under 12st etc. I don't have timescales, I just have to get to that weight.
Put on an pair of trousers when you were 322lb, see how far you have come.
Well done Will, thanks amazing! You must really feel the benefit? Keep going though as you have come so far!!!
Wow! Very impressive! Go you 😊🎉😊 but it is a long road so it's important to enjoy the process, eat foods you enjoy, have regular treats planned, and try to have non-food related outings like sport or cinema 😊
But very well done! Lots of support and chat on here 😊

Well done will ! Everyone on here is really supportive and encouraging , but at the end of the day it's 'you' that does it !! I don't even know you but I'm proud of you ! Having not that long given up cigarettes and struggling hugely with weight issues, you're an inspiration , best wishes, Trier X
Well done Will .....Will by name Will Power by nature ...that is a fantastic achievement ...I salute you sir😊

You have done brilliantly so far. To stop smokingas well as lose weight is an amazing achievement, but you're doing it and have already extended your life expectancy!! Be proud of yourself and don't give up.
Keep going - you can do it. You've done so well.
Omg thats amazeballs - Nice job!
Wow! you've done so well! I stopped smoking nearly a year ago and that's not easy! You must feel so much better with that and the weight loss, try and not get disheartened, you're doing great!
Go Will! Fantastic weight loss and even better that you have given up smoking too. You are well on your way to a much healthier body now. Best of luck
Wow, you've done brilliantly and over half way there! I am similar to you but started out a little heavier over a year later and I am still not have way but I keep plodding away. So I know how hard it is
Keep up the good work - you must be so so much more healthy than you were a year ago!
Hi wbrower , What a hero you are, Will. Stopping smoking and dieting at the same time? Couldn't do it myself. And your weight loss in a year is amazing. How is the exercise going? You must be doing lots to get those sort of losses. I bet you are feeling like a totally different person. What is the thing you like best about the new you?
I too am an ex smoker.Please do not ever feel that one at xmas or whenever won't hurt.Always remember you were paying good money to ultimately make yourself ill.Congratulations on loosing weight,this really does seem the best method,slowly,slowly catchee monkey

Good for you Will, we're on very similar journeys. I decided to ditch the cigs at the same time as starting my healthy eating plan. That was 8 months ago and to date, 70lbs and no cigs, with 56lbs left to go
I agree it can be hard, but I'm so glad I decided to do it and you must be too We should compare notes!
Stick around, it's a lot easier to do with friends to support you, I definitely couldn't have done it without the wonderful people here
Onwards and downwards, losers are always winners
Congratulations on what you have achieved thus far. Please be encouraged, don't loose hope. You are doing well. Keep at it and know that your struggle will continue to pay off.
Well done, must be a tough journey, never smoked myself