Has anyone else noticed that the nutracheck calorie counter on the NHS site hasn't been working for a few days? I'm refusing to download their app because they look for too much personal information.
NHS calorie counter: Has anyone else... - Weight Loss Support
NHS calorie counter
Yep, we need our own !!!! NHS app

Hi Derrygeel,
Sorry to hear that, and a few other people have commented that it's not working. I have only recently sent the NHS feedback people the results to the app poll that people completed, so it might be worth adding a comment there, so they know it's not working - as they have assigned the feedback to an expert who is going to be getting back to me in due course. So they might not yet have read the poll feedback, and you could always add in your comments?
Alternatively you could send them the feedback yourself, via their 'contact us' feature?
Hope this helps.
p.s. I've put a comment on the bottom of the Poll to say that a few people have noticed it's not been working for the past couple of days or so.
Thanks for putting the comment in Lowcal. I looked for the feedback button but couldn't find it on the phone.
Hi Derrygeel,
For future reference, or for now if you want to add a comment too, here is a link to the 'Contact Us' feedback re: NHS Choices:

Yes, it has been down a few days now. What I do is just enter "calories in ......." (whatever the item is) into Google and the results appear like magic, so I'm not missing the NHS one at all!
Hi all, there was a server issue with the code calling the nutracheck database. This has now been fixed and the tool is running again. We licence the Nutracheck database for our web-based tool as it's far more cost-effective than creating and maintaining our own. I know it's not perfect in terms of weights/ measures/ portion sizes and some generic foodstuffs compared to specific branded products, but it's the best we can afford, and I've got a very lean budget - it's been on it's own diet for many a year!
FWIW, I'm the Digital Tools Lead for NHS Choices, and if it's ok with you, I'll be dropping in occasionally to elicit some advice on what we we do well and what we could do better, so I can plan for improvements on our weight management/ healthy eating tools.
I hear your calls for a standalone NHS calorie counter app (both iOS and Android), but at the moment we have precious little budget and something like that would not be cost effective, compared to other offerings on the market. However, we are working towards a process where we can test and approve commercial apps and tools for use on our website, and they will have to meet strict criteria (what the NHS does best!) in order to be deemed suitable from an NHS point of view.
I hope this helps
Digital Tools Lead
NHS Choices
Thank you so much Martin. It's fantastic that ye got on to it so quickly.
I'm sorry to say it's still not working through.
Yes apologies - we had a problem on Monday which is now fixed. It's working for me on numerous browsers now. Can you check again please and let me know if it's working or not? Thanks, Martin
I checked again and it's still not working. I went back to Google and searched again rather than using already open page. I'm using an android phone.
I've checked the calorie counter again. It works perfectly on the pc, but still no longer works on the android smartphone. Any thoughts?
Ah, I see what you mean now. Whilst the tool works on Android here - nhs.uk/Tools/Pages/Calorie-... , the calorie counter link on nhs.uk/Livewell/weight-loss... page does not work. I'll get this looked at. In the meantime, use the first hyperlink and it should work on your Android smartphone. Thanks again, Martin
Thanks that's great. It did occur to me that the pc might be using a different URL as the yellow masthead was missing on the phone! The first link you gave me works perfectly. Thanks .
The other link - nhs.uk/Livewell/weight-loss... - should now be fixed too. it works on my Android phone. Let me know if it works for you please.
They both work for me now. Thanks .
Hurrah! And thanks for confirming it works.