Need to lose some weight can anyone recommend a good free calorie counter app for iphone
Any recommend on calorie counter - Weight Loss Support
Any recommend on calorie counter

Hi Geniegee I use myfitnesspal to count calories. I find it had a good extensive database and you can add your own meals and recipes too. My friend uses Lose it so you could look into those and see if either one fits your needs 😊
Ok thanks I’ll take a look at them both
You can change the calories in MFP to use the one from NHS BMI Calculator as this gives you your personal calorie range
go to
My home
Edit and then put in the mid to higher range of the calories given by NHS BMI calculator
Hi, I use myfitnesspal too - wouldn't be without it. It's a real education learning the true calorific value of various foods. You have to be prepared to weigh everything (at least when you start) to get a good handle on portion size, but it is so worth it. You can also scan barcodes so that speeds things up. Good luck!
Hello, I also used myfitnesspal when I was first learning about calories. I find that it has the most accurate and extensive nutrition information. You can also add your own recipes and meals. I've also used LoseIt (I used the iPhone app) and I really liked that one as well. I liked the look of LoseIt better compared to myfitnesspal, but LoseIt doesn't have as detailed of a database.

Cronometer is what I use.
It's good (and free) if you want to track nutrients, vitamins and macros

Basically exactly thesame as My Fitness Pal exceot you can neter your foods by voice activation rather than typing it all in, which saves tons of time and is much more convenient especially when out and about
I count my calories with Yazio. It's really easy and intuitive to use and has a huge food database as well as a built-in barcode scanner. It also has voice recognition which saves a lot of time when entering food.
Thanks I’ll take a look
My fitness pal works great! I prefer Fitbit but that’s not free lol