Hello. : I've joined to help myself. I... - Weight Loss Support

Weight Loss Support

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9 Replies

I've joined to help myself. I seriously need to loose a large amount of weight. I've let myself pile on the pounds and I've not cared to be honest.

Just had big problem getting a handle on life.

Hit 50 two years ago and my life took a big emotional drop when my parents died within 2 years of one another. Even though they were not together, I was just getting over loosing my mum & best friend when my dad died. I have always coped with food. Sugar has been my big drug to cope. Now though I want to get healthy, fit not fat and I'm hoping this is my springboard to having a healthier relationship with food.

9 Replies
LessToLose profile image
LessToLose4lbsRestart April 2024

Welcome to the forum, you have come to the right place. Join in all the activities and post away. Look for the post on the right -------> called Welcome Newbies, that has loads of helpful info.

Best of luck!

Bu-dog profile image

Hi Claire, welcome to the forums. We are all here to lose weight of get a healthier lifestyle so we are all in it together and support each other.

Have a look round the site. There are some challenges you could join. All for fun but motivational and a great way of keeping you focused when times get hard.

Good luck, look forward to chatting again 👍

O2BForeverfit profile image

Hi Claire, you have already taken the first step and knowing some of your triggersfood i.e sugar will help you make better choices, I know what it is like to make a treat foods a crutch to lean on, changing bad habits for good habits is a good place to start.

Good luck hope to hear from you again soon :-)

fussybird profile image

Hiya, there's loads of support here, you've come to the right place.

Reading the posts is a great distraction when a sugar craving hits, I know this from experience.

The Monday weigh in is a good place to track progress, good and bad, always post and receive feedback, ideas, congratulations, etc

You've taken the first step, in 6 months time you'll be so pleased you made small changes each day :-)

pete_be_healthy profile image

Good luck, remember to use the support this forum gives you.

Hi Claire, glad you joined!

With small steps and our support I'm sure you'll make it. If you ever feel like giving up just share your thoughts here and we will try to work through this with you.

Good luck! :)

IndigoBlue61 profile image

Morning Claire

It is very hard to lose loved ones and grief plays havoc with our emotions. But now it's time to think about yourself, you deserve to be fit and healthy, and have taken the right step. 😊

Finding the right eating plan is key so do some research and find the right one for you. Then start on a gradual fitness plan. a step by step approach is proven to be successful, a 5% loss is a good first step. You will feel the benefits, trust me! Add to this 30 minutes of exercise (I started doing 10 minutes three times a day). As this will help you replace the fat lost with muscle and help your shape.

With regards to sugar, I found it just wasn't worth the calories. I would rather have something else. But tackle one thing at a time. If you look up nhschoices there is lots of information, including how to work out your BMI and suggested calorie intake to lose weight. I also like the Britsh Heart Fouvdation website 😊

Very best wishes


Annde70 profile image

Welcome Claire1UK. Congratulations on making this first step. You sound as though you have had a rough ride but it also sounds as if you are ready to move on.

Are you following the 12 week plan or are you doing your own thing?

Keep posting and ask for any advice you need. I find keeping a food diary is essential in my weight loss journey and planning of meals ahead of the time.

Good luck and stay in touch

Welcome Claire1uk !

You will definitely get support here ... This forum is very good at giving everyone motivation and is non judgemental ..

Good Luck with your weight loss journey !

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