Why is it that I average 4 miles an hour when walking YET after an hour on my cross trainer I am lucky to have achieved half a mile, I am suffering from sciatica and want to get my km up with low impact exercises for our new challenge so wondering if I should just use my average walking speed to calculate my km
Frustrated: Why is it that I average... - Weight Loss Support

In my experience, a lot of cross trainers and other machines are either inaccurate or you have to set them up to be accurate.

In my humble opinion, cross-trainer (along with rowing machines) are the most evil instruments of torture on the planet!
My advice, for what it's worth, is to count the number of steps you do and for the purposes of the challenge, we use a general conversion of 75cm/step.
Neither my bike, or my rowing machine can accurately monitor distance, so I count pedal depresses and rows (if that's a word) and calculate distance myself. It's pretty boring, but I know that 500 pushes of the right pedal = 1.08K's and each pull on the "oars", is 1 metre!
Have fun!
That makes sense moreless, thanks. I cant understand why you think cross trainers are evil, I love mine and thankfully when my poor joints are suffering its great since it is low impact
I just can't get on with them at all! It seems like an awful lot of effort is required, the same as the rowing machine. Cycling is much easier
I used to love cycling but nowadays I seem to get my bike working then go all out to try to kill myself then wont go near it for another couple of years, I might just get hubby to get it out of the shed and I will clean it and give it some TLC and try to work myself in to it gradually, I think I need a seat with loads of padding though lol, can you get sofa cushions for them hehe
I hate cross trainers as well. So boring. I'm counting the minutes, or the songs I'm listening to and it just drags. Used to use one in the winter in an attempt to stay active in the cold, wet dark. It squeaks really badly now (needs some oil somewhere). And now I just go out in the cold, wet dark and walk. Much more fun.

I usually read my kindle when on cross trainer it helps to pass the time

I agree with moreless and jayseeskinny!
Over the years I have wasted a lot of money on indoor equipment!
Nowadays I just WALK , at least every other day. Around town, parks, countryside wherever. It is far more uplifting than staring at the wallpaper or TV . Walking outdoors I admire and appreciate my surroundings and the world around us .......while it is still recognisable!!!

elliebath I love walking too and am usually out everyday, unfortunately the pain in my hips at the moment does not allow me to go out walking and rather than give up I have decided on low impact cross training