Never got weigh in this week, dad got rushed into hospital, all sorted now, just a njghtmare weekend, double weighin next week xx
Unknown: Never got weigh in this week... - Weight Loss Support

Glad to hear your dad is ok. I am sure your weigh-in can wait a week.
Good luck for next week

Sorry about your dad, but thank goodness he is OK. Keep focussed for a successful weigh-in next Monday.
What a week! Glad your dad is ok, it's hard not to let these things knock us off plan so well done 😊

So pleased your Dad is ok. My son was in hospital last week so I know how you feel. If you're like me you comfort eat but for some reason I managed to be good. I didn't calorie count but just ate how I had been for the previous weeks. I actually lost 2 lbs which I am still shocked by as before I joined this forum it would have been just the excuse I needed to chuck the diet. We're all thinking of you and hopefully you'll be pleasantly surprised next week. As long as your Dad keeps well, that's the main thing. Good luck.
Thank you, that's so kind of you to take the time to share with me, thanks xx