Weigh herself before and after going to loo ( which is a bit weird) but did not take her iPad off. Gym life can be strange.
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Jump to repliesI've done that before, out of curiosity (it's OK, I know I'm weird). Er, what I'm trying to say is, I don't think it was her body weight that interested her ☺!!
IT was just that she kept her iPod on all the time that made me smile.

LOL, I suppose the iPod doesn't weigh too much!
Crazy fool leaving the iPad on - what was she thinking?!?!?!
I even wax my legs...every hair counts!!
In the past I have even been known to take my wedding ring and bra off (desperate weight watcher days!!) I am laughing out loud at the memory of this. My daughter is looking quite perturbed.
Thank you Aqua this has tickled me!
PS yes I too have been known to weigh before and after a toilet break. I had better log off before more guilty secrets arise.
I've weighed myself on a few hourly basis overnight on occasion; trying to stop now. Getting silly.... Also to variations are incredible! Don't know if I need new scales but feel attached to these ones now which have been on this journey with me.... even if they are a bit inconsistent! I thought I had achieved my end of month target this morning then an hour later was 3 lbs heavier!
I've done that before if I've had a maintain week. I kinda hope I've somehow peed half a pound away...
I remember once listening to radio 1 and the presenter said he'd lost 1.5lbs after using the loo then the shower the day before and decided his poo must have weighed 1.5lbs. He then did a mini competition ON AIR to get listeners guess how much he'd when he went to the loo during the show that day. He played 3 songs back-to-back, came back and had lost nothing. Cringiest thing I've ever listened to on the radio... And he maybe needs to use less hairgel!
eeeeewwwww! Not nice!
I mean compare by all means...but doing this on air.....eeeewwwwww!