I am new here and I need to lose 4st 9lb I have just been diagnosed with kidney problems so weight must come off. but I think I'm going to need help doing this I have printed of the week 1 programme so do I write down each day what I eat then add it up at the end of the week ? thank you wish every one best of luck xx
can someone help me : I am new here and... - Weight Loss Support
can someone help me

I'm sure it's unwise to advise someone with kidney disease to go on this diet, or any diet for that matter. At the very least they should consult a doctor first.
Flowerpot123, talk to your doctor and find out which type of diet s/he advises and go with that, rather than some random website selling diet related merchandise.
The OP apparently has kidney disease. I still think getting a medical opinion on which diet to follow is essential. If low carb is appropriate I'm sure her doctor will direct her to an appropriate website.
I am sure you are right to tell her to ask her doctor first, because not all of us react to food in the same way.
My wife suffer "the runs" if she consumes more than a minimal amount of cheese or cream, but I thrive on (limited) amounts of butter and cheese.
Unfortuately not all doctors keep them selves up to date.
The recent "The truth about sugar" on the BBC was illuminating, by the way.
Many are led astray by organisations that are sponsored by the food industry.
For instance, last time I looked, uk diabetics are still receiving advice to eat "low fat" foods.
This despite the fact that many of these contain positively dangerous additives to bind water to the remaing fat or to "improve" the flavour.
Please, do lots of searches on the subject.
Be careful how you read too,
I just read a survey that showed that patients lost more weight on low fat nutrition than on low sugar. The snag was all of the ten patients were in hospital being treated for food induced health conditions. What made the results totally irelevant to most of us was that strict supervuision ensured that the patients were not able to follow the normal pattern of satisfying there sugar induced hunger with moire food.
There, I finished my rant. thank you for reading.
I noticed (week 9) advice on NHS weight loss plan watch out for the sugar content of packaged food.
Not before time, that.
I have lost 9lbs so far and it is a lot easier if I avoid all foods with added sugar.
Keeping calorie count below 1000 two days a week helps too.
Wish you all well.
Hi there you right down everything as you eat it keep a diary each day for about 6 weeks once I got into that I downloaded an app for my phone called my fitness pal I've been on my diet now for about 11 weeks just and I've lost 33 llbs but I've been so strict with myself cut out a lot of boozing and I have alit of health problems I'm only 38 to and I have 2 daughters one is 6 and other nearly 22 I'm doing it for myself and them a little tip cut down portion sizes to a small amount snack on fruit and salad stuff and drink fresh squeezed lemon before anything each morning good luck Liz
Hi flowerpot123. Welcome to the forum. As others have said if you have been diagnosed with kidney problems and advised to loose weight you need to speak to your gp and possibly a nutritionist for advice on what you should avoid in your diet. The main thing with the nhs weightloss plan is to write everything down "what goes in goes down" so you need to log everything you eat and drink. But don't expect to loose all the weight in one go you need to break it down into small goals - 1st half stone etc. Otherwise it is too big a challenge and disheartening if you think it's not working
Good luck and keep in touch with the forum we're all here to help.
The chart gives you the opportunity to log your daily calorie intake and exercise, so it is best to keep a daily record.
I find it is best to plan all meals in advance, don't get too hungry, use smaller plates and weigh portion sizes. Good luck.
Im in the same boat Flowerpot....starting today! So good luck to us both....
Bread, rice, potatoes and beans are foods that should form the basis of our diet (60% carbohydrates), they are natural and have been in our diet for a very long time. There is nothing processed about beans.
Any Atkins-like approach is very dangerous for anyone (heart, kidneys, liver, all suffer).
Any diet based on protein and fat instead of carbohydrates can do a lot of damage to kidneys.
I am so sorry to hear of your problem Flowepot. As you can see people here care. There's so much good advice it makes your head spin. I think the first thing to do is to see your doctor. Tell him what you are doing and ask him if he advices the nhs weight loss plan. Keep in touch with us as you will always get our support.
Welcome, I hope you find what you need in this community. Start by dowloading an app on your phone to keep track of calories (Fat Secret, My Fitness Pal...), it's a great aid! Good luck!
Do check with your doctor about the amount of protein you should be eating, this can be important if you have kidney problems. Perhaps you could ask to see a dietician?
Try to cook your food from scratch, so that you know you are putting good food into your body. Avoiding sugar as much as you can is a very good idea for weight loss and for health.
Hi flowerpot,
As you can see everyone is keen to help you! I'm sorry to hear you have been diagnosed with kidney disease, you are taking very positive steps in trying to lose weight as this will slow down progression of the disease.
The NHS materials are great, I would recommend downloading an app such as my fitness pal, you can log everything you eat in and it counts your calories and you can write it on your sheet at the end of each day. Use the calculator on the website to work out how many calories you should be aiming for each day for steady weight loss. We have a very similar amount of weight to lose and I've been aiming for 1400kcal a day.
As an aside and with regard to the discussions from earlier in your post, losing weight is a very individual thing and it is important that it is tailored so it does not harm your health. I have some experience in kidney health and I would not recommend eliminating any food groups, if this is something you are considering, I would discuss it with your nephrologist beforehand for proper expert advice.
Best of luck with your weight loss, I'm sure you will reach your goals! Looking forward to hearing how you get on! 🌸
Hello Flowerpot,
Although your GP is not a diet specialist, he can can refer you to a dietician for safe, simple advice. This is a free service.
i am an inactive wheelchair user who is succesful ly losing weight so I'm sure you can do it. You need to write down everything and that really is....everything including flavoured waters and gravy and a bite of something or broken biscuits. I tot up as i go then i know how much I've got left.
If you are in the UK then Tesco health and wellbeing app is excellent and free but there are others around. Be careful of apps and websites that are poorly moderated and personally i found all the mumbo jumbo talked on a lot of them very off putting. In fact I've succeeded now that i dont read the forums! There is so much misinformation on them, plus people with a missionary zeal over their latest fad diet, especially low carb high protein diets or the 5:2 which could be very dangerous with your medical condition. The nhs plan is healthy. It's not new or exciting and it doesn't make money for anyone, nor do other basic calorie counting diets but they do work.
Start planning how to keep the weight off after now. Calculate how many calories you will be able to eat a day once you reach ideal weight, you may find that it isn't much more than you will be eating now to lose weightbut understanding that is the key to keeping it off.
Good luck, hope it works for you
thank you bigleg what you said about fish eggs chicken is what my doctor said is good for me with my problem so I am looking at the site you gave me many thanks for that help wish you luck on your journey of losing weight
hi there i'm on the slim-fast diet and its doing me the world of good. i've lost 7 stone in 7 years ive got another 5 to to go then i can go for a life saving operation. hope you do well on this i have please keep in touch to let me know how your getting on.
thank you to everyone so much to take in
Hey welcome to the group, you have come to the right place for support and motivation, a lot of really friendly people here. The nhs 12 week plan is a great place to start, i would download an app like myfitnesspal to count your calories as you go that way you are less likely to go over them each day. Take it one day at a time and set yourself smaller goals i.e 7lb at a time so much more manageable than a larger amount. Also start increasing your daily activity even if you start out my going for a walk everyday, with the lovely weather now its a great excuse to get outside. Everybody is different so experiment with food and exercise til you find a plan that works for you and your lifestyle. I wish you all the very best
do I down load it to my mobile or on my pc