Lost my Mojo!: Not sure what is... - Weight Loss Support

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Lost my Mojo!

vickster5 profile image
19 Replies

Not sure what is happening but seem to get so close to target and then blow it! Have had a bad 2 weeks, and need to stop ! I post to try and give myself a kick back in the right direction Even after a year of making huge changes I cannot believe how easy it is to slip back into old ways!

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vickster5 profile image
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19 Replies
bakersdozen profile image

So you slipped we all do just pick yourself up dust yourself and start again.Tomorrow is a new day. I just at crisps and chocolates tonight which is so unlike me but I guess we all do and lets start again.

vickster5 profile image
vickster5 in reply to bakersdozen

Yes, I will dust myself down and remind myself I have not totally blown a years hard work and I can stop now and get back on track ! Good luck!

sueper profile image
sueper in reply to vickster5

That's the attitude Vicksters :) So you've had a couple of weeks off, so now back on the wagon.

But you are right, it is so easy to get back into your old bad habits even after a years good work.

vickster5 profile image
vickster5 in reply to sueper

Thank you! Telling myself today I will not blow it!

bakersdozen profile image
bakersdozen in reply to vickster5

Now you have got the right attitude! Keep going forward!

JaySeeSkinny profile image

Yes, even after a year it can happen. I think it can always happen. Even when you're enjoying your new lifestyle. Even when it seems impossible to go back to the old bad you. Something comes up to disrupt your new routine, you don't exercise for a week or a month and BAM you're back to your old self. And the new self becomes a happy memory, slipping further and further away, impossible to get back. It's happened to me before and I just don't trust myself. It's good at the moment, but who knows whether I'll still be posting here in a year's time?

vickster5 profile image
vickster5 in reply to JaySeeSkinny

Lets keep posting..it is the thing that has made a difference to me

Fitforit75 profile image

You recognised it and decided to reign in - that is more than a lot of us manage! Well done and keep it up, keep posting to feel accountable :)

vickster5 profile image
vickster5 in reply to Fitforit75

Thanks, you are right. I have used this as my support and accountability. Without it, I do not believe I would have come as far as did last year.

IndigoBlue61 profile image

Hello Vickster 😊

I can sympathise and feel similar 😕 I have lost 2st 1lb since August and feel good, but still need to lose at least another stone .. . Finding it hard to get the oomph for the final 'Push' .

I had a bad weekend, 2 meals out and over-ate yesterday . . . Feel so bloated today 😞 hoping for a fruity breakfast and a swim, good luck everyone 😊

vickster5 profile image
vickster5 in reply to IndigoBlue61

Well done that is a brilliant loss. The last bit seems the hardest. We are back on it though, good luck!

IndigoBlue61 profile image
IndigoBlue61 in reply to vickster5

Yes, that's the trick isn't it? Getting back on track! Have been swimming and had my fruity breakfast and made big pan of soup for lunch 😊 Good luck to you too, and thank you 😊

AvatheGardener profile image

Hi Vickster, I totally empathise and am a bit similar to Anna61 as well. Lost 30lb last year having lost 33lb but December saw an overall increase... now I've lost 37lb which I am really really chuffed with. However as soon as I hit this new lowest weight I went off piste, back to snacking on cheese, mini cheddars and chocolate ... added 3lb but turned it round and got back to the new lowest weight which is top of my BMI range and just squeaks into the 11s. I am pretty scared of my capacity to indulge!

Good for you renewing your resolve :) My weight loss has had ups and downs that's why it took so long- but I think slow and steady wins the race- in fact it's the only way to make it a lifestyle, and you have to allow yourself a few indulgences in real life don't you?!

vickster5 profile image
vickster5 in reply to AvatheGardener

Thank you . That is my aim to be in 11s keep edging very close but never quite ! (have lost 4 stone but not that at mo!). Yes I get scared too at my binges and thought I had left those behind for good!

Venusflytrap profile image

I am a serial dieter, 40 years. Each time I put the whole weight back on plus an extra stone. So you could argue dieting made me fat! Or you could say I would have been one of those 50st shut ins, if I hadn't lost some before I put it back on. This time it took me 4 years to lose my 5st and get to goal. I was at goal for all of one week, then the urgency went. I am now hovering 10.5lbs above my goal and having trouble shedding that. If you look at my weight loss graph it is very flat and wobbly. But on the plus side: my goal is the middle of the BMI, so I am still well under the top of the BMI. Although it was not my plan to hover at the top end. It was my plan to hover below my goal, as I do not want to put it back on ever again. Life does get in the way of eating healthy. And Christmas and celebrations are definitely part of that. It took me to the middle of Jan to get back to my daily kcal intake. And after a whole week of perfection, I put on another half! But you and I both know that our eating plans work. We know that when we follow them we lose weight, never as fast as we would like, but hey, going in the right direction. So our only problem (only!) is actually doing it. After years of getting stuck or putting a little on instead of losing, I know what works for me. I start by writing everything that goes into my mouth, including even water. I sit down and look at the past days and see what happened each day to trip me up and I work to eliminate that from the next few days. I track my weight weekly and do not weigh otherwise. And I keep doing that until it is easy again to stay within my allowance. It is doing it that gets you back into good behaviour. At some point you say to yourself, I'm not taking all this trouble and not losing! And you start planning your meals forward again and making healthy shopping lists.

If you think about it, most of us have had decades to learn the wrong behaviour, and we want to reprogramme ourselves to the right behaviour at the wave of a wand. It will take practice. But you have a great new track record. So in a way you have already become the healthy eating you and it is this unhealthy eating that is out of character. Come back from the dark side. But step by step. Not in one big jump. Managing these little glitches (or big ones) are as much part of healthy eating as losing the weight in the first place.

And I will keep telling myself this until I get a permanent loss in 2016. But I am confident it is somewhere in my future. I just have to get there. And I'm sure you will too. "Because we're worth it."

vickster5 profile image
vickster5 in reply to Venusflytrap

I love that it is the unhealthy out of character! Yes think I need to write it all down again. I think I was so close thought I could allow a bit more indulgence that snowballed, along with Christmas and hormones etc. Well back on it today thanks to great support on here

AvatheGardener profile image
AvatheGardener7lbs in reply to vickster5

I'm using myfitnesspal at the mo, it helps because it calculates calories in and out- but it does take some effort to type in what you've eaten and to find the equivalent food to add. On the plus side, typing in recipes means you can't eat whilst typing ;)

I love that it's the unhealthy that's out of character, too- that's such a brilliant way to invert thinking and BE the healthy having a glitch rather than the binger back to bingeing ;)

IndigoBlue61 profile image

Love the positivity 'eating healthy is normal, over eating is a glitch ' 😊😊.

Some one also suggests I focus on what I CAN eat and not what I can't . . . I love to cook and now plan and cook healthy low calorie meals . . . Bit of a challenge but it's working ( mostly)


Venusflytrap profile image

Well I was talking to myself really and typing as I went. I am glad it helped. It helped me too thinking it through. Just hope I'm not whistling in the dark!

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