North Pole Expedition- all onboard San... - Weight Loss Support

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North Pole Expedition- all onboard Santa's sleigh. Please give me your total kms (walking, running, cycling, swimming) for last week πŸŽ…πŸ»

β€’107 Replies

Hello everyone!

My weight has stagnated over the last month. Big day on Wednesday -its adoption panel day - driving up North to hear whether we can become a family! And while I'm positive, it's still freaking me and my husband out!!

Anyway good result on the kms kicking front. My best since early Nov - 41.3kms.

How did everyone else get on?


107 Replies
Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI

Hi Lizzy,

Wishing you the very best of luck for Wednesday, and hope it all goes really well. I'll keep my fingers and toes crossed for you, and hope that the Adoption Panel make the right decision, so you can enjoy becoming a family. I really hope it's a positive outcome for you. I can understand completely your anxieties about this process, it must be nerve-wracking to say the least.

Congratulations on your 'Kicking the Kms' result for this week, that is really great!

I have totted up my total since Monday of last week, and I have done 47.05 km. I am very pleased with that. Having this Km challenge definitely helps me to keep going. Thank you for doing the post every week, you help keep us on track.

Wishing you the best for this week in all respects.

Lowcal :-)

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to Zest

Great result Lowcal, but be prepared to kick it up a notch ;)

in reply to Zest

Thanks, Lowcal - great to have you back in the fold with a fab result.

ScoobaSteve profile image

All the best Lizzy, hope the adoption panel make the right decision! I've been rather busy this week with exams, labs etc so haven't had the chance for much walking. 10km for the stats, I will also be away for the next 2 weeks so I'll see you in the new year and good luck :)

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to ScoobaSteve

Hope the exams went well Steve, well done for finding time to kick 10K's still :)

Have a lovely Christmas and New Year and we'll look forward to hearing how many hundreds of K's you were able to kick whilst away ;)

in reply to ScoobaSteve

Cheers, Scooba - must sure you get in plenty of kms whilsts you're away :)

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone

OMG Lizzie, I feel sick for you, but I know in my heart of hearts, that come Wednesday you will be a happy family of three. I'll get my knitting needles out in preparation :)

Well done for keeping up with kicking the K's through all this stress and heartache though, this thread is amazingly motivating - I curse it sometimes when I'm on the exercise bike at midnight, with a very sore posterior! ;)

This week I've managed:

Walking - 18.4

Cycling - 45

Total - 63.4Kms

I'd hoped for a bit more, but grandchildren and gingerbread houses got in the way, however, it's a heck of a lot better than last week :)

in reply to moreless

You know, if the grandchildren and the gingerbread houses get in the way, you can always walk round them - or go over them - they are quite small... :-)

I hope that the comment about being on the exercise bike at midnight is a joke - that's worse than 5am !

Well done on your total - moreless is back in the saddle (literally !) :-)

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to

Not that small, my just 12yr old grandson is almost as tall as me! :)

I'm embarrassed to say it wasn't a joke and my OH nearly had a fit when he returned home from a back shift at just after 1am and I was pedalling away :)

I'm so happy that my mojo has come home :)

Oh, I was up at 4.30am today :D

in reply to moreless

Perhaps you should be hooking up your 'leccy to your bike - you could be powering the national grid whilst we are all snoozing :-D

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to

As long as you only like watching your favourite soaps in short, sharp bursts. I can't sit on the dratted thing for longer than 10 mins without my nether regions screaming in agony and my legs going dead! :'(

in reply to moreless

Thanks, Moreless - strangely you keep me sane ;) :)

Well done getting your mojo back :)

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to

What you mean is that your sanity is so much more obvious when compared to my total lunacy :D

Elissy profile image

Oh Lizzy, I feel for you !!!

I hope the next couple of days go quick and you hear the answer that you have been waiting for for so long !!!!

I'm surprised that I have managed 59.5km last week as I wasn't feeling well, but the need to see Santa musty have outweighed all the feeling sorry for myself!!! πŸ˜‰πŸŽ…πŸŽ„

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to Elissy

Great result Elissy! You're an ideal candidate for our super challenge :)

Elissy profile image
Elissy3kg in reply to moreless

I hope you mean this one here and not something newer and bigger that you have cooked up once we reached the North Pole ;-)

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to Elissy

The North Pole is just the warm-up ;)

Elissy profile image
Elissy3kg in reply to moreless

Oh dear, looks like an excuse for new running shoes πŸ˜‰πŸ˜

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to Elissy

Oh yes definitely! :)

in reply to Elissy

The santa trip stops for no one Elissy - even illness isn't an excuse ;-) :-)

Elissy profile image
Elissy3kg in reply to

Good that I've pulled through then πŸ˜‰

in reply to Elissy

So glad the trip to see Santa had the desired effect Elissy :)

Hope all goes well on Wednesday, will hope for good news in your next postπŸ˜ƒ

Weight will all come good once the new year kicks in and you hopefully become a family xx


in reply to

Thanks, Flossie πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒ

LessToLose profile image
LessToLose4lbsRestart April 2024

Good luck with the adoption panel on Wednesday and well done on your kms!

I managed 62kms, which sounds less than last week, but they were harder kms this week because I increased resistance on the gym equipment and did more walking outside where it is harder to go at speed (especially yesterday on the icy pavements!).

Santa - here we come!

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to LessToLose

Great job LtL and I'm sure you'd be up for a Super Challenge :)

in reply to LessToLose

Does skating count ;-)

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to

On thin ice...? ;)

in reply to

And there was me thinking you had been ice skating on an ice rink! πŸ˜‰

in reply to LessToLose

Thanks lotstolose and well done on those kms kicked πŸ˜„

Another flying visit between the mornings activities, so will be back to read and comment on all your achievements later !

Keeping everything crossed for you for Wednesday Lizzy :-)

My total this week is 50k - which is 28k running and 22k dog walking. Included in that total is my first ever 10k distance run, which I was very chuffed about. So me and the dog are feeling happy this week :-)

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to

Yaay Lucca!! :)

I'm so chuffed for you about that 10K run too :D

I'm chuffed for the poor dog's bladder too ;)

in reply to moreless

Perhaps I should have said it's the husband that is more pleased, as he doesn't have to take the dog out :-)

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to

I hope he doesn't end up in the Monday weigh-in group in the new year then :)

in reply to moreless

Skinny g*t - he eats what he likes and doesn't put on a lb - why ever did I marry him ? ;-)

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to

I married one of those too!

Must have been body envy or something ;)

in reply to moreless

It's taken me a long time to educate him on various things :

1. I cannot eat as many chocolate mini rolls as he can without some kind of disaster ensuing.

2. However well meaning, he cannot buy me clothes without some kind of (not fitting - size too small) disaster ensuing.


moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to

I've been trying to educate mine for nearly 39 years and he still gets it wrong.

Another thing he does, is buy me "healthy" treats for my "diet", that are actually worse than the cr*p I was eating before, that got me to this size :)

Bless! :)

in reply to

I know this. We've even gone wrong with shoes - too small shoes can even make me feel fat!!

in reply to

My husband is like that too. Really upsetting

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to

It seems to be a common theme for the wifies on here :)

Keep_on_going profile image
Keep_on_going in reply to

Congrats on the 10K. I haven't plucked up the courage for that one yet!

in reply to Keep_on_going

Phew - it wasn't too bad at the time, but I just felt in need of my bed for the rest of the day !! You'll get there :-)

in reply to

Thanks Lucca and well done on the half a century πŸ˜€πŸ˜„

Keep_on_going profile image

Afternoon all, 40.63 miles/65.39 km.

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to Keep_on_going

Fandabidozy! What a star! :)

Keep_on_going profile image

Good luck for Wednesday, Lizzie. You won't need it but good luck anyway. Very excited for you.

in reply to Keep_on_going

Thank you KOG xx

Lexi_1812 profile image
Lexi_18122 stone

According to my FitBit stats, I walked 130823 steps last week or 98.22km. A mixture of walking, running, strength training in the gym and getting out on my bike for the first time in months - and not falling off!

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to Lexi_1812

Yikes! Are your legs worn down to stumps? That's phenomenal! Well done! :)

Lexi_1812 profile image
Lexi_18122 stone in reply to moreless

Haha - we're having a FitBit competition at work and I'm determined not to be last - it keeps me motivated! And seeing everyone else's progress on here is motivating too.

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to Lexi_1812

It's fantastic how we spur each other on, isn't it :)

How long's your FitBit competition running for?

Lexi_1812 profile image
Lexi_18122 stone in reply to moreless

There's a weekly one, then the weekend one and they restart each week / weekend :-)

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to Lexi_1812

That's brilliant! It means we can expect huge numbers from you every week, which will be just what's needed for our super challenge :)

in reply to Lexi_1812

Woohoo that is amazing πŸŽ…πŸ»β€οΈπŸŽ…πŸ»β€οΈ

3rd-Time-Here profile image

Afternoon Lizzy

Firstly, the very best of luck for Wednesday.

Whilst you have had your best week of kicking kms I have had my worst and can only report a weekly total of 22.2 km. Maybe I should have followed moreless advice about how to record my steps whilst jigging around the dance floor on Saturday.

I hope everyone else has had a good week then we can set off to see Santa. When do we leave??

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to 3rd-Time-Here

Even without your dance steps mrsg, you've managed to more than double what I achieved last week, so I think you've done brilliantly :)

I think there's still a few more kilometres to clock up yet, but then we can set off :)

in reply to 3rd-Time-Here

You did good MrsG and thanks - starting to look forward to it now x

Congrats on a great week Lizzy and everyone, and good luck for Wednesday's big journey Lizzy. You'll be ace, don't worry too much, just go with it and try to enjoy the moment.

I've also had a good week apart from the fact I didn't run once. But my cycling's going strong - totalled 60.9k. Seeing as my goal is usually 30k cycling plus 15k running, I've more than doubled my cycling goal. I'm resetting my goal though to make the running part more achievable:

Cycling 45k+ and running 10k+ (2 runs or more). Hopefully I can achieve this and get the balance better sorted next week :)

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to

Woohoo Ruth! :)

That's a great total and I'm sure you'll achieve a better balance this week :)

in reply to

Thanks Ruth - exactly what I need to hear xx And well done on kms cycled and ran πŸŽ…πŸ»πŸŽ…πŸ»πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒ

skinnylizzie profile image

Hi there, back from dancing holiday, we clocked 25 hours dancing 1.5 miles swimming and walked 4 miles are we there yet?

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to skinnylizzie

Welcome back skinnylizzie :)

What sort of tempo are we talking here? Waltz, tango, quickstep? It'll give an idea of how many steps you took :) I'm sure it must be heaps to be added to your 8.8kms :)

I'm hoping that by the end of today, we should have reached Santa :)

skinnylizzie profile image
skinnylizzie in reply to moreless

We did samba chacha tango quickstep vienese waltz for 6 hour,s the rest was mix of the 10 ballroom and latin dances

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to skinnylizzie

That's a heck of a lot of steps! I would say you were averaging at least 5 mph/16kph, which would give a staggering total of 125kms, plus the 8.8 swimming and walking = 203.8kms!!!

WTG you! Holy mackerel! You rock! :) :) :)

Now you need to post your weight on this week's weigh-in thread, not one that's 2 years old! :)

skinnylizzie profile image
skinnylizzie in reply to moreless

sorry found it hard to find not good at computer

skinnylizzie profile image
skinnylizzie in reply to skinnylizzie

yes it was an exhausting week

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to skinnylizzie

I'll bet! :o

in reply to skinnylizzie

Sounds like a lot of fun though πŸ˜ƒ

skinnylizzie profile image
skinnylizzie in reply to

It was fantastic week the teachers are ex latin champions and so good, we have lots of friends who also came so it was great.

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to skinnylizzie

You have nothing to be sorry for :)

in reply to moreless

Omg how much?! Ideal candidate for the super challenge πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒ

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to

Definitely!!! :) :) :)

15km on crosstrainer 6 km on treadmill 46 lengths of pool

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to

I make that 32.5K's, Aqua. Good for you :)

in reply to moreless

Maths whizz kid eh Moreless? I taught you well πŸ˜ƒ

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to

It was certainly worth bringing you those apples every day :D

Fran182716 profile image

Only 16 km this week, short dog walks and 5km on the excercise bike. It's been a long week, 7 day stretch at work finished yesterday evening and only got to leave on time once. Hopefully more to report next week (already walked 5 miles today Christmas shopping!) β˜€οΈ

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to Fran182716

I'm surprised you had the energy to do 16K's Fran, so well done you :)

Next week it'll be 100K's :o

in reply to Fran182716

Great result Fran - did well to fit it in πŸŽ…πŸ»πŸŽ…πŸ»πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒ

sueper profile image


My walking is failing miserably at the mo, only managed 2 walks this week. So only have 7km to contribute.

But every little helps - yes?

Well done Lizzy on your 41.3km!


moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to sueper

Every K kicked is a good result sueper and we never turn them down :)

in reply to sueper

Every km most definitely helps πŸŽ…πŸ»πŸŽ…πŸ»πŸŽ…πŸ»

buffa37 profile image

Only 5kms but a token towards the borth pole! Xxx

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to buffa37

Thanks buffa, every Km counts :)

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to buffa37

Don't forget to sign up for Lizzie's Around the World challenge buffa :)

AvatheGardener profile image

Hello.... My Moves app says for the week of 7 Dec I walked 40.2km And ran 2.7km ... Really disappointed plantar fasciitis has taken the upper hand and stopped me running but last night I went to the swimming pool and ran in the water for 35mins. Hopefully that will help keep my muscles fit...

Hope the panel goes well btw

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to AvatheGardener

I don't suppose you've got any idea how many widths you ran in the pool have you rainshine?

Plantar fasciitis is a real pain, literally! Well done for coming up with an alternative exercise though :)

AvatheGardener profile image
AvatheGardener7lbs in reply to moreless

Hello more less

Thanks for the encouragement! My various health issues this year are really beginning to get me down and every piece of kind advice and encouragement really, really helps πŸ˜€

I was running lengths in a 25m pool. I ran 56 lengths which works out at 1.4km... Not really very fast but I guess it all counts! πŸ˜€

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to AvatheGardener

Crumbs! You must have been running really fast not to drown in the deep end ;)

Keep it up, we've got a super challenge on the horizon and need all the members we can get :)

Lets hope your plantars is sorted soon :)

AvatheGardener profile image
AvatheGardener7lbs in reply to moreless

Haha! There is no deep end in the pool!

It's funny because if you google running in water, the idea is to get in the deep end with a float belt and run in the water without touching the bottom. The way I do it was completely the opposite, running along the bottom but adapting my running form to lean forward, still pumping arms forward and back, taking care when pushing off to not slip.... I need some grippy shoes for it I think! I'm thrilled to have come up with something to do even though it's not as fun as being outside... It is more fun than running on a treadmill πŸ˜€ Count me in on the super challenge if time allows I will be well up for it πŸ˜€

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to AvatheGardener

Fantastic! You're on the team :)

How about trying verruca socks for extra traction?

AvatheGardener profile image
AvatheGardener7lbs in reply to moreless

Brilliant idea- they are probably a lot cheaper than those five toed 'barefoot' running shoes I was thinking would do the trick πŸ˜€

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to AvatheGardener

Wow! I must have my smart head on! :D

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to AvatheGardener

Hi rainshine, don't forget to sign up for Lizzie's Around the World challenge :)

Swimgym profile image

Now that I've finally bought a Fitbit all of my steps are being recorded as opposed to the app on my phone only when I remember to take it with me.

So last week I walked 67.7km.

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to Swimgym

Woohoo Swimgym! That's fantastic! :)

I'm loving that Fitbit of yours - keep it ready for the super challenge :)

Swimgym profile image
Swimgym in reply to moreless

Thanks, I love my Fitbit too. It was my Christmas present to myself.

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to Swimgym

Hi Swimgym, have you registered for Lizzie's Around the World challenge? :)

Swimgym profile image
Swimgym in reply to moreless

Hi moreless,

Just signed up now.

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to Swimgym

Yaay! Good for you :)

Carpo82 profile image

Hi. Just found this post. hope it's not to late to join. I've had a look at my phone for last has recorded 22.35 km as well as 45 min swim (about 50 lenghts). don't carry my phone with me all the time so probably is a bit further than that.

I've been struggling with motivation the last few weeks. maybe this will help :)

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to Carpo82

You're definitely not too late Carpo and you're very welcome :)

We'll round your K's up to 25, as you think you probably did more than 50 lengths. That's a very healthy figure, but I'm sure with the motivation of the super challenge, you'll be able to do far more.

Looking forward to seeing Monday's figures. Happy kicking :)

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to Carpo82

Carpo, don't forget to sign up for Lizzie's Around the World challenge :)

Carpo82 profile image
Carpo82 in reply to moreless

thank you moreless. I will join. got a fitbit of my hubby for ChristmasπŸ˜€

keep-on profile image

Not sure if too late for this week but my Fitbit stats for 7-13th December was 62.87km

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to keep-on

Oh wow, that's a great number keep-on :)

I do know that Lizzie's done the tally for last week, but please keep kicking the K's and keep a tally and look out for the new thread on Monday. You're results are very important and we really need you :)

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