New starter: Hi Everyone, Well today is... - Weight Loss Support

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esull profile image
18 Replies

Hi Everyone,

Well today is day 1 of the 12 week plan for me and so far so good I've got 30 minutes done on the exercise bike ( planning to do 3 times per week) and have managed to resist that chocolate bar in the fridge ;-)

Doing a 30 minute walk every day too so i'm hoping that my first weeks weigh in will reflect all of this so roll on next Tuesday.

First week is always the hardest and my target overall is to lose 5 stone so wish me luck (i'll need it ) :-(

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esull profile image
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18 Replies
Aasma-Halima profile image

Sending nothing but love, luck and support. YOU GOT THIS. xxx

esull profile image
esull in reply to Aasma-Halima

Thank you so much :-)

How are you getting on Aasma?

want-2-b-slim profile image

You will find a lot of support from a wide range of people on this forum, have a look at the welcome newbies link on the right side of the page there is a lot of information there that will help you also kilometre zero challenge to motivate you into upping your exercise, good luck

Osiris275 profile image

Good luck! You can do it. 5 stone seems like loads, but it's doable. Remember it's not a race, it didn't go on in a few months and it won't come off in it either!

I've nearly hit the 6 stone loss and feel great.

esull profile image
esull in reply to Osiris275

Hi Osiris,

Thank you for your message. WOW a six stone loss that's fantastic and just proves that my five stone target IS doable as long as I break it down into smaller targets and stay strong.

Osiris275 profile image

That's what I've done too. I look forward to each half a stone. 7lbs doesn't seem like much does it?! I still have 29lbs to go, now I'm just on a count down. I have dogs and each 1lb is roughly a tin of dog food. 29 more of those tins to go.

esull profile image
esull in reply to Osiris275

Your right that doesn't sound much at all but each half stone will still be a boost to make me keep going :-)

29 pounds is nothing not after a whopping six stone loss. You'll be there in no time.

Keep InTouch to let me know how you are getting on :-)

Welcome esull and good luck, you've come to the right place. I'll second want-2-be-slim's recommendation to check out the Newbie thread and new Kilometre Zero challenge in the 'pinned posts' section. Also it's not too late to post your starting weight on Lowcal's weigh-in post (which should also be in the pinned posts). Looking forward to hearing your progress, and good luck for week 1! :)

Edit - here is Lowcal's weigh-in

esull profile image
esull in reply to

Hi Ruth,

Thank you so much for the great tips and I will definitely log my weight but haven't got weighed yet so planning to do it tomorrow at boots (aaaaa it's going to be terrible the starting weight always is).

Hope your weight loss is going well?

in reply to esull

Good luck for your first weigh in. The good news is it should only get better from here. Also take measurements, waist, hips, chest, arms, legs, it's great to see those numbers going down too :)

My weight loss journey is kind of over... I've lost the 2.5 stone I needed to lose, I've learned to run and I'm wearing almost a completely new set of clothes. I'm in maintenance now, making sure the weight doesn't sneak back on, this forum helps stop me returning to old habits :)

esull profile image
esull in reply to

Thank you Ruth. I have just checked out your profile and you are an inspiration what a journey you have had.

Biggest well done though for keeping the weight off as that is bit I struggle most with. I have taken my measurements this morning and plan to get weighed at lunchtime and see where I am starting from - dreading it :-(

in reply to esull

You'll be loving it when you start to see the numbers go down. Plan a treat for when you lose the first 1/2 stone - new clothes/ a daytrip somewhere. And then just focus on that! Good luck :)

Loads of inspirations to be found on here if you keep reading around :)

Taratemperance profile image

I am also on day 1, although prob start tmrw once I have read the paperwork for wk1. good luck to us x

esull profile image
esull in reply to Taratemperance

Thank u T :-)

I have added you to my follow list so I can see how you are getting on. Roll on Tuesday when we can see have we've done lol.

Matilda48 profile image

Hi, I'm starting today so it's good to find someone that is a week in and doing good. I've joined a gym and plan t go 3 times a week using the bike, rowing machine and also to do some strength exercises....have you had a good first week with 30 mins on the exercise bike (I'm not sure how much exercise I should do)

Loads of luck x

esull profile image
esull in reply to Matilda48

Hi Matilda,

I have really enjoyed my first week and not found it as much of a struggle as I thought I would (I think it must be because I was so shocked at my starting weight last week - I need to change and look after myself better).

I am going to weigh in tomorrow and I've set myself a 3 pound target.

You are braver than me to join a gym well done you. As I currently tip the scales at almost 14 and a half stone I don't have the confidence. I love using my exercise bike at home though I am not bothered about being super athletic so I just do the recommended amount of exercise (3 lots of 30 minutes per week). I also do 10,000 steps per day.

Good luck for your first week and let me know how you get on with your weigh in :-)

Matilda48 profile image
Matilda48 in reply to esull

Hi good to hear from you. I have 3 stone to loose just to get into the very top end of the range for my height.

Believe me joining the gym is so unlike me, I've never actually been in one ever! 8am tomorrow the trainers will be on and I'll give it a go...I was thinking of 3 times a week so hopefully that will be ok to start with.

Loads of luck with your weigh in tomorrow, let me know how you get on 🙂

esull profile image
esull in reply to Matilda48

I think three times a week is a good idea I think overdoing it makes us quit or at least binge on food (as we are so hungry from all the exercise) so your being sensible about it :-).

I hope to lose 5 stone overall but am going to take things one stone at a time.

Thank you and good luck to you too let me know how your first weigh in goes. Enjoy the gym tomorrow too

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