I'm bit late with my weigh in because I was away for the weekend again. Despite being in a hotel with all its temptations at dinner in the evenings and especially the buffet breakfast I have lost another two pound this week. I am over the moon.
Week 6 weigh in: I'm bit late with my... - Weight Loss Support
Week 6 weigh in

Well done - that sounds like a pretty challenging week to me!
Wow! That is fantastic! how on earth did you do that? That means there is hope as with me there is ons of goodies every single night for a whole week and hopefully I will also loose weight.
That is great well done on your 2 lb loss and with like you say all those temptations inc a buffet breakfast you have done really well. Love buffet breakfast when I'm away
Well done, I know I couldn't have done that
That's great
Fantastic, I know how hard that is as am currently still at FT u til sat so I hope by then I will have lost more than the one pond currently showing on my scales I have bought from home. I have had o thing but boiled eggs soup and fruit salad, plus main meal of fish a d veg so considering all the hours of dancing a d swimming I was hoping for more, hubby has eaten all the chocolates a d mince pies drunk wine and eaten my chips so hard to keep it up today. Hope everone is still feeling positive it is great to have loose trousers!