Getting smaller clothes again, feels good, part of me, doesn't want to part with them tho!
New clothes!: Getting smaller clothes... - Weight Loss Support
New clothes!

Hi Diana, the new clothes thing is so.o much fun and hugely deserved. Enjoy!
Well done!
I have found it easier to get rid of the size above the one I've just moved down from. I'm not sure if the difficulty to dispose of them is because I don't have the confidence that I'm not going to need them again or just that they cost a lot in the first place. What do you think makes it difficulty for you?
Sad to see old fav S go, by disposing of them, means there is no going back, which is th up side.
I think someone jay fit my jeans at work, so will ask if she wants them, I prefer known good homes for my reasonable old stuff
Diana, new clothes is HUGE!
On no, I don't mean that. New clothes is small and very, very good news
Happy shopping

Black Friday helped a bit, ordered online too
I know that feeling Diana, I always save them until I have a bag full and take them down the charity shop. I have kept my old trousers though as a reminder of how far I have come on this journey. It's such a great feeling buying new smaller clothes and a well deserved treat for all your hard work. Well done
Find new favourite things in your new smaller size. Also try on the bigger stuff again before you throw it out /give it away, it'll be easier to feel you don't need to keep them when you can really see how ridiculously big they are on you now! Congrats on dropping another size

Oh I do try stuff on...............yes we get used to new favourites, still a novelty!
Feeling pretty run down lately, with 3 bugs in as many months and teeth dramas, so trying to catch and rest when I can
Hope you're fully recovered soon, hope teeth dramas are over soon too. Have you tried upping your vitamins with berocca, floradix etc. That can help you get back on your feet again

I'm back on multi vitamins, rest and looking at dental implants, next step, although that phase can't begin till feb
I had to have a dental implant this year too, it felt really weird, I had a temporary for ages. But it had to be done as it was quite a visible tooth, first 'double' tooth so visible when you smile etc. Gotta protect our smiles! Hope you feel better soon overall

Back teeth, with me, I'm beginning to feel brighter already, thanks for asking.
I just need to rest a bit more for now