It's good to be back πŸ˜ƒ: Hi all, It's... - Weight Loss Support

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It's good to be back πŸ˜ƒ

β€’30 Replies

Hi all,

It's been a few weeks since my last post I hope you are all well and life is good.

After my last post 3 weeks ago my youngest sister was critically hurt in an RTA so all thoughts of healthy eating and exercise went out of the window. It's been a really tough few weeks but so happy to say she is out of ITU/HDU and on the mend and hopefully discharged next week.

I feel it's now ok for me to get back to me ( hope that not sounds selfish)

Wgt is up 3 and a 1/2 Ibs, I'm thinking not too bad as all I have seemed to eat is ready, made easy to grab, high calorie foods, hospitals don't seem to sell anything 'healthy' even salads where covered in Mayo!! Anyway in the way of things it's not important, what was, was my sister.

So back in the gang and so looking forward to catching up with you all.

My plan is for this week to follow a basic eating plan and back to my circuit classes. I might even start my squats/planks again !!!

My Sueper Santa challenge is still on but I'm realistic to know i might not reach my set goal, but that's ok we've got a family Xmas to look forward to life is precious and we need to take each day as it comesπŸ˜ƒ

Have a great week everyone I've missed you all.


Ps thanks Shellie {{{{hug}}}}

30 Replies
3rd-Time-Here profile image

Oh Shellie

I'm so sorry to hear of the dreadful time that you have had recently but it's good to hear that your sister is now on the mend.

You are so right, life is very precious and the health and happiness of our nearest and dearest is far more important than a gaining a couple of lbs. You have obviously been through a very traumatic few weeks but now sound determined to get back to plan.

Good luck with reverting back to your healthy eating plan and exercise classes, you will very quickly turn the small weight gain around. Take care.

β€’ in reply to3rd-Time-Here

Thanks mrsg3,

Ready for a bit of 'normality' even the exercise !!! Lol.

Have a lovely weekend


moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone

Oh my gosh Flossie, what a nightmare! Thank goodness your poor sister is on the mend and due to be discharged from hospital, you must have been beside yourself with worry. I suspect it was that which stopped you from gaining more than 3 1/2lbs.

It's quite right that you should start to think of yourself again and not at all selfish. It's perfectly natural to crave some semblance of order in your life after such shocking chaos, I can't say I envy you the squats/planks though ;)

I hope that your sister continues to make a good recovery and that you settle comfortably back into your healthy ways.

Fingers crossed for your Sueper Santa Challenge :)

β€’ in reply tomoreless

Thanks moreless,

It's been a rough few weeks but so lucky to be able to say we are getting through it.

Today I had a lovely walk with my dog then another to the hospital.Had my first 'proper' evening meal, baked salmon, stir fry veggies and quinoa ( thanks Trafford1) stirred through delish lol. I am now sitting with a single measure of rum and a Diet Pepsi feeling all is goodπŸ˜ƒ

No squats or planks maybe Monday ( I'm such a wimp lol)

Hope you have a lovely weekend


trafford1 profile image

Sorry to hear about your little sister flossie and glad to hear she is on the mend and will return home to her loving family very soon xoxox

I certainly missed you posting, but family do come first and it sounds as though you have had a tough few weeks, 3 1/2 isn't much and I am sure you can shift this in no time. I had a gain at my last weigh in due to all my birthday celebrations, but not worried I know this will soon be gone, hopefully tomorrow :-)

Glad you are okay and my thoughts are with your sister to make a speedy recover and lots of well wishes hun x

β€’ in reply totrafford1

Thanks Trafford1,

Belated happy birthday to you and what's this I read you are getting married πŸ’‹ Fabulous news I'm so happy for you xxx

Don't worry re the weight gain you will get that off, as long as you enjoyed your birthday that's all that matters.πŸ˜ƒ

Have a lovely weekend


trafford1 profile image
trafford1β€’ in reply to

Yes I am getting married in Feb 2016, it all just happened in one clean swoop. Decision made together to finally tie the knot after 24 yrs LOL :-)

Thank you for the birthday wishes and I had the best birthday in yrs so I can't grumble about the weight gain and have kept moving since so fingers crossed for tomorrows weigh in.

It's so good to hear from you again and that your back in the swing of things again hun. Best wishes x

β€’ in reply totrafford1


trafford1 profile image
trafford1β€’ in reply to

Thank you :-)

Woohoo, our flossie is back!! 3 1/2lb is a small price to pay for the support and love you have given your sister. I totally agree with you about hospital food, having been inpatient, support and visitor more times in my life than I would have liked at many different hospitals, the food choices are abysmal. To remain on a healthy path is nigh on impossible. You are back on track now though hunny, that's what matters. What is done, is done - and thankfully the outcome for you and your family is a sister recovering well from this very terrible time.

Have a lovely weekend Flossie, you may even be able to make snow angels to wish in tomorrow if the weather forecasts are right, lol. I am in work from tonight until Monday morning, and I have some very bendy and steep country lanes to get round to get to/from work, so I am hoping that it will give my little part of the world just a sprinkle. It can snow properly on my week off mid - December if it wants, so long as it's gone for me going back in to work 23/24Dec. ( I am off to Manchester Christmas Day for a big family get together - first time the whole family will be together in many years)


β€’ in reply to

Thanks Shellie,

Not sure about snow angels it's raining here lol.

Hope your weekend at work passes ok and roll on your weeks holidayπŸ˜ƒ. Your Xmas day sounds like it's going to be fab , family are so important and it's hard sometimes to get together so savour it, all the noise, the drama and the laughs( if your lot are anything like ours !!)

Enjoy your time off


β€’ in reply to

Sleet, bloomin' sleet. That's what we got! I'd even gone to the effort of packing my 'emergency can't get home, stuck at work' bag. Well, I feel cheated, do ya here me CHEATED. Actually I'm quite glad it didn't snow, but oh, the air is cooold - lovely jubbly. The snow angels will keep for another day, just something else to eagerly anticipate.

I have a HUGE family hun, 11 brothers and sisters, and my ex has a big extended family too ( though he only has 1 sibling) We will all be in the family church at midnight for the first time in, well, forever!! St. Marys CofE won't know what's hit it, lol. 4 generations all singing appallingly, we all love christmas carols. 'The Holly and the Ivy' is my favourite. Then it's back to the house for a 'thankful' feast, where we toast our good fortune to have family, friends, food and shelter and all put money in a box to be taken on Boxing Day to a local shelter, along with homemade goodies that we have all pitched in to make. Even the little ones put in the box. This years should be fabby as so many will be gathered.


β€’ in reply to

Hi Shellie,

Do like your giving to a local shelter, think after our past few weeks it would be right to think of others not so fortunate to have family around.

I do always send pressies to our local animal shelter as that's where we got our boy from 7 yrs ago.

I think we have lots to be thankful for.


β€’ in reply to

Sometimes focusing on what is right in our lives can help lift us into a much better place. We tend to dwell on the things that are wrong and this seems to block out all the good bits. Our darling american cocker ( sadly passed these 2 years gone) came from the Cocker Spaniel Rescue. She had been abused for breeding and was 5 when we got her, suffered terrible separation anxiety and though she was very sociable with people, had never been 'socialised' in a home setting having been kept in one of those huge breeding cages. Holly had been re-homed 5 times in 8 weeks when we took her in, she could not be left on her own as she would literally tear the room apart that she was left in through stress and howl for the whole time. We would not be beat, no way was this gentle beauty going to feel abandoned again. When we had her neutered the vet was appalled at the state of her internally, she also had eye problems which meant a salve put in them twice a day for the rest of her life. The vet gave her 3 -4 years at most. Our beautiful furry lioness gave us 8 years of love and devotion ( though the first 18 months were a nightmare property ways!!). We got Alfie 4 years before Holly died and they adored each other from the off, Alfie was very much her protector and she in turn mothered him. He fitted in our hand when we bought him at 7 week old, and Holly would carry him in her mouth like he was her own.

Oh flossie, a few sad but many, many lovely memories of our Golden Angel. 😊

β€’ in reply to

Aw Shellie,

You have made me cry xx

You have a heart the size of a lion and deserve every bit of love you got from Holly and Alfie. Animals can always teach us a thing or two can't they about unconditional love and acceptance.

My boy Calvin had been in the shelter 6 mths and no one had even looked at him as he was a cross Rottweiler, he was wild the first time we took him for a walk but we did go back and my husband said we'd take a chance and brought him home. He was very quiet and timid and a you'd noise he would squirm it was awful to see but over a few months settled really well and now is a totally different dog so much love to give and has got me through the most difficult 2 years in my life love him.

He's getting on for 14 now and slowing down but spoils and Gorgous xx

β€’ in reply to

Methinks you and I are of the same cut where our pooches are concerned flossie, lol. My Alfie is hopefully to be joined in February by a little lady friend - a shitz tzu ( my daughter has already picked the name of Talloolah, and it hasn't been born yet). I think I need my head testing for signs of sanity brain cells, lol. My ex is letting his Missy and ChaCha have 1 litter before having them both neutered/castrated, Missy is due very soon, we are all hoping all goes well. 😊

sueper profile image

Blimey Shellie what a time you've had! So glad your sister is on the mend, such a scary time for you all.

Those few lbs will drop off so don't stress about them.

Glad the xmas challenge is encouraging you to maintain focus - you're not the only one who may not hit it and I have no excuse! But whatever we are making good progress and that is the most important thing :)

Good luck for next week.

β€’ in reply tosueper

Thanks Sueper,

Through all of this I kept thinking about the challange and going shopping for a new dress.Daft I know but it helped me especially in the first few days when all I could do was just sit and hold her hand.

What ever we achieve will still be a good resultπŸ˜ƒ and then you can set a challange for Easter !!!

Have a lovely weekend


sueper profile image
sueperβ€’ in reply to

A pre Easter egg frenzy challenge :)

β€’ in reply tosueper

Hi Sueper,

I'm up for that !! Creme eggs are my one of my fav choccies, so maybe for every pound I lose a creme egg reward ??? lol ( not )!!


sueper profile image
sueperβ€’ in reply to

Hi Flossie, I was quite pleased they changed the recipes as I refused to eat one (or a hundred) last year.

I was given a surprise Lindt bunny last year but decided I'd only eat it once I'd lost 2 stone! And when I did I so enjoyed it :)

Maybe that should be the challenge - no easter eggs/bunnies until you hit a certain weight/goal!

But first we have to get through the xmas choccies!

β€’ in reply tosueper

Hi Sueper,

Your like the devil on my shoulder😈Lol, I'm watching Pride and Prejudice for the millionth time and Mr F has just teased me with a slice of Terry's choc orange (love).

Santa choccies have to be champagne truffles,used to eat the box for breakfast washed down with a glass of Buck's Fizz !!! I've asked for none this year don't trust myself.!!

What's your faves??


sueper profile image
sueperβ€’ in reply to


I love pretty much all chocolate and cake - I have a massive sweet tooth and it's taken hard work to control it :(

Most Christmases we buy about 3 tins of chocs - crazy for 2.5 of us! So this year we're having personal chocolate lol. Wee're eat picking a few favourites and then only having for 3 days. My choice is butter fudge and Cadburys Turkish delight. I've also bought some caramel nuts.

I also love champagne and Viennese truffles from Thorntons.

I think xmas will be a challenge for all of us here, so will need some definite planning :)

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stoneβ€’ in reply tosueper

Oh my gosh you two, what are you doing to me??!! :)

β€’ in reply tosueper

Love all of that and Xmas cake and sweet mince pies mmmmm I'm drooling lol

Need to think fresh fruit salad and a bit of yogurt lol😈

We will do ok though I know it


sueper profile image
sueperβ€’ in reply to

Thankfully I don't like Christmas cake or mince pies :) Give me a chocolate yule log though!

We will be fine - just eat a little :)

Welcome back. Sorry that life has not been treating your family well. I hope next week is better for you and your sister.

β€’ in reply to

Hi Aqua_marine,

Thank you for your kind words.Im happy to say my sister is looking and feeling better and we hope is discharged later in the week. Still a road ahead but here.

Have a lovely week


Portlandprincess profile image

Hey's so good to hear your voice again! And so pleased to hear your sister is well on the way to recovery. Hugs to you and yours. Have a good week and hope getting back in the zone is seamless for youπŸ˜„

β€’ in reply toPortlandprincess

Hi PP,

Thank you for your kind words, it is all looking positive, we have been so lucky,and it feels good to have a bit of normality back.

I've settled back into healthy eating it's a relief after loads of ready made, quick grab stuff and back to circuit class tomorrow !!! Eeek that will be a chore but again looking forward to it.

I'm still on for Suepers santy challange and hope to have a few Ibs off by the 18th but no worries, there's always next year !!!

Have a lovely week


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