So after my success at walking my little Tuesday night dog Spike, I've been walking a little bit every day, not far, but to and from my daughters house and the shops, which had been totally impossible a few weeks ago. So its YAY! For ibuprofen.
NOT yay for my food intake however....
The bad news is that my 80s diet has taken a tumble this week, in fact anything looking remotely like a diet has taken a tumble. Why ?
I have no idea. I thought I was on plan - but I just started badly and its got worse.
Its like a kick back to all my good work and careful planning. I've just eat anything I abd too much of everything . I will have gained my 2 lbs back and more and feel bloated, sad and a bit defeated.
Still I gave blood yesterday, so I'm not a totally bad person ....
Anyway, no weight loss to report this week, too scared to step on the scales, but can FEEL a weight gain, and can only hope the wagon passes by soon so that I can at least have a chance of getting back on sometime soon.
Does anybody else have this self distruct button that I seem to have ?