Well, here I am again. What WOULD we do without Mondays?? There must be more diets commenced and recommenced on Mondays than any other day. Yet its really just another day,like all the rest...but it feels like a new clean page. So here goes :-
I just weighed, and am now 16 stone. Which means, as usual, ive gained what I previously lost. But hell, it was only 3 lbs- probably only water anyway.
Im not downhearted. Like a phoenix, I rise from the ashes...more like a stuffed penguin ...but worry not ! I am feeling good.
My plan thus week is simple. To eat three proper meals a day, and stop when ive finished. I.e. NOT eating my meal, and then wondering all day long what I can next manage to squeeze out of my calorie allowance " one more tangerine will hardly count !" and then, NOT ending the evening by chucking the diet, and raiding the cupboard for food, or going out for "milk" and coming back with a 6 pack ( of crisps!!)
If I can keep to this normal pattern of eating for this week, I will have achieved something.
Maybe I won't lose, but im thinking...if you want to knit a jumper, best be able to do purl and plain first...im taking it back to basics, and aiming to normalise my eating pattern, before I worry too much about content.
Oh and im sticking to normal basic food, like meat ( not much) fish, veggies, fruit, some potatoes, and very little bread. And no cakes or 6 packs
Good luck this week everybody !!