Week 40: Good morning everyone, My... - Weight Loss Support

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Week 40

trafford1 profile image
29 Replies

Good morning everyone,

My moment of truth today and I'm faced with a maintain so soon since the last one and it has given me something to think about. First thought is how can I give so much and get nothing in return and the answer is I didn't change things up enough this week, therefore I now have to reflect. This is not in any way a bad thing, it's all part of the journey and how we manage ourselves moving forward.

I have battled with my weight issues for far to long so I am going to be patient as I believe that all good things come to those who wait and I will continue with my positive mindset and it's that positivity that has got me to where I am today weighing in at 164 lbs also on weeks where I have maintained I have dropped 3 lbs the following week so I'm kinda looking forward to history repeating itself :-) so lets see what my future holds in week 41.

I would like to just share with you that when I began this journey using the nhs 12 week plan I stuck to it like glue and those 12 weeks were really an exciting time in my life and I lost 35 lbs during that time. This plan really gave me the kick start I needed as well as all the wonderful support from you guys and girls along the way :-)

I have given myself 1 year to reach my goal or get as close to my goal as is possible and that takes me right back to the beginning as I now have 12 weeks to go. My goal is to lose 92 lbs and get down to 148 lbs so I am just 16 lbs away from achieving this. I am going back to the nhs 12 week plan starting this weekend as it's worth remembering all of the great advice it has to offer.

So here's to a great week ahead and best of luck to everyone else on your journey :-)

Trafford1 x

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trafford1 profile image
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29 Replies
andrewleeone profile image

Morning Trafford - and It's a lovely looking working to be getting framed for the next big adventure. Realising that the choices we make are, well, choices, and they have an impact on the entire quality of our lives is a major step so many people struggle with for their entire lives.

You've done something special, and it sounds like your enjoying it!

You could get screwed up about the amount of effort you put in and the confusing return you notice; or you could get curious! And then gently, compassionately take action. And enjoy it for what it is - the next step on your venture.

Have a wonderful day!

Little victories - every day :-)

trafford1 profile image
trafford1 in reply to andrewleeone

Thank you Andrew. I am definitely enjoying the journey every step of the way. It has been tough some days but never lose sight of the bigger picture.

Have a great week to :-)

Hi trafford1, you've done well to maintain, our bodies are unpredictable things with all sorts of things going on that cant always be controlled. I've got no doubt that you'll repeat the pattern and see an excellent loss next week. In the meantime, you have done so well this week, all your hard work contributes to the journey as a whole.

Good luck going back to the 12 week plan. If you lost 35lbs first time round then you can definitely tackle that remaining 16lbs easily enough. How else are you going to up your game this week?

After this week's great start with that hilly run I have slipped by the wayside a bit, drank wine I shouldn't have and missed run days as a result, but picked up again yesterday with another 6k run followed by squats with weights added in. I'm really feeling it in my legs today 😐

trafford1 profile image
trafford1 in reply to

Hi Ruth and thank you hun. It has definitely come as a surprise to maintain this week but I know it's because I haven't changed things up. Your body can get used to running so I did add in some sprints, but not everyday and I have been lifting weights doing squats and all sorts. I got in 595 mins of exercise this week so I did expect more than just to maintain. But I am not worried because my mind don't allow me to be, it tells me I need to just get on with it so I will. It's brilliant that you have kept up with your 6k runs, don't know how you manage squats and weights after that though wow and a little wine won't do you no harm as long as you get right back to it when you clear your head.

I have to really think over the weekend and set myself a goal I haven't already achieved to date and that could be to go swimming, but I'm not that confident in a costume and it would have to be women's only if I dare enter a pool. I am a really good swimmer and it's on Weds so I have some time to think about that. I will come up with something I'm sure :-)

Going out with the family later to enjoy a nice meal and having some wine myself tonight. Nice bottle of red, were only human :-)

Have a great weekend Ruth and an even better week and good luck with the job hunting ( good things come to those who wait ) :-)

Trafford1 x

in reply to trafford1

Yes squats with weights after a run is a lot, but I only did 25. I did it because in the running group they always got you to do squats straight after running. Maybe running is a good warm up before doing squats. I'll see how it goes though, maybe it's a bit ambitious, but it's good to feel the effect.

Big respect if you do go swimming. I can't swim but have considered taking lessons. I'm also definitely not confident in a swimming costume. But once you're in the water no one is looking, and I don't think anyone's looking anyway. Good luck for this week. It sounds like what you're doing already has got to be having an effect, maybe elsewhere in terms of inch loss etc? Hope the scales reward you for your hard work soon :)

trafford1 profile image
trafford1 in reply to

I have lost some half inches off the legs and hips which is showing me that I am still losing else where even if not on the scale so that is good to know, thanks Ruth :-) your right about getting into the pool no one looking...it's all in my head. If I just quickly get changed and jump in from the changing room door it might not be so hard LOL

dawncoates34 profile image

Just what I needed to read honey thanks 😀 I have plateaued for a good few weeks and had complete blow out the last few days and put 3lb on 😒 I do have a weekend of parties tonight and Sunday but will try not to be silly Monday is a cliche but will be starting the plan too X good luck honey and remember how far you have come xx

trafford1 profile image
trafford1 in reply to dawncoates34

Hi dawncoates34, good luck starting the plan it has been a tremendous help to me and I am now returning to use it in my final 12 weeks and it should definitely take me all the way. Hope you have a great time at the party tonight and Sunday and then back to it starting Monday in it LOL :-)

dawncoates34 profile image
dawncoates34 in reply to trafford1

Ahh thx I've had great time last night far too much alcohol haha actually looking forward to getting started and getting the evil out of my system X

trafford1 profile image
trafford1 in reply to dawncoates34

Glad you had a nice time at the party. Drink plenty of water today hun :-) wash it all out x

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI

HI Trafford1,

Well done for maintaining this week, as that is still an achievement, and I'm glad you've been reflecting on everything, as you have clearly put things into a good perspective, and you're looking forward to further losses on the scales next week. I suspect your measurements are looking really good, and do remember that it's not all about what the scales say - how we look and feel in ourselves is also key.

You've lost an incredible amount of weight, and you've made such great progress - you are so much fitter and healthier as a result. Those are all great things to celebrate, and you're well on track to achieving your ultimate year's goal. Great that it happens to work out at 12 weeks left to go, as the NHS 12 week plan therefore fits perfectly again - like a faithful friend. :-)

You also have lots of faithful friends who are looking out for your achievements, just as you have been such a faithful friend to many of us. I always appreciate your enthusiasm and support, you are great!

Wishing you a lovely weekend and a great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

trafford1 profile image
trafford1 in reply to Zest

Aww, that's made my day reading your absolutely wonderful reply Lowcal. Thank you from the bottom of my heart :-) I am truly blessed to have found such a great place to share my journey with such wonderful and encouraging people such as yourself :-) Very kind and very inspiring. Looking forward to the next 12 weeks I have remaining.

Wishing you a lovely weekend and look forward to hearing from you on Monday hun :-)

Trafford1 x

Gonti profile image
Gonti10 kg

Hi Trafford1, I am sorry the scales aren't on your side this one week because it is massively motivating and energising when they do. It is still worth giving up bad food and exercising .....😉 I wish the NHS did have a scheme for weeks 12-52 I guess we have to make it up ourselves.

you mention swimming In your posts with Ruth. I was amazed when I went back to the pool after some years absence how much more fun swimming costumes had got. People wear all sorts. I mainly wear boy leg swimming suits bought online for about £7 but sometimes I wear a rash vest and longer swimming shorts. There is a lot of fun to be had with swimming hats too. I won't mention tattoos.

trafford1 profile image
trafford1 in reply to Gonti

Hi Gonti and thank you hun, I have learned so much over these weeks and now that I only have 12 weeks remaining out of the 52 I set for myself I think this is the right time for me to return and remember where this all started The GREAT nhs 12 week plan, it will help keep me focused along the way. I am ok with the maintain as I have put in so much effort this week 595 mins to be exact and that is a lot in my book that this must reflect next weigh in.

I haven't been swimming baths in about two yrs other than the hotel pools which I went to recently in blackpool which was fun so we will see and I have a cossie with a skirt so could put that on to feel more comfortable. I want to become a regular swimmer and go at least once a week and I think if I start now I will continue into the future and add to this experience. I do get it included with my gym membership which I always forget about.

Thank you again and enjoy this lovely weekend Gonti :-)

Trafford1 x

Gonti profile image
Gonti10 kg in reply to trafford1

Oo might try a cossie with skirt myself...hope you make it into a pool, am just off myself

trafford1 profile image
trafford1 in reply to Gonti

faboulous darling :-) hope you enjoy your swim and you just giving me this encouragement maybe all I need to get in there and do this for myself so I thank you for that. You guys really do have a positive influence you know :-) Like when Ruth said she wanted to do a 6 k I had to do it too and before you know it I did it so let's see how many lengths I can do this week

Emma-x- profile image

You have come such a long way it's really good to hear you are remaining positive!

Well done on maintaining this week.


trafford1 profile image
trafford1 in reply to Emma-x-

Thank you Emma-x-, it's always good to stay positive along the way despite having small set backs. This journey has tout me so much and I can truly say I am happy and proud to have lost 76 lbs in total and I am expecting a loss next wk so bring it on I say :-)

Have a great week hun :-)

Trafford1 x

What a lovely, positive post trafford. Many congratulations on your huge achievements, your weight-loss though very important, being only one of them. You have found a new you, an old you, a zest for a good life, the list is endless. So chuffed your 40 week journey so far has gone so well, and I know that you will reach and keep your target. 😊🎉

trafford1 profile image
trafford1 in reply to

Thank you ShellieL, it's important to me to be able stay focused and always remain positive, things are going so well for me and it has been life changing and my life is about to change for the better as I, well, we have decided to get married next yr so that's now something to look forward to even more. I would say the weight was holding me back, but not any more. I've been with the OH 24 years so it's about time :-) Your support really means a lot so thank you hun for all your lovely & encouraging words x

Trafford1 x

in reply to trafford1

OMG, OMG, OMG....... Congratulations hunny, so so sooo very pleased for you. Life is certainly playing a blinder for you in the most wonderful of ways. I am welling up here. Fantastic news to end my great week too. A wedding, WooHoo. 🎉🎊🎀💍💥🎊🎈🎉

trafford1 profile image
trafford1 in reply to

Awww your so so sweet and I thank you sooo... much hun :-) I didn't expect it, but I said to myself NO why should I wait any more, do it now, so I rang up the registry office and booked it so it will be happening very soon. Were both so excited x

Gonti profile image
Gonti10 kg in reply to trafford1

Getting married , wonderful news. Massive congratulations, such a huge deal, big party and I am delighted for you. 💐

trafford1 profile image
trafford1 in reply to Gonti

Yes Gonti, we decided now is the right time and I am excited. It's been 24 years now so it's about time ay LOL :-) it's something else to keep me motivated and on top of my game. Thank you so much hun x

sueper profile image

Hi Trafford, you sound positive as always. It is interesting that you maintain one week and then lose 3lb the following week so your average is still good.

My work colleague weighs once a month (no idea how she does it) and she has lost 7 stone. I wonder if weighing less often now would help? Personally I find it hard to not weigh every day (except at the moment)!

Good luck for next week :)

I am just back from an all inclusive holiday and won't be braving the scales until Friday - not looking forward to it. But I will deal with it whatever happens.

trafford1 profile image
trafford1 in reply to sueper

Hi sueper and thank you. Weighing in every week has become routine for me and I don't think I could go more than a week as I'd always be wondering. I do hope that history repeats it's self at my next weigh in, that would be interesting to see :-)

I hope that you enjoyed your holiday and now that you are back into your usual routine eating lower calorie foods you should be OK for Friday weigh in. Jillian Michaels says when you increase your calorie intake over a period of 3 days then drop back to your usual calories that this should see the pounds drop off. Now you may have been on your all inclusive for much more than 3 days, but it kinda works the same way as you are not weighing in until Friday next week so I thought it was worth mentioning and I will keep my fingers crossed for you hun :-) I will be looking out for your post. Good luck and have a great week sueper x

Trafford1 x

sueper profile image
sueper in reply to trafford1

Hi Trafford, I think Jillian is right as I usually find the new lbs come off quite easy.

I haven't been great at the weekend so back to normal tomorrow (I have the week planned out). My aim is to get the extra holiday lbs plus 7lb by the end of the month. Fingers crossed I make it! :)

trafford1 profile image
trafford1 in reply to sueper

You will definitely make the 7 lbs no doubt and I will be right there with you I'm hoping for 8 by my birthday as I am going away and those 8lbs will get me to 6 stones so I am very excited and it is worth every bit of sweat and everything I am going to put into losing this. It wont be easy but will be worth it :-)

My fingers are crossed for you sueper so good luck hun x

trafford1 profile image
trafford1 in reply to sueper

Jillian is the best and I know what she says goes so I would put my trust in her as she is one of Thee best ;-)

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