Week 38: Hi everyone :-) This week I... - Weight Loss Support

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Week 38

trafford1 profile image
40 Replies

Hi everyone :-)

This week I have managed to maintain. It's not been the greatest week for me as I have had more calories than usual, had a take away Thursday and other little extras such as cake and crisps so I do know the reasons why.

This week I plan on sticking to the plan and watching all those calories and not indulging in those temptations which have obviously not benefited me on my journey, but I must say I did enjoy them :-)

I started this journey at 240 lbs

Today I weigh 167 lbs

That's a loss of 73 lbs

I am really proud of this and on weeks when I maintain I always remember where I came from and how hard I have worked to have reached this point on my journey and that reminds me to keep working hard to get to my final goal. So although I haven't had a loss this week I do plan on seeing a loss next week and banking on 2 lbs off at my next weigh in.

This is my fight song, take back my life song....


Best of luck to everyone on your journey and have a great week :-)

Trafford1 x

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trafford1 profile image
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40 Replies

Well done Trafford :-) Sounds like you've done really well to maintain, despite having a few 'treats'. Nice to be able to have something special now and again :-)

trafford1 profile image
trafford1 in reply to

Thank you lucca10, it's nice to have a treat now and again my daughter has gone off to uni so we did indulge and a few tears have been shed, but she is ok and arrived safely so I will be back on track this week :-)

Thank you for your support hun :-)

Trafford1 x

in reply to trafford1

Awww- when better to have a few treats than at such an emotional time. I'm dreading that point and it's 10 years off yet !! :-)

Portlandprincess profile image

Hey Trafford...real life and maintaining...that's brilliant. When this happens it gives us all heart to know that we can have a little of the no no's just once in a while and remain healthy, active and happy with our lot in life. Brilliant.

trafford1 profile image
trafford1 in reply to Portlandprincess

Hi Portlandprincess, thank you. I am happy to maintain and not gain cause I am right at 11 st 13 lbs so don't want to ever see those 12's again. Moving on this coming week I know I am going to have to work hard to achieve a 2 lb loss.. so bring it on I say.

Thank you for your support PP :-)

Trafford1 x

Portlandprincess profile image
Portlandprincess in reply to trafford1

One of my babes has gone to uni six hours of train ride away! So sad I can't just pop to see her....but we, thee and me, as parents, must have done something good to have confident and independent chil...adults. 😉...

trafford1 profile image
trafford1 in reply to Portlandprincess

I saw my daughter off at the train station yesterday and I got all emotional and whilst it's sad because they have left home I do feel so proud that I have raised such a confident independent chil..adult, she is settled in now and she sent me some pictures so I know she is ok. We can both be proud parents together :-)


Fran182716 profile image
Fran182716 in reply to trafford1

Im amazed that your daughter and Portlandprincess's went off to uni on trains! Both of my boys required an estate car jam packed with stuff! It is an emotional time Trafford so you've done well to maintain, and you'll be back in more of a routine next week ☀️

trafford1 profile image
trafford1 in reply to Fran182716

Thank you Fran182716,

From dependent to independent and off they went. Yes it is emotional to see my first daughter go off but I know it's not for ever and she will return during the holidays which will be lovely. Her stuff was taken by courier Parcel force (uni baggage) so she didn't have to carry the bulk of it :-)

Back to it starting today

Portlandprincess profile image

And 73 lbs shed of unwanted energy...that's really fantastic! I'm at 10 pounds and am already so excited...I just can't fight it....sorry ear worm alert!!!...

in reply to Portlandprincess

Not again PP - I'm just getting rid of Christina, don't need the Pointer Sisters as well - la la la - <fingers in ears...>

Portlandprincess profile image
Portlandprincess in reply to

Lah, lah, lah, lah, lah, lah, lah, lah, ...can't get you out of my head.....now you started that one!

in reply to Portlandprincess

Grrrrr..... :-)

Portlandprincess profile image
Portlandprincess in reply to

Wild thing.....you make my heart sing......

in reply to Portlandprincess

Arghh ! going for a walk.... <flounces off in disgust> ...

in reply to Portlandprincess

I've got the Bay City Rollers ' Shang a lang' going on since heard today they are coming back. Planning my trousers with the tartan on the side as we speak. Lol

Just a thought will you know who I'm talking about lol


Portlandprincess profile image
Portlandprincess in reply to

Flossie...that's just unkind to send that ear worm! So I'm going say...bye bye baby baby goodbyeeeeeee......lol😉

in reply to Portlandprincess

You make me feel like dancing💃🏻, dancing 💃🏻 lol


Portlandprincess profile image
Portlandprincess in reply to

Leo sayer!

in reply to Portlandprincess

Dead right, I've got my 70's groove on !!


Portlandprincess profile image
Portlandprincess in reply to

Well just stop it now...but seriously, the girls...6 of us...are off to mine head Somerset in October to see Slade...come on feel the noise. So want to get in ten abba gear!

in reply to Portlandprincess

Sounds fab, me and Mr Flossie just has a night of listening to Sweet, Slade, Abba, Leo, BCR, Rene and Renata lol and all that groove. Off to bed knackered with all ' the jive talking' lol not bad after 3 rum and Diet Coke and silly o'clock in the morning. Hope the dog sleeps in lol💋


Portlandprincess profile image
Portlandprincess in reply to

Wow, living the dream....or nightmare?...Embarrassed to say I now own a costume similar to Colin firth aka mama Mia...almost look as good as he in it!

trafford1 profile image
trafford1 in reply to Portlandprincess

You are doing so very well PP shedding 10 lbs :-) this is brilliant and I bet your clothes are becoming loser already. You should be very proud and I am really pleased for you hun, well done x

Portlandprincess profile image
Portlandprincess in reply to trafford1

Thank you Traf! Your always so lovely on this forum...so supportive...always.😄

trafford1 profile image
trafford1 in reply to Portlandprincess

So r u hun, nice to have someone so bubbly, full of life and so supportive too x

Hi Trafford1,

Good result, and fantastic stats 😃, you have done good girl. Life is yours to be lived so takeaways and all things nice are always going to be part of our lives so to have it all and no gain then to me you've got it sussed 💋

I don't know the song but I'm going to have a look and listen a good bit of inspirational music always helps when we wobble a bit.

So your on for 2Ibs off next week, me too and anything else is a bargain lol

Have a great week.


trafford1 profile image
trafford1 in reply to

Hi flossie,

thank you hun, stats are good and keep me focused. I know I will make the 2 lbs next week because I put it out there now and that gives me the extra drive to push on. I hope you lose your 2 lbs for next weigh in to hun and the song I posted is just brilliant and very motivational I just love playing it.

Have a love weekend and hope you are getting better :-)

Trafford1 x

I think maintaining on a week where you know you had some treats is very respectable. Takeaways and cake will be part of your life when you reach your goal weight, so you need to know you can have these things without ending up regaining the weight you've worked so hard to lose. Good luck for knuckling down this week and seeing a further 2lbs loss. Wishing you lots of luck for just generally keeping on moving down the 11s. Have you run 7k again since last week? I'm hoping to run 6k again tomorrow, it will be the 5th time I've done that distance, and I think of you each time - just going out there and doing it, not worrying whether you can or not, just keeping going. Absolutely amazing :)

trafford1 profile image
trafford1 in reply to

Hi Ruth, thank you for your lovely encouraging post. I will be knuckling down with out a shadow of a doubt this week and go for a 2 lb loss. I haven't run a 7 k since as I don't want to push myself to soon. I have run a 6 k again though. It's strange because I was never a runner before but when I do run it seems to take over and I just keep going. I love that you think of me when your running cause I think of you too and your one of the reasons why I did my first ever 6 k and that's really positive how you have influenced me on my journey.

Hope your enjoying life maintaining hun :-) you lucky girl :-)

Trafford1 x

3rd-Time-Here profile image

Hi Trafford, congratulations on maintaining your weight during a week where you know that you have gone off plan. Your achievements so far are fantastic and as this is a lifestyle change we will all need to learn how to maintain weight whilst having treats. Life is to be enjoyed and I for one haven't set out on this journey by banning any food/drink for life as I know that it would be unsustainable for me anyway. Good luck with your 2 lb goal this week and thank you for the musical addition, what a great song.

trafford1 profile image
trafford1 in reply to 3rd-Time-Here

Hi mrsg3, thank you :-) I am glad that I maintained this week with all the extra calories I had this week. I also believe that life is to be enjoyed and that certain foods shouldn't be banned altogether and I do work hard to burn those extra calories to keep my journey moving in the right direction. I am glad you like the song it's such a brilliant song and it reminds me of my journey so far and how I am taking back my life and how I am in control and I wanted to share it with everyone here :-)

Have a lovely week mrsg3

Trafford1 x

73lbs in 38 weeks - what an achievement 🌟 You've done so well this week maintaining given its an emotional time for you.

Here's to another great week 😃

trafford1 profile image
trafford1 in reply to

Thank you Lizzy, my daughters gone off to uni now and yes I did indulge in a pizza and some chips along with cake and some extra crisps, but it's a one off for me so not worried at all.

Going to tackle this week head on and give it all I've got as I want to reach 75 lbs by next week.

Hope you have a great week to Lizzy :-)

Trafford1 x

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone

Trafford, 5st 3lbs! Fantastic! :)

You've definitely cracked the code, those newly developed muscles are combatting the pizza for you, woohoo! :)

I remember the empty nest syndrome, it was horrible and my splurge probably lasted for years :)

Fingers crossed for 2lbs next week :)

trafford1 profile image
trafford1 in reply to moreless

Thank you moreless, it has been a difficult week with my daughter leaving home, but now I am ready to get on with my journey and I said to her that when she returns at Christmas she will be even more amazed with what she will see as I will loose even more weight and be even smaller in weight and she was like oh yeah. I can't wait for her to see my transformation :-)

Want those 2 lbs at my next weigh in and I am sure I will succeed as I am well in the zone :-)

nickynoo77 profile image

73lb gone that's fantastic and such an inspiration to anyone, like me, who can't imagine ever losing the bulk of their weight! Since I joined this forum nearly 8 weeks ago I'm starting to beleive that maybe with the fab support it may just be possible 😃

Absolutely love that song and always turn it up when it comes on the radio in the car 😁

trafford1 profile image
trafford1 in reply to nickynoo77

Thank you nickynoo77, this forum has been a god send and it's such a great place to share your journey and to motivate you. It sure has given me the motivation and encouragement I needed to continue with my journey. Your in good hands.

I love the song so much and it is such an inspiring song which reminds me of my journey ' take back my life song' which is what I am doing exactly ' I don't really care if nobody else believes cause I still got a lot of fight left in me' it's so true because when I began this journey of mine nobody believed that I would do it, but this time I proved to myself that I can do this and it's because "I believed in myself" for the first time ever that "anything is possible" and they can all see it now :-)

A lot of people want some of my medicine now LOL and it's a spoon of



Self belief

& Hard work

I am so happy for you making it to week 8 on your journey and well done. The 12 weeks go really fast and if your not done just continue with it and everything you have learned will become routine and that's how you change your life forever.

Have a great week nicky :-)

Trafford1 x

nickynoo77 profile image

You have done amazingly well and you're right this forum is a godsend I know without it and the support of everyone on here I wouldn't have got this far. I don't tell people now when I'm trying to lose weight simply because they give me a look that says whatever and I dont get the support I need. This time I've only told my husband and my closest friend at work so that she can support me whenever there is a birthday and the dreaded cake appears! If I have enough calorie/fat allowance for the dayi will have a small piece, if not I don't.

Motivation and encouragement are what's needed not snide comments and people laughing and undermining what you're doing. I've had to contend with this a lot on my life from schoolmates (I was never overweight but I always thought I was - I had skinny friends) and it didn't help having my step mum tell me I was fat and ugly from being 12 years old. ( I have been on a 'diet' since then)!!

When i started this time I had a total of 64lbs to lose and have lost 10.25lb to date (next weigh in tomorrow). I had already lost a stone a year before i started on here and kept it off for a full year so in total when I get to goal I will have lost 78lb (5 1/2 stone)!

Always believe in yourself because if you don't no-one else will. I am just starting to beleive that I can do this and lose the weight I need to lose to be healthy because that's actually why I'm doing it this time not just so I can fit into a certain size dress or pair of trousers. I may get to a weight above my goal weight and decide I'm happy there and not want to lose any more, but we'll see.

Sorry for rambling on.

Hope you have a great week

Nic 😃

trafford1 profile image

Hay nicky your not rambling I like that you have shared this with me. We are all hear to listen to each others story and share our own experiences so your more than welcome to share any time hun :-) and all the points you have raised are good ones. It's all about you and what you can achieve for you. I to kept this quiet and only told one person at work who was also very supportive and I love her for that and it worked for me until others started to cotton on which lead to the junk food being brought in so my journey could be sabotaged, but I never gave in to temptation so that back fired LOL.

Sticking with this forum has been such a god send and I love it and everyone who has been with me on my journey. As you know I have been here 38 weeks now and going to continue....

Have a wonderful week hun

Traff x

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