Ok I started my journey back in January and am 3 stone and a bit lighter. Very happy with this but now stuck at same weight going up and down by a few pounds. Difficulty last 2 weeks various alignments have stopped me going to gym, and worried my knees even on low impact have decided they have had enough. I need to exercise for obvious reasons and notice motivation struggling. So thought I would write a post to try and focus me on last stone as feels impossible at moment. What i do know is i cannot go backwards after all this hard work and changes which is my fear !
Struggling! : Ok I started my journey... - Weight Loss Support

We're here to support you vickster! Have you thought of swimming or cycling - both might be good low-knee-impact options. Cycling can be easily integrated into your everyday life, which might help if you've got a busy schedule. Don't be afraid of the work getting undone, that 3 1/2 stone is a massive achievement and isn't going to reappear overnight. Just focus on today and finding one solution at a time. Good luck
Completely agree with Ruth's post about finding something low impact - but having had lots of knee problems in the past, I would just warn about checking cycling doesn't make the problem worse. My knee problems arise when I put pressure on the knee (i.e. when standing up) or I twist it somehow. Funnily enough, running and walking don't seem to aggravate it. But cycling does and I have to be really careful (particularly on an exercise bike or a long cycle when I overdo it - my knees will ache for ages afterwards). It's certainly a specific problem I must have with my knees, but I would just check the cycling doesn't cause you problems too !

Hi Vickster,
Swimming is a good suggestion and how about some upper body resistance exercises. You could try rejigging your diet too, to see if that helps.
Best of luck and don't panic, you may stand still for a while, but you won't go backwards
Thanks all ! Support on here is great and has been what has made the difference this time to others. I am going to check with doc about knees as had been doing cycling. Think may have to consider swimming! Yes right work will not be undone overnight and think at moment need to focus on one day !
Hello. Just been through a bad patch myself gained 7lb after loosing loads over the year so far. Anyway back on it this week with a vengeance... Don't give up you will regret it. Cycling has helped my painful knee.. Was 25.5 stone so was really hurting my right knee to walk and agony on the stairs I've been doing a lot of cycling which according to my wife has strengthened my knee muscles?? Whatever it's much better. Tony
Hey Vicster, doing blinkin brilliantly so far...and this is for life...so there's no giving up! Swimming...good idea ruth...or a lovely walk, pick blackberries...
Hi Vickster. Can I just say how amazingly inspirational your weight loss is to me? I have 4 stone to lose and that milestone feels unacheiveable but I know I will stick it out. Seeing that you've lost over 3 stone this year is a real motivation. Please don't lose sight of how far you have come as although your loss might have slowed, think about your success to date. Maybe get out some larger clothes and photos for a good self esteem check. Good luck x
Thank you! I find it strange when people describe me as inspirational! , i guess it is easy to forget how far I have come. Even though i only recently sorted out too big a clothes!
Yes you will get there! Focus on the small goals. I used nhs 12 week plan, and built in small exercise. I did big push at beginning of no alcohol and obvious sugar. Think i need a re focus. Good luck on your journey