After managing to be so good at Christmas, I have really gone off the rail since new year and managed to put on half a stone (I blame my Scottish blood and hogmanay traditions lol). I think I have been comfort eating (lost my dad suddenly just before Christmas and its only really starting to hit me now) and perhaps a little bit hormonal. I have never had a sweet tooth but have been gorging on chocolate for the last week, craving it more with every bit I eat so today I am going cold turkey on it and back onto proper healthy eating. (Is chocolate addictive? Is that why?)
I've also dug out a photo from last March and put it on my screen saver and on my fridge to remind me of how far I have come - I don't want to go back to being that size again. Cant throw away 8 months of good work!
Anyone any tips on how to get over the chocolate cravings though? its something I have honestly never come across before