Advice please : I already have a band... - Weight Loss Support

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Advice please

17 Replies

I already have a band fitter the band at present is failing miserably as I'm I I want to have a gastric bypass to hopefully help me once and for all

My question is, how would I go about this

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17 Replies
Portlandprincess profile image

Hi Wayne..i suppose it's a discussion with the GP? I don't know anyone whose had this operation so am really no help at all.

Fitforit75 profile image

Hi Wayner, I only know one person who has had that procedure but she wishes very much that she hadn't.. It took a lot of recovering from after and the weight loss was slow and eating no longer enjoyable.

Sorry, I know that doesn't answer your question. I would think you'll need to speak to your local medical centre but try to find out about how other people who have had the procedure feel about it.

Kate x

2bFabnfit profile image

Sorry but I know two people who have had it done. For one it was a disaster and has led to multiple health issues. For the other, yes she has lost weight and looks fabulous but she can no longer enjoy food. She has to eat tiny meals and it has impacted on her social life. ( she usually declines invitations out as she can't have proper meals).

I think a chat with your doctor and with others who have had the op would be wise.

Madflo profile image

Hi..definately a chat with your GP who could then get you to see a dietitian who may be helpful. Dont rush into anything, however desperate you feel.

SallyS profile image

The gastric bypass will definitely halt your old eating habits...My husband had a bypass and I had the sleeve. He loved to eat like you do...found out it was killing him so he decided on the bypass because he could do it right away. I waited for the surgeon I wanted as well as the procedure...I'm happy with losing 75 lbs and I don't get sick with dumping. I'm afraid he gets dumping almost every time he eats. Make sure you talk to patients who have gone where you need to go. Good luck. Sally Sun

GoogleMe profile image

I suspect you may know more than most of us here if you've already been 'in the system' for the gastric band. First port of call will be your GP I would have thought to explore all the options. Have you had any ongoing support and how long ago was the band fitted? You'll need to have a thorough session going through what the surgery involves so that you know the risks and that it isn't a guaranteed 'once and for all' solution to achieving health, certainly not by itself, and doesn't address any problematic relationship with food, eating and indeed oneself.

It does sound as though your circumstances are not the easiest for weight loss. I see you've been here for just over a week and started out with the idea that your own efforts were not going to work. How about looking at the NHS plan and really giving it your best for the 12 weeks? That will be important information to take to health professionals if that's what you decide to do. If you are spending a lot of time in a hotel, whilst there are certainly eating downsides, you have time for exercise - whether that's visiting a gym or swimming pool or walking or running (yes, really, have a look at the C25K podcasts, I find running easier than brisk walking) or focusing on strength and flexibility in your hotel room. And some meditation/relaxation to help you feel better and more accepting of the here and now (which doesn't mean not making changes or taking action but it will come from a more secure foundation)?

sandylaner1 profile image

hi wayner,

never really fancied surgery, invasive or otherwise, and like most people who use this site, prefer the alternative. S U P P O R T is the key to this site: which is something your doctor could give initially in your choice of lifestyle change. consider a meeting with a practice nurse to outline the various ways of 'losing weight' in a manner that is safe, secure and practical. the fact that you posted on here illustrates that you are open to suggestions, which is a great step.

if you read as many postings as possible on the different subjects on this site it may give you encouragement to change your diet~ but give it long enough to get results.

informed choices is the key.

good luck

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone

Hi Wayner,

I'm afraid I can't give you any informed advice, all I can offer is my support.

As I'm probably the world's biggest wuss, I would do anything rather than undergo surgery. To me, learning to eat healthily and sensibly seems, by far, to be the better option. However, I understand that you may feel completely differently.

I hope you find what you're looking for and I wish you all the best.

goodtimes profile image

Last year I went to a specialist who recommended the sleeve as I heard that the bypass was not an option for me . He had no clue about Lymphedema so I changed my mind. I have other problems with back so exercises are limited. I am now trying Weight Watchers and it is a slow process. My nutritionist was of no help as she was also clueless about my condition..I am a diabetic also with a thyroid condition allergic to the medication I am doing the best i can but it is a challenge will try the 12 week plan also but I would not have the bypass as the side effects are terrible...

Edithharrison profile image
Edithharrison in reply to goodtimes

Good luck good times. I always advice people here to exercise.

Edithharrison profile image

Hello Wayne. How much do you weight. I am asking because I am curious to know. Why you want to go to that extreme to loose weight. Think about the aftermath after you lost all those weight through gastric bypass. There is the extra skin to dealt with. Are you mentally prepared to go through a gastric bypass. Then again have surgery to remove all the excess skin.

Take it slow and easy. Begin with gently exercise and a good control diet. Swimming, cycling, walking is a start. We all have to take baby step in life, so that is your time now. It will take time, but if you do exercise you will be toning your body as well as loosing weight. Don' t forget all the health benefit you will be beniffiting from if you loose weight properly and slowly.

I am not an expert on gastric bypass, but there are some horrifying stories out there , that will certainly make you think s twice before going through the process.

My advice is join a gym. There are so many different classes available, so you can try and see which one you like, and stick to it.

Or there are lots of outdoor training going on around the country. Which is being carried out by ex army personal. Those as well are very good work out..

Dish the unhealthy food in your cupboard that you do not need, and stick to a healthy balance diet. You will be very satisfied with the results.

Good luck in whatever decision you choose to make. X

Thank you all for your lovely messages. All my life I have struggled on and on with my weight, as some of you no doubt. I done everything under the sun to try and curb this, but the fact remains I'm a food addict, and although some people argue it does not exist I feel it does, it may not be as socially destructive as say drug or alcohol addiction but still as powerful

I know in my heart of heart this will eventually kill me, as I'm typing this I'm already planning my next meal there is a tesco very close to my room, I'm going to walk there and pick up some healthy stuff, plus chocolate some bread rolls cheese maybe, some butter to go in my rolls, and come back feast out, feel terrible afterwards, swear it won't happen again while planning my next meal, the takeaway is not far from tesco, I'm already planning my takeaway tea, where I'll get a load of crap, feast out, feel guilty about it, swear it won't happen again and this is the start of the new me, and the cycle starts again.... Joy! With other addiction they stop taking the substance, but you got to eat, so you can never get away from the bloody stuff..

Keep_on_going profile image

As everyone else has said, speak to your doctor.

It would be useful to know what you mean about the band failing though. Do you mean that it isn't functioning correctly (in which case, can it be fixed?) or do you mean that you're not seeing results?

If you're not seeing results could it be that you've not had the band long enough or is it because you're still eating badly and are 'cheating' for want of a better word?

If it's because you're 'cheating' (and I'm not accusing because it's HARD) then perhaps you need to work on that a bit before taking the next step.

I don't know much about bypasses but from what I've read they can make you miserable.

I would (and I'm sure you have) take an honest look into why the band is failing and try and fix that before you take the next step.

in reply to Keep_on_going

Have had the band for 7 years weight was coming off but the weight is creeping on and on, yes of course I'm cheating. The band is failing,

Keep_on_going profile image
Keep_on_going in reply to

OK, so the band is still functioning is what I'm reading but you've fallen off the track and have started to cheat. Is that a fair summary?

If that's right then I would say that you should set yourself a period of time to get back on track - start with the 12 week plan and see if you can . Stick around the forum, plan your meals, go for walks, do anything that means you're not popping down to Tesco.

Give yourself a chance. Best of luck.

Didn't tell of my experiences with doing supersize v suoerskinny. That was good.

sueper profile image

Hi Wayne, perhaps you could speak to your GP about getting the band adjusted.

Many people here feel they are addicted to food and it is a hard addiction to break but the one day at a time motto may help.

I often won't let myself eat for a certain period of time - say I eat my dinner and then immediately want something else - well I won't let myself. I will set myself a time limit until I can eat again. Maybe you could think about trying that - even if it is only half an hour it may add up to a fair bit less food at the end of the day.

Good luck :)

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