ive been trying to lose weight as ive got diabites /high blood pressure/high colestel i feel i cant do this on my own and could do this with some help but im not sure where to turn im leith edinburgh
help: ive been trying to lose weight as... - Weight Loss Support

Hi Owenboy! Well! Where to start? A couple of months ago I wouldn't know where to start but then I downloaded the NHS 12 week plan and started learning. So perhaps that's the place you should start too - learning.
There os only one reason why humans like us get over weight - an excess of calories consumed over the number of calories expended. Simple as. Control the calories in and the calories used then you'll control your weight.
Its really hard to learn a god effective way to control your consumption with so much C**p out there but here you can get an amazing amount of help, advice and support.
So join in! The forum works. You've asked a good question now watch what happens.
Have you talked to your GP about getting help with weight loss? In E&W they have finding for weight loss and can pay for gyms & even weight loss groups. The current research shows that these work. But remember you have already joined the best - this one!
Everyone here has been in the same boat E V E R Y O N E ! If you'd have told me nine weeks ago that I'd be running three times a week and loving it and that I'd had to start buying clothes two sizes smaller I'd have thought B******x! But its happened. and If I can do it then you can too.
You are not alone - you have the forum to read- its become my most visited social network. and the folk here are BONZA!
This is what you need to do to start off. If you have net got a very good set of scales go and get a descent set - £30 will get you an accurate and consistent set. This is your feedback mechanism.
Weigh and measure yourself - download the 12 week plan and record everything - work out your BMI and then take your before selfies. No one does but then we all wish we had!
Work out your target calories for the day. I'm a 6'2" bloke so I went for 1500 calories a week which would give me 1LB a week loss.
Get your kitchen scales out for the first week and measure everything, work out its calories and plan three meals day. Mine are as follows:
Breakfast Plain low fat yogurt + 50g Aldi Nutty Muesli OR Porridge and a banana both 350 cals.
Lunch something lie a supermarket sarnie for 350 cals
Dinner Salad leaves, no dressing, tomatoes, a bit of low cal coleslaw, cooked chicken breast (Seasoned) Yogurt & Strawberries 700 cals
Snacks - Almonds - filling & they lower cholesterol 7 cals each
Drinks Black coffee - best quality mMMmmmmmMm Water, tea nothing else.
Back up snack is one banana a day if needed. 100 cals
No booze - booze is for fat lads.
This suits me keeps me full and I loose weight.
Eat and record calories stop eating when you get to 1500 calories or less if full.
Do your version of this - the first two weeks are eh hardest but then its PEASY!
I also save a load of dosh with this. e.g. only one box of cereal a week.
Do the 12 week plan and tell yourself you are going to do it for 12 weeks.
Watch fat disappear! Be happier. Get healthier.
The 12 week plan WORKS you might want to look at intermittent fasting too. It all helps with you Blood sugar and insulin levels.
Every time you wobble, feel crap, get cravings etc. come on here and post about it first and you'll get over it by the time you've finished writing.
I've had a life time of being a fat bloke but not any more. cannot believe the change in me and I'm not half way through yet. I I can do it so can you.
You'll learn tons and thats good!
Keep posting
andrewleeone has nailed it. Downloading the 12 week plan and using it to fit your lifestyle works fab. For me the main thing is to still enjoy the food I am eating, this keeps me wanting to succeed. Read the posts on here, they do help and inspire when you feel yourself wavering or just want a kick-up-the-bum to propel you on. 😊

this is what ive needed just someone to be honest with me and a good kick up the arse thanks owenx
As the other guys have mentioned, the 12 week plan is fantastic, steady weight loss, achievable goals and I must say it doesn't really feel like your on a diet as such.
The selfie is such a good idea (certainly wish I would have done this)
It does become more of a habit than a diet, looking at calorie content on foods becomes second nature without even realising your doing it.
Good luck on your weight loss journey and keep us updated on your progress.
Hi Owen, enjoy being on this forum too. The people here are just amazing ...as you can see. Just keep posting, look at other posts and join in if you like. The support is the best you could ever have. And good luck