Feeling so down and fed up now. I got down to 12 stone with slimming world back when I was 15. I'm now 19 and weighing at 17.5 Stone. I had a lot going on in my life and cumfort ate. Any ideas what I can do to lose the weight again as I really can't face or even afford slimming world anymore
Fed Up Now: Feeling so down and fed up... - Weight Loss Support
Fed Up Now

Hi Jodee, my guess (although of course I don't know) is that slimming world doesn't work for you in the long term and is maybe too restrictive. Years ago I lost about 3 stone sort of following weight watchers. I replaced lots of food with diet version, eating lots of rice cakes and stuff like that. When I stopped dieting I realised how much I had missed proper food and piled all the weight back on, and some.
My advice is to make lifestyle changes that you can maintain for life. Take a proper look at what you like to eat and work out the calories in your favourite meals. You'll probably find that some are more calorific than others. Try and make a few swaps for lower calorie foods that you still like. Also try to cut down on meat, say if you have a spaghetti bolognaise instead of piling the meat on the pasta, use half the mince and mix it in the sauce and pasta. You won't really notice the difference.
Try to reduce portion sizes and snacking. But try not to ban any food that you really like as this will just be setting yourself up for a fall.
This forum is free and you will find lots of help, support and inspiration here. Start making those changes you can maintain for life and you will see the lbs gradually drop off.
Good luck!

Hi Jodee24,
Have you looked at the NHS website weight loss pages? There is a link to them here, if you want to take a look:
It's a great 12 week structured plan with lots of advice and information. Lots of people in this community are following it, and are at various stages - and some people just follow the general principles.
I think of it more as a healthy eating plan rather than a 'diet', and love the fact it also talks about exercise, as I think that's really healthy to exercise too.
Hope you have a great weekend, and good luck with your weight loss journey.
hi I am a great advocate for slimming world but no longer go I am going to try the 12 week programme who local mentioned earlier it is very daunting for anyone to start afresh I used to comfort eat as well however a good tip I have just re-started to do is to have a 'treat tray' which for me would have baby tomatoes, chopped peppers, hummous, etc or a fruit tray with a mixture of chopped fruit and low fat crème fraiche or o %yoghurt. I hope this helps x
I have never really needed to diet but last year my partner joined slimming world and I decided that to support her I would fully embrace the menu. It actually became a family joke she was on the "bacon butty" diet as she was having bacon sandwich every day. Cutting all the fat off the bacon and having the smaller sized brown bread.
My partner lost almost 3 stone, looked and felt great and even started jogging. All I am trying to say is that slimming world actually encourages a healthy diet and NOT "low fat" processed meals.
We both really enjoyed cooking fresh food for us and our children and it really didn't cost any more to cook fresh. Honestly our budget did not change. There are lots of healthy tasty recipes online for free, try bbc food website.
As far as physical exercise I cannot stress enough how amazing riding a bike is, speak to any cyclist and they will tell you it is addictive, friendly on your pocket, it saves me £80-110 a month on train fairs or running a second car. You don't need to go fast to feel the benefit and coming in to summer months this is the best time to start.
Good luck with everything. 😊
"A calorie is a calorie."? Yes BUT the equivalent calorific values of coal dust or carrots will not encourage me to put coal dust in my dinner.
What you eat is more significant than how much.
Sugary foods CANNOT satisfy your hunger so ignore that 50 pence packet of donuts and buy REAL butter instead . (250 g for as little as 89 pence at Iceland.)
Chop up fresh carrots, celery, whatever veg you can afford (beware 3 for 2 offers on veg that will not keep.) Add a little butter to ½ tin of pilchards/sardines etc. You will have a faulous meal that will satisfy for many hours.
OK, Doing without those sugar spikes will take a week or so to get used to, so re-educate your mind, when you see an iced cake or chocalate or the sugar bowl, mutter "POISON" till you get used to the idea of the harm it's doing you.
Oh and many ready meals and yoghourts labelled "Low fat" are just as poisonous.
Search for and read as much as you can on recent research into the effects of sugar.