hi I am trying to lose weight all the time but i cant because i love to eat and i don't work out! can you help me how i can motivate my self to complete my diet program! please help me I am dyng
help me: hi I am trying to lose weight... - Weight Loss Support
help me

Welcome, I hope you find what you need in this community. Start by dowloading an app on your phone to keep track of calories (Fat Secret, My Fitness Pal...), it's a great aid! Good luck!
Hi Rateel,
Don't worry I totally know where you are coming from! I also love to eat and my other half trains really hard at the gym and therefore eats loads... I however didn't train loads but ate the same amount. It wasn't necessarily bad food but too much of it. I've downloaded an app called Noom coach and it's helped me track my food, I've used a smaller plate, made a 3 week meal plan and made a few small dietary changes. In a week and a half I have de-bloated and lost 3.5lb. The people on this forum are lovely and logging on here each day or posting your thoughts and feelings will help you immensely on your journey. You can do this!!
You can enjoy food and eat healthily its all about trial and error and finding what you like. Start small with exercise and build up even walking each day is a good start. The nhs 12 week plan is a great place to start and an app that helps you to count calories like myfitnesspal is a great help. Good luck
Ratell, you can do it! Take one day, one hour, one minute at a time. This time you have help from loads of people who understand and care. You can eat but it's got to be the right things. It might be just the sensation of eating that you are hooked on. I find an apple takes a long time to eat if you cut it one slice at a time so that would keep you occupied. Drink plenty of water as that fills you up. It's good for your skin too. Get out of the house if you can and take a walk. Write all the tips you are getting here and read them if you are feeling weak.
My main fight is with sweet things so I try to cut them out as much as possible as I'm pretty sure I was addicted to sugar. It was hard at first but I am finding it easier and easier to stop myself now. We all want you to do it and you do have the willpower to do it but just don't know it. You have to do it for your health and yourself. Go for it!
Rateel, you are NOT dying; you are LIVING! However, it sounds as though you need to make some changes in order to live more fully. You don't say much about yourself except that you love to eat and you don't exercise. I think many of us here can relate to that!
I think you need to visit your GP and ask for help and perhaps ask to see a dietician. Please don't be overwhelmed by the changes you must make. Start with the ones that seem the easiest and take it from there. As the weight begins to come off and you start to feel better you will be inspired to make more changes.
Keep a journal, take photos, make this a project. Make long and short term goals. Find non-food related rewards to aim for. Most of all, don't give up HOPE. You are WORTH fighting for!
Hello, know how you feel, have good intentions but of late stress and tiredness have reared its ugly head. I am now a kilo heavier than when I started so got to get my head in gear. Today I am going to say NO!! The weather is good so will go for a walk. Have to do something cos feel horrible in my clothes. Perhaps we can motivate each other with the positive things we do. Have a good day
Hi rateel, I think everyone has covered the best advice to get yourself started, I like snowgooses way of saying it, making it into a project! Spend a couple of hours planning out your meals, look up some recipes for healthy dinners and write them all down, it's so much easier when you have already decided what you're going to eat for the coming week.
As for motivation, I find this site brilliant, I share my highs and lows and always receive amazing support and advice which really keeps me going. It's quite therapeutic sharing my experiences as well! Maybe you could also plan what presents you will get yourself when you reach each mini goal, not food related of course. Stuff like a facial, get your nails done, a good book. New clothes when you drop a size. Whatever makes you happy ☺ you will get there! And you are certainly not dying, you are living and will live even better with each pound you lose!
Best of luck to you🌸
Hi and welcome to the programme and the group. You will have realised already that there is lots of support here and that others feel the same way as you do.
One thing that occurred to me when I read your post is that I have actually enjoyed food most when I have been at a healthy weight because the food tends to be tastier in itself and also because I have been eating it for the right reasons. Half the time when I am heavy and just grazing, I don't even really taste what I'm eating - it's the sensation of eating which I am craving and not the food itself. So if you really love food, healthy eating is the best thing for you I am just getting back into it and I am enjoying my food so much
Good luck with this programme - don't see it as denying yourself something, see it as being good to yourself...

thank you so much <3 you are amazing guys i'm so lucky because i signed up in this programe
thank you so much <3 of course this helped me alot