Hi everyone, I'm new here.
I would like to share a little bit about myself, so that hopefully I can get pointers of where to go from *here* currently feeling at my most enthusiastic and determined.
I'll start by saying I'm an asthmatic, I've had it since I was a child, I'm now 30 years old. Exercise has always been somewhat off limits to me, as I find/found it very hard to run and not feel like I was borderline suffocating.
(On top of that I've been a deluded imbecile, by smoking since I was 15).
I've recently kicked the habit, and I don't even think about them at all throughout the day.
I've been needing my inhaler less and less to the point I no longer carry it with me at all anymore. (Unless exercising).
Today I finished my first 3mile jog in 33 minutes. And I'm feeling over the moon about it. I took my inhaler 30 minutes before, and once half way in.
I feel like it could be possible for me to one day do the whole 3 miles without my inhaler, and to complete it in one go, no stopping.
My only concern is that reading online people are telling me jogging at a pace of 5mph isn't going to help me loose any weight. Sure it will make me feel better, and my cardio will be much stronger then without it. But ultimately, it won't help me.
I've always been a comfortable 13st for my 5ft 8inch height, but currently I'm 15st.
I'm planning to follow the couch to 5k NHS plan and try to eat no more then 1900cal a day, with intermittent jogging throughout the week, ie Monday run, Tuesday recoup, Wednesday run, and so on.
But what else should I be doing?
I'm a father of an 18 month old and a 7 week old, with limited time. Currently finding it hard to manage my exercise time/being a father and holding down a job.
Any advice welcomed.