Hiya slimmers, I'm on step one of the long journey of my weight loss with 78kg to lose along the way. I have steadily gained weight over the last 15 years and now feel like my body is at maximum capacity so if I don't act now, it's...well there is no if! I've tried every diet in the book over and over again and am now too embarrassed to go to clubs, gyms etc for help! So are there any others out there that have quite a bit of weight to lose or maybe some that have lost a lot, I'm looking for motivation buddies please, anyone that can take a similar journey, their company would be appreciated, we can share highs and lows together!
Join me on my Long Journey, Anyone?? - Weight Loss Support
Join me on my Long Journey, Anyone??

Me! I need to lose 50kg to reach my ideal weight. I'm setting myself a smaller initial goal of 12kg though. I'm currently 111kg so want to get under 100kg for my wedding
Heya, i need to lose about 12 stone, not sure how many kgs that is! Glad youve joined the forum. Feel free to post often, and ask for advice and support- we are a friendly bunch. ☺ there are quite a few people who have lost alot, keep an eye out it is v inspiring!

That is a lot of weight, but it is possible. Welcome

Hi JoAus, I'm new here too, just started the 12 week plan this week. I love going to the gym. It was scary for the first time, but no one takes any notice of me. I do my run ( Couch to 5 K) do cycling some days, and then go home feeling great. Try it out, it's fun. Even if you're not ready for the gym yet, good luck with starting out and we can both do this!
welcome - I would like to lose approx 5 stone ( haven't worked out how many kg's that is). Really trying to count the calories and get myself moving more. I was out walking last night and even though it was fairly dark and quite breezy, it was so much better than just collapsing on the couch. Good luck on your weight loss journey 😊
Good morning JoAuss 😊
Welcome to the Weight Loss NHS forum. It’s great that you’ve joined.😊
First place to look is at the Pinned Posts section, to the right of your screen (bottom, if you're using a mobile) and have a look at the Welcome Newbies thread.😊 there is lots of info here, and links to the nhs12 week plan and also for checking your BMR and target calories 😊 it's important to eat enough so you don't get hungry or feel deprived 😊
If you feel confident then join us for the Monday Group weigh-in. If you follow Lowcal and Moreless (our very approachable site Admins), you'll be notified when they post the threads. The latest weigh-in thread can always be found in the Events section, to the right of the home page. 😊
Be active on the forum, as that's where we exchange ideas and get our daily dose of motivation and inspiration.😊
Enjoy the forum, good luck and best wishes 😊
7wks ago I found I have high blood pressure & the Dr suggested (& I knew what she was going to say) that I try & loose weight!
Well this couch potato has lost 1 1/2 stone on a low carb/low fat diet & I've also been using a cross trainer for 3wks every day for 18mins - it's not a pretty sight when I've finished......
I have to confess that it's been really hard not giving in to my sugar cravings & most Sat nights I'm off the diet glugging wine & eating rich food!!
Good luck with your journey & take it one small goal at a time. xxx

Hi and welcome to the forum. You need look no further for buddies. Everyone on here is with you on your journey. We may not all have the same distance to go but we're all travelling the same road so there will alwYs be someone to encourage and console. Good luck you can do it. 👍
Me 3-4 stone. Lack motivation but need to do this desperately
Hello. I agree with others, when facing a daunting target, breaking it up into smaller chunks and celebrating each success is really important. Best of luck. Well done for starting to try again 😀
Thank you to everyone for your kind words of encouragement! See y'all at weigh in on Monday! 😀
I have another 18kg to go. I have lost 23kg so far. I seem to have stalled at the moment and be constantly munching on rubbish at the mo.