Hello people.
I need to start loosing weight before I end up in a box!
I am super unfit and very much overweight with bad eating habits and lifestyle.
I have tried to get on the road to fitness and good healthy living but it never lasts.
I seem to try too hard and overdo things at the start with the inevitable throwing in the towel only weeks later.
I need competition to start and keep me going and I would like to ask if someone could suggest some groups I could maybe join.
I like walking, cycling, mental on photography, and when I can fit into my wetsuit
(No longer) windsurfing, and canoeing.
I get great satisfaction in helping others but now, ironically, I have suddenly come to realise I am the one needing help!
Please help me if you can it would be such a relief.
Thanks for reading this and all the best to you and yours.