Weigh yourself every day
Weigh yourself everyday? : Weigh... - Weight Loss Support
Weigh yourself everyday?

Yes nearly!
I weigh once a week as weight fluctuates on a daily basis. I try to stick to the same time each week though
Yes. It helps me keep focus and reminds me to eat healthy especially if its increased.
Once a week is bad enough for me at this stage! Any more than that would completely depress me. It would darken my mood for the rest of the day, I fear,
I am sure once I start to lose weight, I will actually enjoy weighing myself and may then do it twice a week.
Not that there is anything wrong with doing it every day,
Once a week. When I was losing weight with 5:2 I weighed myself the morning after my second fast day and then I was my lightest. Now I weigh myself just on Saturday mornings so I know whether to fast one day or two the next week to catch any rogue pounds before they multiply.
There's absolutely no point in weighing yourself every day as if you're young your hormones will cause variations.
Once a week maximum! Your weight fluctuates on a daily and sometimes hourly basis! Sometimes I only weigh once a fortnight and recently once a month. Whether you are on a 5:2 diet or a normal calorie controlled diet, if your overall calories that you are consuming is less than you are expending then you will lose weight, and if your total calorie allowance on a 5:2 diet is 9800 a week split over the week so you eat less on 2 days than on the other 5, it is exactly the same amount of calories as if you were on 1400 calories a day, its just a different way of counting them.
Just remember, if you are working out then you maybe developing muscle which is a lot denser than fat. Therefore I was advised not to weigh too often by physio and trainer at the gym.
Twice a week, Monday and Friday mornings and also on the first day of each new month I weigh and measure and keep a record of the pounds and inches lost. I find if I weigh every day it influences my mood too much.
Every day! I know weight fluctuates so I expect it to go up and down. I only record it when it goes down. If I weigh once a week and haven't lost I feel disappointed.
Weighing once a day will make you discouraged. Weight can go up and down from day to day. Pick one day a week and weigh in on that day at the same time.
I used to weight myself every day when I stopped doing this I started to put on weight. Personally it kept me focused and aware of my weight creating up.
The only negative I guess is when you've been good and don't lose any weight - this can be disheartening.