How do I join the weekly "weigh-in" programme, please?
Weigh-in: How do I join the weekly... - Weight Loss Support

😊 it’s just choose the day you want and then follow the instructions for the people hosting it. It’s asked that you reply to at least one person as it’s a support as well as just recording
So sorry Elkenderbar, I was quite late in welcoming you and giving you all the information, please see my response to your first post 😊
Many thanks.
Unfortunately the Group weigh ins close at 9pm to give Admin chance to get all the stats done, Thursdays is open now here

Welcome Elkenderbar great name!
You need to lock your post. You should see a box about who can see your post. It defaults to "anybody" and you need to set it to only folk in your community. At the moment you can be found by anyone on faceboik, twitter....
We have had a few folk get a hard time from unpleasant people outside the forum. It's not always easy to track them down. A locked post is a safer post.
That said, try out the various buttons and links in the New starter message from Admin it takes a bit of reading but is well worth it.
Good luck on your journey, I look forward to seeing you around the forum!

I see IndigoBlue gave you the link for today's weigh in so I hope you'll join the Think Thin Thursday team. Wishing you all the best
Hi BridgeGirl - any chance I could join the Thursday weigh in?
You certainly can, ftprntz, or you could join tomorrow's weigh-in
What you need to do is join up next Thursday.
The weigh in is open from 9 pm on Wednesday, UK time, for the benefit of our overseas members. You'll find it in Events but, if all else fails, just scroll through posts until you find the Think Thin Thursday post. DON'T clock on write. Read the opening post and all will be explained.
This explains what the weigh ins are about and how to find it
I hope everything is going well. Come here often, read and join in chats, encourage other members and it will all come back to you