Is it just me...: ...or do you reach a... - Weight Loss Support

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Is it just me...

hms7280 profile image
14 Replies

...or do you reach a point where you start missing the 'filling' sensation of comfort foods? This may sound offish but I'm craving something that can fill up and linger in my mouth...and I feel bad coz it reflects that I'm thinking of the weight loss program as something temporary rather that a lifetime change of bad eating habits...

Sounds familiar?!

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hms7280 profile image
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14 Replies
amzjp profile image

Completely know what you mean! After eating my lunch (salad) I'm full but not satisfied and miss that feeling! Just need to learn to get used to it I suppose...! Why is losing weight so hard :(

dawn2501 profile image

oh it sounds so very familiar!!!, i too am trying to get in the mind frame that it is a lifetime change not just a short term thing, not sure whether it's with the cold weather and dark nights drawing in but i want stodgy filling food as well, i have been doing so well for the past 3 weeks but am getting bored with what meals to have/make for lunch and tea. i'm trying hard to get back on track today after reading comments/advise on here.

Good luck x

fenbadger profile image

To begin with yes, but there came a point where I didn't even think about them. I hope you reach that point too. It makes life easier. Just hang on in there.

Penel profile image

Make sure you don't go too low fat as this will leave you feeling hungry, and have some good quality protein with your meals.

We'll be starting on the home made vegetable soup soon, definitely filling.

katedaniels profile image

It does sound familiar, I made a lovely stew which filled me and I was happy with but I really wanted dumplings with it. That got me through last winter and I can't imagine getting through this winter without it. I've found with other things that I crave if I still have them, but not as often, then I satisfy the craving but don't go overboard so I don't put on weight. Or, if I have overindulged then I'll do some exercise to compensate. A lifestyle change is all about balance, you can still have some of what you crave just in moderation :)

tygridia profile image

I'm on a low GI diet and I have that feeling too. I tend to add a handful of nuts after lunch and it does the trick (careful with the portion size, though). Just try to find something filling and healthy to add as a treat.

hms7280 profile image

Thanks all for sharing your thoughts...well, I come from a Mediterranean background, so I cook tomato stews...they could have okra, peas, green or white beans...lately I'm cooking with minimal oil...yesterday I had basmati rice with okra stew...oh, I also include chicken breast chunks, or lean beef chuncks, or beef mince...I have tuna every now and then...but I think I should have more fish...salad is a daily must, sometimes I make tabbouleh...all with much less oil than before...

My diet also includes semi skimmed milk, 2% fat dairy, bran flakes, eggs...and I also rely on wholemeal pita bread...I fear nuts, but it seems I should take a handful every few days...fruit as well...

When I need something sweet, I take 2 digestive biscuits or a square of dark chocolate...

What do you guys think?

walkthisway profile image
walkthisway2 stoneMaintainer in reply to hms7280

The stews sound lovely - I satisfy my comfort food cravings with soups of all description - something hot and tasty and bulky with loads of veg - with not too many cals. Goes down particularly well at lunchtime when the cold salad just doesn't do it. I have a kit Kat when I need to satisfy sweet cravings - only just over 100 cals but so satisfying. I have lost 17lbs so far - only 25 to go!. Good luck and keep posting x

I have just read a book by Nancy Appleton called Suicide by Sugar where she talks a little about the hormones that regulate the feelings of hunger and fullness. Fructose is the big problem- fructose doesn't use insulin to get metabolized so the "feel full" hormone is not released. So the first thing to do is to see if you are consuming stuff with fructose like soda, any processed food with high fructose corn syrup, or possibly fruit juices or high sugar content fruits like bananas and grapes. And like Penel suggests, don't go low fat- just make sure the fats you consume are good ones like olive oil and some saturated fats that they now have found out aren't the evil everyone thought they were. Fat will make you feel really full. I like nuts, myself because they have lots of their own oil and they keep your mouth busy; they take time to chew up.

hms7280 profile image
hms7280 in reply to

Well, I can't remember the last time I had a soda, I don't like them much...and I also stopped juices since I started the weight loss program...maybe I should cut down on dried fruit though...yesterday I bought raw almonds, I enjoy them :)

in reply to hms7280

Someone else that doesn't like soda! I never have- I remember when I was 3 Mom used to have to shake out the carbonation so I'd drink the 7 Up which was all they had at the beach in Florida on our vacation. The bubbles put me off, and they still do! That could be my earliest memory- hating soda!

margrete profile image

So it's 'mouth hunger' rather than 'belly hunger'?

After a while, as fenbadger says, you just don't have these cravings any more.

hms7280 profile image
hms7280 in reply to margrete

EXACTLY the perfect description...mouth hunger...this might sound a bit melodramatic but whenever I have something sinfully chocolatey and it fills up my mouth (a fondant, creamy moist cake, and the likes), it also puts my soul at it'll take some time for me to re-program my mental state to get over this...

benolge profile image
benolge in reply to hms7280

I don't know if you have tried an app called "MyFitnessPal", it might be a bit techy, but as most people carry their phones around you can use it everywhere. For me I have found that having this app with me all the time helps to put me off higher calorie food (or at least I have a smaller amount) as it uses so much of my daily allowance, it isn't worth it......................... However you may want to indulge every now and again. If and when you do, enjoy it and don't feel bad about it.

Not to get too technical but there is a lot of science to say that when you eat food that you think is bad, if you start to "punish" yourself, you make yourself feel worse and to feel better you'll probably have a bigger binge later on and this cycle can become a long term habit. So by feeling bad or guilty you just make it worse.

Just appreciate it is a process and a journey and like everything else in life, if you are too rigid or too strict and too hard, it won't last and you may burn out. Have goals as they are great and if you don't reach your goal straight away, the answer is not to give up, the answer is to re-assess and learn what you can change to make progress. You only fail if you give up.

Hope this helps.

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