What do YOU eat?: Hi Guys, Could you... - Weight Loss Support

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What do YOU eat?

kez17 profile image
20 Replies

Hi Guys,

Could you tell me what you guys eat through an average day? I want to know breakfast lunch dinner and snacks, it would be helpful as I'm stuck eating the same foods!

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kez17 profile image
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20 Replies
katedaniels profile image

Stir fried garlic broccoli with a roast chicken breast :)

Roast chicken breast with veg.

Chicken stir fry.

Pasta bake (pasta/onion/carrot/sweetcorn/cheese)

Have you joined My Fitness Pal? People on there can have open diaries so they're good for ideas. If you do sign up feel free to add me Katedaniels1985, my diary is open.

A lot of people on MFP seem to have fruit with some yogurt as a healthy snack, but be careful with which yogurt you get.

kez17 profile image
kez17 in reply to katedaniels

That sounds yummy but I'm worried about using oil to cook the chicken and stir fry,

I have got mfp but I don't follow people on it I only really use it to log my food

katedaniels profile image
katedaniels in reply to kez17

You could roast the broccoli and garlic instead and use the 1 cal cooking spray, it's 1 cal per spray, you will need a few sprays but it's still better than normal cooking oil.

kez17 profile image
kez17 in reply to katedaniels

Really?:o what's the spray called?

katedaniels profile image
katedaniels in reply to kez17

Frylight, here's the link for info - frylight.co.uk/indexfl.html

Supermarkets sell it so it's easy to hold of :)

kez17 profile image
kez17 in reply to katedaniels

Thank you! How much fat is I'm per spraying thoigh? Do you still lose weight even when you use this?

katedaniels profile image
katedaniels in reply to kez17

I've just copied this from Tesco's website, it works out as 1 kcal and 0.1g of fat per spray.

Typical ValuesTypical values per 100ml-

Energy2142 kJ / 520 kcal-

Total fats54.2g-

-of which Saturates7.3g-


-of which Sugars0.1g-



Yes I personally still lose weight, a lot of what I eat is fried or roasted so this is great for me.

Diana profile image
Diana in reply to kez17

1 cal spray!

I try and have different things in. Breakfast is normally a slice of toast with spread but I do some times have a slice of toast with baked beans or a fruit salad or a small bowl of bran flakes. Lunch is normally a sandwich on brown or granny bread with low fat tuna and sweet corn or another low fat Tuna kind. I some times have a salad or soup with a slice of brown or granny bread or I may have a ham salad sandwich on brown or granny etc. Not very often I will have a jacket potato but I have been known to have one at lunch. I have things like chicken salads, Fish cakes, salmon with new potatoes /veg etc for tea. Some times have pasta etc as well. Snacks are normally fruit I have plenty in but odd time I may have a cracker or low fat biscuit or some nuts etc. Once a week I have a small amount of chocolate or sweets. With my tea I have a low fat yougurt, rice pot etc. Drink wise I only have tea/coffee with skinny milk or orange juice, Squash or water plain or flavoured. I don't have fatty drinks or fizzy pop.

Diana profile image
Diana in reply to

Fruit, one piece, poached egg on toast for breakfast, or nut butter, I teas poon on toast, lunch normally small roll, with protein, bag of unsalted crisps, snacks, small bar of chocolate, or fruit.

Dinner, one portion of protein, 100g , veg, one or two, about a heaped tablespoon of carbs, and a few raw carrots in the evenings!

chunkymum profile image

One of my favourites is veggie fajitas. I use a low calorie oil spray to stir fry some onions, mushrooms, tomatoes, peppers, courgettes and any other veg I've got in. I sometimes add quorn pieces (I'm vegetarian so you could use chicken if you're not but I believe quorn is lower in fat). You could 'sweat' the onions in a little water to soften them instead if you don't have low calorie oil. I mix in some fajita seasoning (or you could use fresh chillies (or chilli poweder), paprika and veggie stock cube if you don't have this. I make some salsa using tinned tomatoes, chilli, onion and peppers so I don't have all the sugar and calories of shop bought. You can then wrap this mix in a tortilla wrap (you can get smaller ones or branded reduced calorie ones if you want to be extra virtuous).

I also make a veggie hot pot from stock, onions, carrots, mushrooms and whatever else I fancy adding. You can add red lentils to up the protein and make it quite thick and filling.

Both these are great when you feel like comfort food without resorting to stodge.

I don't like diet drinks as the artificial sweeteners make me feel ill, so I have a lot of fizzy water with slices of lemon or lime. A good tip I got from another website was to cut lemons and limes in to wedges then freeze them. That way you don't end up throwing out loads of part used fruit and have a stock of fruity ice cubes. I've found this really works for when I am bored with drinking plain water.

Hope this helps

mancbird profile image

My breakfast is generally porridge.

Lunch is baby leaf/tomatoes/cucumber/sweet corn/feta cheese with a wholemeal sandwich of ham/tuna/salmon/chicken.

Beans and wholemeal toast.

Soup and wholemeal toast.

To this I usually add fruit....pear, apple, banana, grapes, pineapple, cherries, any berries.....and a yogurt.

For tea I usually have chicken rogan josh curry, chilli con carne, chicken stir fry, chicken and veg wraps, spaghetti bolognaise, spicy chicken with salad/baby new potatoes.

I always try to get a good mix of protein, carbs and fruit/veg at every meal.

I drink 3 to 4 litres of water with a splash of via to and lemon

I have a sweet tooth so try to have a small treat at night. Kids chew. Small crunchie. Small ice cream.

Big tea drinker but have cut this down.

Don't do alcohol.

I am a hot and icy food liver so my teas give me this fix!! I add Cajun spice to my chicken!

Not very exciting but I eat what I like. That way I don't eat what I shouldn't. Meals should be about eating healthy......but what we like.....to avoid boredom etc

kez17 profile image
kez17 in reply to mancbird

How do you guys cook your chicken? Do you fry breasts?

mancbird profile image

I cook everything in a little olive poil in my wok!! My wok is my most used kitchen implement lol. Most of my meals include chicken.

kez17 profile image

Are you worried about the fat in the oil? Or is that me taking things too far? Do you still maintain weight loss even though you're using oil?

mancbird profile image

I reckon in moderation is fine.

chirpy1 profile image
chirpy1Restart Jan 2024

Porridge for breakfast.

Lunch - mainly different salads eg tuna, crab, salmon or chicken.

Evening meal - anything not fried eg baked potato and chilli, pasta meal or even a Sunday roast.

Snacks vary - choose one

Low fat yoghurt

low fat ice cream

Suger free jelly

Sugar free angel delight

Low fat cheese and ryvita

Cottage cheese and ryvita

A meringue nest with fruit and plain low fat yogurt

Chocolate/yoghurt flavoured corn thin biscuit

Yoghurt filled fruit lollies (tesco)

Must have


I also have 1/2 pt skimmed milk for tea and coffee.

Alcohol (only at a weekend)

No cola

tootsiepops profile image

I have either porridge with frozen berries, or 1 large egg, boiled, poached or scrambled on 2 dark rye Ryvita for breakfast.

Chicken veg soup or mushroom omelette for lunch.

Baked chicken or fish with steamed veggies for dinner.

2 snacks a day, usually a fruit.

I use frylight on occasion. My diet is simple and clean, its easier for me to stick too. I eat 1200/1300 Cal's per day, do 30 mins walking everyday, cycling and lift weights 3 times a week and have lost 10lbs in 8 weeks.

If I succumb to temptation and indulge in a cake I allow for it, in my daily calorie allowance. Thankfully I don't indulge very often lol

Windswept1 profile image

Don't get too hung up about oil. Just use a small amount and count the calories in it. - But do use good oils like olive etc.

DulcieLorna profile image

You still need a little fat in your diet. The 1 calorie spray is handy and you get some in the food naturally. If you need to add fat use rapeseed oil or olive oil and measure carefully.

If you use my fitness pal it will show you how much of each food group you are eating. As long as it adds up to your daily calorie allowance you will lose weight, then think health and stick to daily allowance of each food group the doctors are saying we need to be healthy. Newest feeling is avoid sugar and refined carbohydrates as they go straight to energy (calories to use as fuel) If you don't use them they are stored as fat.

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