Inspiration needed to break bad habits, which usually involve coffee with biscuits
Day 1 for me :) : Inspiration needed to... - Weight Loss Support
Day 1 for me :)

I am starting today too, have you for much to lose?
Well done ! I weigh 11st 6lb and want to get to 10st1lb so not loads but I have been trying for ages but can't get motivated. I really didn't want to pay and join a club because I know what I need to change, it's just a bit of support along the way and motivation (and self control ). Do you have much to lose?
Hi, it is my first day too. I have 2 st to loose and don't know where to start. I have been a yoyo dieter all my life but I would love to feel in control and find a long term solution. Should we do the Monday weighing together?
Sounds good to me I too have been on many diets over the years and really disappointed with myself for not eating healthily when I got to my target weight. So back to the beginning AGAIN !
Easiest thing is to remove temptation. My bad habit was sweets while the TVs on. To avoid this I have my shopping delivered as I cannot walk around a shop and avoid the sweet section, this way they're not in the house so I can't easily access them, if I want a sweet I walk to the shop and buy a single sweet and go the long way around so the calories from the sweet are used up by the effort of buying it. Avoid buying biscuits, if you have them at home and at work try first cutting them out from home, if I cut out something completely I then start to crave it which leads to a binge, if you can go cold turkey, even better.
Identify what leads to the bad habit, in this case the biscuit goes with the coffee, can you cut back on the coffee? Is the coffee another bad habit? Is it a social thing? Is it an 'I need this to feel human' thing? If you can identify the cause then you can identify ways to avoid the triggers, some days will be easier than others and having a biscuit isn't the end of the world, just find where you can cut back a little, then find somewhere else and so on until you've managed to cut them out.
Good luck
Thanks for the tips. It's my turn to buy the biscuits this week at work so I've started already, I bought 2 packs, one of them richtea fingers which are a fraction of the calories compared to the choc hobnobs I usually steps, but it's a start
Yesterday was day 1 for me too- I weigh 12 stones 10 and need to get to no more than 11 stones. All went well until the evening when I allowed myself one small cake and ended up eating four without really thinking. Evenings are my problem really- any ideas on other things to do to wind down (without leaving the house as I'm in charge of small children)/less calorific comfort foods? Could I join your Monday weigh ins?
Why don't you fill your fridge with healthy treats. Yesterday I had a bowl of fresh strawberries. It's a good way to snack on something good. I read somewhere that it takes about a month to lose a sweet tooth! When I really crave for sugar, i drink a small glass of low sugar drink.
I found that the calory counting is also helping as you realise quickly how many calories are in a small portion of cake. I use fitness pal on my phone.
I just started again yesterday after stopping because of a miscarriage but I think that this program work if you stick to it for a while. It then get easier when cravings are gone. we can weigh in together on Mondays. I have 2 stones to lose.
Thanks. I've taken your advice and done a big fruit and veg shop so there's lots to eat without hitting the cakes. I'm going to wash and chop veg sticks/strawberries etc so it's easy to pick at them. Fingers crossed. Having never dieted before I think I need to change a lot of habits. I seemed to be able to eat anything without gaining weight when I was younger and the pounds have crept up on me over the last 5-10 years. I'm hoping that with a bit if guidance I can lose them more quickly than I gained them.