hi all i have just signed up to what i hope will be my saviour in this long journey. i have at least 8 stone to loose and make me and my daughters proud. so all advise and support will be appriae and given back. xx
new to site: hi all i have just signed... - Weight Loss Support
new to site

Hi I have just joined too. I am overweight with a lot to lose. I think it helps to have goals. My daughter is getting married in five months and I am hoping to lose a couple of stone.
Aztecchic we can do this together .i want to lose weight so my children can be proud o me
and to be healthy too.keep a daily chart of what you eat and your daily exercise routine.it could be a great inspiration and a challenge to not let each other win.what do you say.!!
Hi there. Yes I will buddy up. Sorry for delay. Been away for a few days. Bournemouth bay 5k. Seem to have put a couple of pounds on over the weekend!
Dont worry.i ate a lot of cake on mothers day.made up for it by doing 2hrs at the gym
today.walked 4miles.played with my little onein the park after school and went bike riding with the local council cycling team for 1hour.it sounds like a lot but i need it.well done on doing sooo much over the weekend.
I did 2 hours at the gym on Tuesday. Hey, 4 miles is great!. I try to do 5k on the treadmill a few times a week. Altogether my target is12-15k a week. Bike riding that's a great idea, my bike is rather neglected in the garage! Yes, I use myfitnesspal for logging what I eat and daily exercise. I've been in Manchester visiting parents so got to top up the exercise routine on Monday. Good on you getting exercise with your little one. I ran Bournemouth Bay with my daughter last week.
Hi only joined last week good luck and welcome.
Hi there ive just joined and also want to loose 8 stone! hoping this site will spur me along.
Have you had a look at the 12 week NHS weight loss programme? It's a good place to start.
I've had a bit of a hiatus this last quarter. This is going to be the year I get to mid-range of a healthy BMI, as looking at the padding I have left that's where I belong (definitely not at the lower end, I'm not meant to be 'thin') What I have achieved these last few months is maintaining my weight, having taken a couple of years to gently get from obese to healthy BMI - and that's great. But it has shown me that calorie counting is an important tool for me if I want to lose more.
NHS C25K is a fabulous way to increase your activity levels and boost your mood (and the latter really helps with keeping the motivation to get the eating right)
Good luck everyone!
Please watch this BBC Horizon programme, "Eat, Fast and Live Longer" vimeo.com/54089463 which honestly changed my life. I struggled to lose weight previously and always put it all back on again and more, but with this way of eating I lost the weight I needed to (three stone in six months) and have kept it off nearly a year. I also now have far more energy than I used to and even started running last year - the NHS Couch to 5k running programme - and I was 63 then!
Please watch the programme and then I'll answer any questions you have. It has changed so many lives, men and women, and they have lost more weight than you want to.
Hi this time. I've just signed up too. I have about 7 stone to loose - I've already lost around 1.5 stone with slimming world but I've drifted - again! If you or anyone would like to buddy up and private message then please do so - I think I need to as trying to loose weight alone just isn't working for me so if there's any takers feel free
Give yourself small realistic goals rather than the end target. You don't need a diet but a long term eating plan that will work for you good luck!
I did my first session yesterday after finding the site - I never thought I would make it through but I did - and I feel that I've really achieved something - I've scheduled in my next sessions - don't really want to call them runs yet as it was a bit of a shuffle/jog!! I'm going to have a look at the weight loss site now - I wouldn't worry too much about how much weight you would eventually like to lose - just keep doing the sessions and make small changes to your diet - that's what I'm going to try - move more rest less is my mantra
thank you to you all so nice to have people who know the difficulties and just saying its not that hard when really it is if for 90% of yourlife you have had weight issues. that puppyfat syndrome as a kid yeh thanks for that one lol. still i was once 9 st but looked gaunt so my target is for 10 to 10 and a half were i will feel happy healthy and hopefully sexy again mmmmm or am i just to old for all that.LOL anyway small goals so here is to my first half stone weigh in on monday as mum day treat is meal out though will watch what i have as you can tell i am a chatterbox but will be a helpfull and encouraging buddy just not good with myself . have a good day all i am off to spend quality time with my eldest beautiful girl.
i have about 8 or 9 stone to lose but i have already lost about 20lbs. My advice would be don't fall for any gimmick diets. The nhs plan suggests 1400 calories a day for a woman and 1900 for a man but you may find that you are more comfortable following a more personalised diet. If you have an android phone try "my meal mate" it's an English app and will calculate your target calories based on your statistics which will reduce very slightly when you put in your new weight each week. For example to lose 2lb a week I get 1840 calories which is a lot easier than 1400. I reckoned as this will take at least a year and probably nearer 2 years I couldn't do anything that involved being too strict or starving myself on any days. If you want to keep it simple 1400 a day will do you no harm
Once you have decided on your calorie allowance then make sure you record everything that passes your lips! If you need reading glasses carry them everywhere. Manufacturers use some clever tricks to make you think stuff is less fattening than it is.
weigh yourself weekly or fortnightly NEVER WEIGH YOURSELF EVERY DAY it will give you false messages cos everyone's body carries different fluid levels from day to day
Eat healthy food but don't deny yourself a few treats just make sure you count the calories, if you have a bad day don't stop counting, count it all and see if you can cut back for a few days after. WRITE EVERY THINK DOWN AND COUNT IT BEFORE YOU PUT IT IN YOUR MOUTH it will help you resist heavy fatty stuff and will stop you forgetting to count some stuff never leave it till the end of the day.
Try to keep active, swimming walking gardening housework all count.
Good luck there are plenty of us on here. Some have done it several times before so make sure you are learning as you go so you can keep it off for life!
5:2 is not a gimmick diet and has had brilliant results for thousands who are now keeping it off. It's the first diet that has ever worked for me - and didn't cost me anything either.
hi i wish you all the best and every success.this time next year
you will ook back and say..yes i did it.no pain no gain