Who is starting 24 Feb on week one? - Weight Loss Support

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Who is starting 24 Feb on week one?

rebelsteps profile image
31 Replies
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rebelsteps profile image
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31 Replies
rebelsteps profile image

I know that I am and starting at 185 head down from here.

Sammykay1 profile image

Hello rebelsteps, this is my first week as well, according to the BMI I needed to lose 6 stones. I exercise regularly 4-5 times a week doing kettlebell DVDs and eat healthish, my problem is not eating enough some days and then on other days I have no portion control. I a bit worried about restricting my calories so much as I did that b4 and was starving all day but kept with it and didn't lose a thing. Hoping this 12 week plan will help.

rebelsteps profile image
rebelsteps in reply to Sammykay1

yea I am having to learn new habits and undo some long ingrained things, so I understand. I don't like the feeling of being hungry either, but in the past I have had veg on hand to snack on when I am felt hungry.

Swedegal profile image

Hej Rebelsteps! I dabbled a bit with the 12 week plan but was really just getting to know how to figure out calories and such. So my friend and I are starting over with week 1 today as well. I'm down from last week 1.2 lbs. Not a great loss but I'm happy with it. Good luck to you and keep your head up, you are going to do good things for your health! :-D

rebelsteps profile image
rebelsteps in reply to Swedegal

it may not be a great loss but you should be totally happy with it since slow and steady is the way to lose then you can keep it off

Swedegal profile image
Swedegal in reply to rebelsteps

Hej rebelsteps! I am very happy and did a little dance after getting off the scale yesterday. :-D I see that you use fitwatch? I will check that out. Thank's for the tips. How is it going for you? This morning I decided that I would cut down on my breakfast and so far am doing well, though I do find myself feeling a bit hungry. Lunch will come soon enough. :-D

rebelsteps profile image
rebelsteps in reply to Swedegal

what are you eating for breakfast? Try something with lots of fibber, and carry some celery to snack on, it takes more calories to eat then it has so is a win. I am glad you did the happy dance. I only use fit watch for it's calorie counter. Hope the rest of the day has gone well also

rebelsteps profile image
rebelsteps in reply to Swedegal

myfitnesspal.com/ is ok for that but I like fitwatch.com/ for finding out the calories in any dish

Blanket profile image

Hi Rebelsteps. I started looking at it last week but this is my first week of really trying to follow the plan. I need to lose about 2 stone. I have already lost about 2 stone (gradually over the last year and a half). I'm hoping the 12 week plan (and the couch to 5k/strength exercises) help keep me on track. I only joined the forum the other day in the hope that all the members keep me motivated too! Good luck with your first week!!

rebelsteps profile image
rebelsteps in reply to Blanket

yea good luck to you also hoping that this will keep me motivated also. Have you checked out the myfitnesspal.com/ site it is good for keeping track

Blanket profile image

Hi Rebelsteps, thanks for the link, I've just joined - should make keeping track of ACTUAL calories much easier!! Feels like a good start to the week.

rebelsteps profile image
rebelsteps in reply to Blanket

yes it does and it is also easy to add foods if you find some not on there, but there is tons already

jo12 profile image

Today is my first day of the 12 week plan. I did the plan last year and lost 2 stone in the 12 weeks but after gradually putting half a stone back on especially over Christmas. I need to pull my finger out and get back on it. Want to lose at least another stone.

rebelsteps profile image
rebelsteps in reply to jo12

good to know it works

Jolewo profile image

Hi there,

I've started today too! I've tried to lose weight in the past and really struggled so went to GP and I was diagnosed with PCOS which makes it hard for me to lose weight (who knew?!)

Anyway, I need all the help I can get. I was just wondering if you all check in with each other? To mark each others progress each week. It'd be nice if we could do that, let me know.

I've just weight myself and I need to lose 1 stone 6lbs so here goes nothing...

Shellbell03 profile image
Shellbell03 in reply to Jolewo

Hi. I'm also the same, have had PCOS for about 5 years and struggle with my weight.

I would be interested in catching up every week on how we have done. I've never meet someone with the same condition and situation as me.

Let me know :)

rebelsteps profile image
rebelsteps in reply to Jolewo

yea checking in is a good idea we can start a thread or are you using the myfitnesspal.com/ it seems to be more user friendly and has a daily diary that all your friends see. Let me know if you join and I will friend you

Shellbell03 profile image
Shellbell03 in reply to rebelsteps

I am using my fitness pal app. Finding it really useful so far.

Shellbell03 profile image

I'm starting week 1 this week. I started counting calories last week and have been using my fitness pal app to put in my meals. I'm worrying that I'm not eating enough calories. Both the weight loss guide and my fitness pal say we should be eating about 1,400kcal a day. I am roughly eating about 900 calories a day. Anyone able to give some advice please?

I started healthy eating and calorie counting last Friday so been giving it a good for a few days.

rebelsteps profile image
rebelsteps in reply to Shellbell03

my calorie goal is only 1200 a day. how much weight are you trying to loose? What is your activity level at already? both are variables. I am rebelsteps on there also if you want to friend me feel free

Shellbell03 profile image
Shellbell03 in reply to rebelsteps

I just had a look at my fitness pal account and I think I have the settings wrong. I'm trying to lose 2 stone to start with. I have a month to lose some weight before I have a check up at the doctors.

To be honest as I said I'm not even hitting the 900.

My activity level is ok, I work and am walking around a fair bit during that time. Trying to do excises or walks at least once a day.

rebelsteps profile image
rebelsteps in reply to Shellbell03

ok to check your levels "Log in on main site not an app Click my home , then settings , then update diet/fitness profile If your daily activities is set to sedentary then it's fine to log everyday chores as extra exercise BUT if your daily activity is set to lightly Active don't only log extra exercise ie bike ride Gym swimming or brisk walk outside of normal daily activity Hope this helps you Don't want you to be mislead by exta exercise calories when they have already been considered in your MFP plan" this was sent to me it might help you too.

Shellbell03 profile image
Shellbell03 in reply to rebelsteps

So if I change it to sedentary, and then log my walks or activities that would be better? Sorry slightly confused,... Doesn't take much to make me confused.

rebelsteps profile image
rebelsteps in reply to Shellbell03

well where you sedentary before? which one describes you? if you were sedentary (sitting around mostly) then I would change it. The activities if they are changes should be counting, but if they are not new then don't add them. That was the advice given to me. Hope that helps

Shellbell03 profile image
Shellbell03 in reply to rebelsteps

No i wasn't. I'm a teaching assistant and on my feet walking around all day so I had it at lightly active. It didn't seem to make my calorie count go down though. I felt it was a higher calorie intake than it should be.

rebelsteps profile image
rebelsteps in reply to Shellbell03

being a teacher I agree it is light activity. Not sure that I can help with that, post a question there. I do know that not enough calories a day or the wrong kind of calories put the body into a starvation type mode so that it hordes them. So to little might be a real issue, I would Google it.

Shellbell03 profile image
Shellbell03 in reply to rebelsteps

Put a question on here and some really nice people answered.

Going to try and hit the target every day for a few weeks and see if there are any weight changes.

rebelsteps profile image
rebelsteps in reply to Shellbell03

cool glad you got your answer sorry I couldn't help

Shellbell03 profile image
Shellbell03 in reply to rebelsteps

You were fantastic

asics profile image

Hello! I started today! Day 1 week1. I weighed myself and measured waist and it's off I go! I put on last week so now have between 26 and 33 pounds to lose. Did a fast day (doing 5:2) and it felt good. Good luck everyone!

Dingbat profile image

Started week 1 on 24 Feb - weigh 76 kg and need to lose 8kg for starters. Trying to get more active whilst watching my food. Using the fat secret app rather than my fitness pal & so far so good.

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