hi am new to site, am desperate to ... - Weight Loss Support
hi am new to site, am desperate to lose weight, know it will b a long slog as need to lose 10 stone, any help or tips would b good thnks

Start to write down what you eat, and calorie count. Look up your basal metabolic rate and use that as a guide to how many calories you need a day, ie don't starve yourself completely. Try to eat low fat and read the labels of the food you are eating. Try to eat low fat and low GI foods, which will keep the calories and fat down but keep you feeling fuller for longer. And don't give up on yourself, even if it doesn't go to plan one day.
Use a smaller plate. That way your potions will seem the same size, but they are smaller! Also cut out sugar and use Splenda. If you think you're hungry, drink a glass of water and that will help fill you up.
But as the previous person said, LOW FAT, Rice Krispies or porridge for breakfast. Skimmed milk. Muller Lite yogurts are the best. Try to go for a short walk every day. Hard I know ... But once the weight starts to come off it gets easier.
Cut out wine! Drink gin or vodka and slimline. You can have 2 for every glass of white wine! Red isn't so bad as not so sweet.
You will plateau, but keep going. I've been steady for 6 months, and I know why! But I've not put any thing on!
I was diagnosed as diabetic, so I had to do something. I have lost nearly 6 stone, still got 2.5 to go.
Let us know how you are doing.
Wow! well done LadyBal ... 6 stone off.. good on you

Hi there great weight loss. I am trying to prevent being diagnosed with diabetes and need to lose 5 stone. I just joined community today and will definitely try the smaller plate in the first instance.

Wow what a fantastic weight loss well done you. I have lost 2 1/2 st but have 31/2 to go before I can be listed for a much needed hip operation. How long has it taken you to lose 6st?
keeping a food journal does help. write down EVERYTHING that you put into your mouth. I also have found that walking helps burn calories and I used to walk 3 miles a day (don't know how many km that is :/) I walked 5 days a week and in three months I lost 50 lbs (3.5 stones/22.7kg) I am learning a lot about various measurements from all over. I am proud of myself for this...anyways, walking at a descent pace, don't over do it. start out with 1 mi a day for a week and then 2 miles a day for the 2nd week and then you are at 3. do that for 10 weeks and see where you are. I also use a smaller plate at home and put mostly veggies on it and a palm size meat. You can eat a lot of tuna fish. I eat the tuna in the can with water. I don't know if you have that there but drain the water out and add some avocado, onion(if you like), a boiled egg without the yolk, and chop that in and add just enough avocado to make it just creamy. You can put it on some lettuce and eat away. you can add about 1 oz of cheese as well. great and healthy. I eat a lot of this for lunch every day.
Hi Daylyn, On a car speedo 50 kmph = aproximately 30 mph ... that's how I work it out, so you're doing just under 5km a day (I think) .. maths never my strong point! Good for you with your plan x

that's it 5km I knew someone would know. I think I knew that as well. Because we have 5k walk/runs and others. Thanks
Try slowing down your eating... and I MEAN slowing it down... put knife and fork down between mouthfulls, dont eat with fingers, drink water between mouthfulls, not to make you awash with water, but to aid digestion. By slowing down the food going into your stomach, the brain will be able to recognise when it is full. Which I believe takes about 20 minutes. So, if you are a fast eater, you will continue to eat even though you are actually full. Not explaining this very well, but it really does work. Good luck with your journey and remember, eat little and often, slow down how you eat, eat to live not live to eat. It is hard but you will get there I am sure. i dont know how old you are Annie-66 but dont be put off by going to a swim pool.. there are sessions for people who are overweight and the staff are trained to be empathetic to everyone. Also, walking in the house.. short distances only.. but every step helps. Best of luck.
Hi Annie
Different things work for different people.
I found that cutting down right on carbohydrates, sugar and processed food helped me lose weight. I eat eggs or yoghurt for breakfast, and then things like vegetable soups, good quality protein and lots of different veg, but just a little fruit. I don't eat breakfast cereal, or low fat foods, because that often contain sugar. I do use butter and olive oil rather than the marge in plastic tubs.
Good luck in finding what works for you.
This is one site I found useful. authoritynutrition.com/7-wa...
As Penel said, different things work for different people. I have basically carried on eating what I used to eat but less of it and counting calories using the NHS weight loss plan. Don't consider it a slog but as a journey to a new you. Planning meals & snacks & using smaller plates helped but the most important things were weighing carbs like rice & pasta to get a portion rather than what I thought was one and not getting too hungry to bring on a 'binge'. i have recently come to the view (like some others on this forum), that a protein breakfast is more sustaining than a carb one.
I use very few processed 'foods' and although I haven't had a massive weight loss, (17lb)with exercise I have changed shape for the better very noticeably.
My inspiration was the slimming down of two very large friends who both lost a huge amount of weight to become much healthier, happy people.
Good luck on your journey.
Like Penel, I'm off sugar and have restricted my carbs. It has absolutely killed my cravings. I watch people eat chocolate at work now and just smile. I eat three meals a day and the only time I'm hungry is if a meal is delayed. I keep a small tub of cashew nuts in my handbag for such occasions. I'll definitely never go back to my old way of eating.
Oh, and the first two stone came off in 46 days
Btw, fat is essential to proper brain function; sugar isn't required at all. You can't eradicate fat from your diet but you can lose sugar. And without sugar you can actually get away with eating more fat. I'm not going to say it's easy. You can kiss goodbye to any kind of convenience food, but if you keep things simple... Here is what I ate today.
Three tablespoons natural yoghurt with two teaspoons of stewed plums (no added sugar - I stewed them myself a few days ago to eat with my yoghurt this week and put sugar in the bit I didn't need to make jam for the kids.)
One mug of bolognase sauce left over from dinner the previous night (made with tinned toms, garlic, onions, tom puree and peppers.)
I ate four cashew nuts and a few seeds at break time. Lol, it was all I needed!
Pan-fried chicken breast and salad leaves. (Chicken fried in butter - yum!)
I only drink green tea or water.
I threw caution to the wind and had balsamic with my salad leaves this evening. Normally I have lime juice, apple cider vinegar and olive oil mixed into a dressing as it gives a lovely sharp flavour guilt-free.
If you decide to try giving up sugar, be prepared for a rough few weeks. The first 16 days was awful for me but it has been sooooo worth it. I'm now on day 61 and smiling smugly!